Chapter 160
After finishing his work in DC, Xiang Nan cleverly avoided the paparazzi outside the gate, got into a taxi, and went to Lingyu Group.

Whether it was before or now, Xiang Nan rarely comes here.To be precise, she had never been here alone, but she had come here to collect information at night with Jin Ruichen's company.

With big sunglasses that can cover half of her face, loose hair, and a big hat brim, the little girl at the front desk didn't recognize her as Xiang Nan at all.Still debating whether to let her go up or not.

Except for Bai Bingbing, no woman has ever come to Mr. Jin during working hours.Not to mention such a strangely dressed woman.

If she is not allowed to go up, what if she is really Mr. Jin's friend?Let her go up, what if she is really a strange woman?
Moreover, it's impossible for her to call the president's office above because of such a trivial matter, right?In that case, her ability to work will be seriously questioned.

Xiang Nan was also in a hurry, and already thought of calling Jin Ruichen directly and asking him to come down to pick him up.But also afraid of attracting attention.So I endured it all the time.Seeing the time passing slowly, her patience was also exhausted, and she said directly: "Then, if you can't make up your mind, you can call Lily directly, and I will tell her!"

"Uh... this..."

The little girl at the front desk didn't know what to do, so she was going to listen to him and call the higher-ups to ask for instructions.

"what happened?"

The girl at the front desk had just connected on the phone when she heard a majestic voice, she was so scared that she immediately hung up the connected phone.

"Boss. President!"

The big boss came down in person?
"How did you come?"

Look at the direction he came from, is that the elevator?He came to pick him up himself?How did he know he was coming?

"I saw someone coming to my company in person, but I couldn't wait for a long time, so I had to come down to greet him in person. What happened?"

His sharp eyes swept over the little girl in front of him, and by the way, he looked at her badge.

"Boss...President, this lady said she would go up to find you...I think she is wearing a bit I'm checking."

Under his eagle-like sharp eyes, this little girl finally stuttered and finished speaking.But he was wailing in his heart, he probably wouldn't be able to do this job for long, judging by the president's appearance, he must have attached great importance to this young lady.

"Oh, don't embarrass the little sister in the world! Let's go up first!"

There were people coming and going here, and Xiang Nan was afraid of being recognized.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, the girl at the front desk patted her chest and exhaled, thankful that she had saved her life.

"How did you come?"

When seeing her coming, Jin Ruichen was not only surprised, but also pleasantly surprised.She was willing to take the initiative to come to the company to find her, which was already a big surprise for me.You know, even when they were together before, she never wanted to come.Even if I force her, she won't come.

Does this count as her willingness to admit their relationship in public?

Jin Ruichen suddenly had the feeling of being turned into a full-time trainee, and finally the clouds opened to see the moonlight.

"When I was about to go home, I realized that I didn't bring the key today!"

Recently, he was the one who went back first or he came to pick him up, so just now he suddenly found that there was no key in the bag.

Jin Ruichen looked at her like an idiot, and said in an extremely speechless voice: "I've already changed the door to a password, have you forgotten it?"

She really forgot.

Leaving now, as if you never came, can you pretend that this thing never happened?What a shame.

"Don't even think about leaving when you come, work with me!"

Seeing her intentions, Jin Ruichen hugged her shoulders tightly to prevent her from escaping.

The people in the president's office watched their boss rush down like a gust of wind just now, and brought back a mysterious looking woman, and they all looked at them curiously.The gossip cells in my heart are ready to move.

Only Lily looked at Xiang Nan, very surprised.She had been with Jin Ruichen for so long, and this was the first time she met Xiang Nanlai's company.Not to mention those others.

"Okay, let's take a look around!"

Close the door, put an end to those curious eyes behind him, and lead Xiang Nan to visit his office.

Xiang Nan was not interested in his office, only thinking about when he could go back.The embarrassing thing just now was exposed by him directly, and now let her continue to stand bravely in front of him, she really can't do it!

"You are busy with your work, don't worry about me!"

Knowing that he wouldn't let him go, he couldn't go, so Xiang Nan was quite happy with the situation, ran to the lounge with the IPAD in his arms, and hid himself to watch TV.

If I continue to stay under his nose, God knows what unpredictable things will happen.

It's not that she has confidence in herself, but that she has too little confidence in Jin Ruichen.

When he came to call him, Xiang Nan had already fallen asleep.

Jin Ruichen didn't expect either, but it was only two hours, and she fell into such a deep sleep that she couldn't even wake up.Fortunately, he couldn't bear to keep her waiting, so he was going to take some unimportant things home and do them slowly.

"You are so big, why do you sleep so deeply?" Seeing her sleepy eyes, Jin Ruichen was amused for a while.If fans see her so cute, they will probably be hurt internally.Usually looking at a noble and glamorous woman, when she woke up, she actually looked like this. .stupid!

"It's all your fault, I've been too tired these days!"

Xiang Nan, who hadn't woken up at all, spoke out what was in his heart without thinking.He woke up after hearing his muffled laughter, what exactly did he say just now.

These things, if she is lucky, she will not be able to say anything.

Are you short-circuiting your brain now?
"Yes! It's all your fault, but... I thought you liked me working harder."

Xiang Nan's cheeks were blushing, and he thumped the outspoken man twice.

"Okay, get up, let's go back!" Seeing that she was so tired, he really couldn't bear to tease her anymore.

"Well, you left so early? As a boss, isn't it good? Shouldn't you lead by example?"

Although he often brags in front of himself that he knows people and makes good use of them, that's why he can go home early every day, but she often doesn't come home until around seven o'clock in the evening, so it's not clear when he left the company.

Now look at it, it's only five o'clock, and it's just the time for ordinary office workers to get off work. If he leaves now, won't he be a little too active.

"The lady boss came to check the post today. Of course, I can't neglect the lady boss. The work is endless. I will accompany you today."

"Stop being glib!"

Follow him and head for the elevator.Everyone felt that the boss was in a good mood today, so they couldn't help but glance at Xiang Nan behind him.

Then, everyone was dumbfounded!

Isn't that a big star, Xiang Nan? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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