Chapter 157
"Really? Really I can do whatever I want?"

Xiang Nan felt incredible about his generosity.Unexpectedly, such words would come out of his mouth.He used to restrict himself to the point of being insane.

"Of course it's true. I won't interfere with your work, but I also hope that you will tell me about these things in advance, and discuss with me about accepting plays. I think that any man doesn't want to My woman didn't know these things until she was going to another place, and I'm not generous enough to endure you kissing me with a man in the play."

Non-interference in work is non-interference based on principle, as long as his principles are touched, he will indeed not let it go.He wouldn't do anything to Xiang Nan, but if the people who played with her lost a few endorsements and roles, he could still do such small things.

"Well, good! If I have anything to do in the future, I will be the first to tell you."

"There is one more!" Suddenly remembered something, Jin Ruichen said suddenly: "You are not allowed to have any contact with Wen Hao!"

Wen Hao has always been a thorn in his heart, and it will be uncomfortable if it is not pulled out.So he wanted to control Xiang Nan and his contacts as much as possible.

"But... we are all in the same company, that's all, there will inevitably be intersections in our work in the future. How can we not contact him at all?"

Xiang Nan felt that this was too difficult.Just like this drama now, she and Wen Hao still have a lot of rivalry scenes, it would be impossible if they had no contact at all.

"I'm talking about private contact. But even if it's an intersection at work, I don't want you to have any physical contact in the future."

Thinking of Wen Hao's coveting heart for her, and the last time he hinted at the relationship between the two to the media, he was furious.

"I don't understand why you target him so much. He and I are just ordinary friends. Although I know he is interested in me, I don't feel anything about him."

He muttered about his dissatisfaction in his heart.He has been dissatisfied with Wen Hao for a long time, and he doesn't know why.Wen Hao helped her a lot in the past, but he still treats her like this, which is unreasonable no matter how you think about it.

"Fortunately, you don't have any feelings for him. If you had any feelings for him, he would have been unable to survive in this business."

Although his company has basically nothing to do with the entertainment industry, but in terms of his connections, it is easy to make a star.What if his Wen Haohong is in full swing?If you don't get a show for a long time, you don't have exposure, and it won't be long before you are forgotten.

If she hadn't seen him helping Xiang Nan, considering Xiang Nan's feelings, she would have been unable to tolerate Wen Hao.

"Then should I kowtow in gratitude, thank you Mr. Jin for treating the little girl so kindly!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you..."

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you still have to work?"

Xiang Nan had no chance to say the latter words.

"Leave them alone. We'll just do our own thing."

. .

"Deranged! Desperate! Disregard for human rights!"

Xiang Nan got up early in the morning and brushed his teeth while cursing.

"Hmm...why did you react so violently?" Jin Ruichen heard her thoughts when he got up, leaned against the door, and looked at her with complacency.

"You have the nerve to say it!!!"

Touching his waist that was about to break, Xiang Nan regretted it.Now she can't wait to tear up the man behind her who is watching her all the time!
In short, she felt that she had simply had a hard time.

"What am I afraid of!"

Jin Ruichen smiled like a stealing cat.Looking at his expression in the mirror, Xiang Nan was furious.Drive him out and lock the door.

A certain person has been very shameless recently, and this has made her suffer.

Fortunately, she was going to another place soon, so she could hide from him and rest temporarily for two days.

"I'll pick you up tonight?"

"No need, I'll just go back by myself. I don't have many roles recently, so it should be over soon. I may go back to the company by then."

The play is drawing to a close, and her role is slowly decreasing.

"Okay! Then I'll go first!"

Xiang Nan didn't expect that the production team would be open today and let the media come to interview.

Generally speaking, directors don't like exposing their shooting locations to the eyes of the media.Not to mention the interview.Some of the clips that are usually circulated are for the publicity of the program, and are only uploaded to the Internet with the director's consent.

So, as soon as I came here, I saw so many media surrounded the director, Yin Luo and Wen Hao.Xiang Nan was very surprised.

Yin Luo and Wen Hao have already changed their clothes.I saw that I was temporarily interviewed when I came out.

"These media are really annoying!"

Gu Yang came a little earlier than her.Recently, Jin Ruichen sent her to the set, so she rarely came with Gu Yang.

"How did they come?"

It stands to reason that this film is now a hit across the country, and there is no need for such a way to promote it.Then why did the media come?
"Who knew? The media photographed the two of them starting from the same hotel, riding in the same car, and arriving at the set together, squeezed in for an interview."

Gu Yang gestured to the people who were being interviewed with his mouth.Xiang Nan thinks it should be worthy of Wen Hao and Yin Luo, right?


Both of them have residences in City C, so how could they come out of the hotel?
"Isn't it? Leave them alone, let's change clothes first!"

Gu Yang stepped too lazy to care about what happened to the two of them.Whether Yin Luo lives or dies has nothing to do with her.She also wished that Yin Luo would not live too well.

"How did the two of them respond?"

After changing clothes and coming out, Xiang Nan sat down and let Xiaoli do her makeup, but she was still worried about the interview outside.After all, she and Wen Hao can be regarded as a rumored relationship, if she is also interviewed by the media later, it would be bad if she said something wrong.Because she was even more afraid that the media would drag Jin Ruichen out.

He hates the media.

"What else? It's business, we're talking about drama in the hotel. The director said he's actually there too!"

Gu Yang snorted, only ghosts believed these words.

It's hard for her to say Wen Hao, but as far as Yin Luo's flirts are concerned, God knows what she is planning with whom in the hotel.As for the director, it is estimated that he also wants to protect the reputation of the two.After all, the two are still filming on the set, it would be bad if any relationship between the two is reported.

After all, Wen Hao had just told the media that he had a very close relationship with Xiang Nan.And Yin Luo also broke up with Chen Ziran only a few months ago.If the two of them got entangled, it would be a scandal!
But netizens just like this kind of news. Only this kind of news is explosive and worth discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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