The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 159 Breaking up with girlfriends 2

Chapter 159 Breaking up with girlfriends 2
He didn't know how true or false what the three of them said.All I know is that the last time Wen Hao returned after sending Xiang Nan out, his face was covered in bruises, and it looked like he had fought with someone.But he didn't tell, and no one could ask what happened.

But everyone knew in their hearts that it must be because of Xiangnan's problem.

He didn't know who the person fighting with him was before, but after Jin Ruichen came to the set, he understood who the man behind Xiang Nan was.It's no wonder that Xiang Nan doesn't like Wen Hao anymore. With such an excellent man by his side, I believe no one will look at other men.

The only thing he couldn't understand was, wasn't Jin Ruichen with Bai Bingbing before?Although he did not admit the relationship between the two, the media took photos of the two entering and exiting together several times.

However, he couldn't see that Jin Ruichen had any feelings for Bai Bingbing. On the contrary, he seemed very possessive towards Xiangnan.

Although he can be regarded as a famous director, whether it is Yin Luo, Xiang Nan or Wen Hao, he cannot afford to offend the three of them.Fortunately, the filming of this TV will be finished in about half a month, otherwise, I don't know what will happen. Fortunately, he is shooting and playing this time.Otherwise, some people will directly boycott this drama due to the influence of public opinion.

"Wen Hao and I were just ordinary friends from the beginning. Maybe everyone has misunderstood. Regarding the relationship between Yin Luo and me, I think this is a private secret and I have no comment!"

How can the matter between her and Yin Luo be explained clearly in a few words?Moreover, how can those things be said casually?Unless she wants to blackmail herself.

"Then Miss Yin, can you tell me about you and..."

The reporter wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the director.

"My friends, we are still working now. I thought, what's the matter, can everyone come down and interview? After all, everyone knows that our filming is waiting to be broadcast."

He really couldn't bear to be smeared by such reporters who continued to make wild guesses here.

"Yes, everyone! We are still working, why don't you visit us outside after we finish filming?"

Xiang Nan said what she wanted to say, and it would be meaningless to continue to be interrogated by them. At this time, the director jumped out to stop her, of course it was most in her mind.

What's more, the media knew what they wanted to know, and it even exceeded their expectations. They probably wouldn't just wait outside for them to finish filming. As soon as they went out, they would go straight to the company to write an article for tomorrow's headline.

In this situation, Yin Luo didn't even have a chance to defend himself.No matter what remedial measures she took afterwards, it was useless.

These reporters also knew that they would not be able to ask any valuable topics if they asked further questions, and they also knew that they would accept it as soon as it was good.There is enough information today.So they all put away their equipment and left obediently.

Yin Luo looked at Xiang Nan angrily, never expecting that she would frame him like this in front of his face.And Wen Hao's face was as heavy as the sea, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he could tell that he was very unhappy.

"Okay, okay, don't think too much, pack up your mood, and get ready to start!"

When the director said this, he glanced at Xiang Nan. He thought she was such an innocent child before, but now it seems that he underestimated her.Or is she more unscrupulous because she has climbed up to Jin Ruichen now?
Anyway, even if he is still a famous director, Jin Ruichen is not something he can offend.He didn't dare to point fingers at his woman.All I had to do was open my eyes and close my eyes, and took over the unpleasant article just now.

Anyway, he still had the same idea: there is still half a month left, and the filming will be over.

At that time, they thought about how to make a fuss!
After filming and going out, there was no media guarding outside.

"The atmosphere inside was really weird just now, hahaha!"

Gu Yang laughed, seeing Yin Luo's deflated appearance, she felt very refreshed in her heart!
The atmosphere on the set just now was all sorts of gloomy, probably due to the influence of the media. Yin Luo and Wen Hao kept NGing and restarting, which made the director's face turn green.

"Well, I'm going back to the company, are you going?"

"Of course I'm going! It's still early, I'll go see how An Yuhang is doing."

An Yuhang has been rehearsing intensively for his new album recently.Every day in the company's sweaty dance, dance, and dance!

"However, I really didn't expect you to say so much to the media today without any scruples!"

She was completely stunned at that time, and it was completely unexpected that Xiang Nan would confirm that the two of them had something ulterior in just a few words.

She really admired Xiang Nan.

"I've wanted to talk about Yin Luo's matter for a long time. As for Wen Hao's matter, it's better for me to get rid of it as soon as possible, so as not to drag me into it. Jin Ruichen will be unhappy again."

He has recently become obsessed with a game, and whenever he is unhappy, he will torture her in different ways on the bed. She really doesn't want to experience this kind of inhumane lesson again, so it's better for her to distance herself from the relationship and turn to the bright.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk~~~ What a good wife and mother!"

Gu Yang looked at her with goosebumps.

"The other thing is, don't we just go to another place tomorrow? Just at the juncture of this storm, we went out to avoid the wind."

"It's as if there is no media in other places!"

Gu Yang despised her, unless she hid abroad, she still couldn't escape being interrogated by the media, right?
"Comparatively speaking, those media who have not seen it with their own eyes can communicate well with the media who cannot personally interview the other two."

This is her experience. Those media who have not experienced the scene will never be so sharp.

Moreover, mainly she wanted to avoid being interviewed with the other two people.

When I arrived at the door of the company, I found that there were media guarding outside, embarrassing!I really don't understand why there are people guarding here.Gu Yang still walked to the other side and drove the car directly to the underground parking lot.

"Want to go back together later?"

Before entering the elevator, Gu Yang asked Xiang Nan.Xiang Nan didn't drive, but she didn't know how long it would take her to finish her work.

"No, you can go back later, don't worry about me, I may still have something to do."

"But the outside media"

Gu Yang worried that if she left alone, she would be surrounded by those media.

"Don't worry, I can do it!"

It's just some media. Although she didn't drive, how to avoid the media is a skill that every artist must master.This is not a problem for her.

(End of this chapter)

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