Chapter 156 Back
When Chen Ziran came back, another half month had passed.

He came back in the middle of the night.

Gu Yang was sleeping soundly at that moment.

He tiptoed into the door and woke up Leo who was sleeping in the living room. The little guy wagged his tail.Chen Ziran comforted him and motioned him to keep silent.

Gu Yang slept in the bedroom.Alone, sleeping alone on the edge of the bed, a small lump, looking extremely pitiful.

Chen Ziran sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her thin face with mixed emotions.

During the time he disappeared, he was indeed avoiding her.

He also knew what she had done during his business trip, and someone had told him all about it.He was panicked, not knowing how to face her as if nothing had happened.He was also afraid that he would hurt her again when he became agitated, so he thought of disappearing for a while.

It's just that she didn't expect that in just one month, she would lose weight like this.

Gu Yang never imagined that the person he had worried about for more than a month had returned intact at this moment, and was sitting on the sidelines looking at him.

She hasn't been resting well lately, to the point where she needs sleeping pills for short sleep again.So now she is completely unaware that there is another person beside the bed.

Afraid of waking her up, Chen Ziran went to the guest room to wash up before returning to bed.

Seeing her pitifully occupying the edge of the bed, Chen Ziran grabbed her with a big hand and gently pulled her back into his arms.

Such a big movement didn't wake her up.

Chen Ziran looked at her small face and the thick dark circles under her eyes.There was a burst of distress in my heart.Can't help but regret why he disappeared for so long.

During this period of time, there have been people reporting Gu Yang's recent situation to him intermittently. Although his heart ached, he still held back and did not come back.

This is heavy medicine.It made Gu Yang see his true inner thoughts clearly.

It also made him clear his mind.

No matter what Xiang Nan did, he had to trust her. He had already promised to trust her.Don't make random guesses based on someone else's words and those photos.

Even if she lied to him now, he was still willing to believe her again.

He tightened his hands, hugged her tightly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Yang has not slept well recently, so he woke up early in the morning.

Almost as soon as she moved, Chen Ziran reacted.Tighten the person in his arms, lest she catch a cold, and then fall into a deep sleep.

Gu Yang felt the pressure on his body.Thinking can't keep up for a while.

Carefully turned around, raised her head, and saw that the person who had worried her for a month had really appeared in front of her.Looking at his sleeping face, a hundred feelings came to my heart.The fear of these days has finally come to an end.

"what happened?"

Chen Ziran felt the woman in his arms sobbing non-stop, and woke up leisurely.

"No! Go to sleep!"

Gu Yang didn't think too much about why he didn't come back earlier, didn't contact himself, leaned on his chest, and didn't speak.

"Gu Yang, I'm sorry, I haven't contacted you for a while!"

"It's okay, it'll be fine if you come back." Gu Yang shook his head. She also had things that she didn't want him to know, so she should be considerate of him.You can't play petty temper.

As long as he comes back safely, that's more important than anything else.


The two took over the matter so far and never mentioned it again.As if this never happened.Life goes on.

"I am back!"

"It's just right, wash your hands and prepare to eat!" Jin Ruichen arranged the food and was ready to wait for Xiang Nan to come out.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Xiang Nan came out after washing his hands, and took the bowl from him.

"A good boss, of course, is to know people and make good use of them. If I have to do something, then I will pay them to do it?" Recently, as long as the filming arrangements for Xiangnan are not too late, he often starts early. just came back.He didn't understand why those people wanted to go home as soon as they got off work, but now he understood.There is a beloved woman at home, and everyone wants to go home quickly.

"Then, great Mr. Jin, little girl, I want to ask you for a few days off. I don't know if I can?" Seeing that he seems to be in a good mood now, Xiang Nan is also going to tell him that he will go to another place to participate in a few days A show thing.

In the past, he didn't like that he often went around. Although he seemed to be very tolerant to himself now, Xiang Nan was still a little uneasy about this matter, and he didn't know how he would react.

"doing what?"

"I was invited to a show, so I went there in two days and came back!" Now she rarely accepts those shows except for TV and movies. This time, the person who invited her knew her a long time ago and helped her a few times.So it's not easy for her to refuse.

Xiang Nan carefully watched his reaction.

"Well, okay, when are you going?"

Jin Ruichen didn't react much, as if it was just a trivial matter and there was no need to tell him at all.

"Oh... the day after tomorrow!"

"Well, remember to contact me at any time when the time comes!" His expression was flat, and he was no longer as happy as before: "I'm going to the study, call me if you need anything."

Although he agreed and didn't say anything, Xiang Nan could still feel his displeasure.So after tidying up everything outside, Xiang Nan took a shower and went to the study to find him.

Xiang Nan hugged his neck from behind, exhaling like blue: "Hey! Are you angry?"

"What's wrong?"

Pushing the document in front of him aside, he pulled her into a seat on his lap.Looking at her clothes, an evil fire rose in his lower abdomen.Looking down from his angle, he could just see Hunyuan under his pajamas.

"I don't know who it is. As soon as I said that I was going to another place, I stopped eating and went to the study to read the documents. Why, do the documents look better than me? He said he was not angry!"

"I said it all, as long as you don't do things that touch my bottom line, I won't object to your work. I'm not angry, I just don't think you should tell me until now. I know I used to be a jerk , but I'm already trying to change it as much as possible. What do you do in the future? Just do it! I won't interfere with you."

Jin Ruichen knew what she was worried about.In the past, I really didn't like her as a girl who went to work every day, and hoped that she could stay by my side well.But now he also knows that emotional matters are not what he wants.Since he loves her, he will naturally give her some space accordingly.Otherwise, she will feel very depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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