Chapter 161 Typhoon 1
Southbound is the plane at six o'clock in the morning.So early in the morning, she got up and started to prepare.

Although it dawned very early in summer, Jin Ruichen was still worried about letting her go to the airport by herself.So I got up very early to see her off.

"When you arrive, call me to report your whereabouts according to three meals a day, understand? If you don't do it, be careful when you come back, I will clean you up according to three meals a day!"

Xiang Nan flinched and agreed in a low voice.

Such a punishment standard is too terrifying, and her combat power is really irresistible, so it's better to be obedient.

After Gu Yang arrived, Jin Ruichen was ready to leave.

It's neither early nor late, and he won't be able to sleep for long when he goes back to sleep, so he is going to go directly to the company, just as there is still work to be done.

He turned on the radio and was about to listen to the latest news. Just as he was about to adjust the channel, he suddenly heard the word "Xiang Nan" sensitively, so he put it away and let the entertainment news just play like this.

This is the first time he listens to entertainment news in the car.

What was broadcast on the radio was the news from the interview with several people on the set yesterday.He smiled when he heard that Xiang Nan said in front of everyone that she was just Wen Hao's ordinary friend, and that she also dismantled Yin Luo's platform.

This is his direction to the south.

The weather in August is unusually hot, as if a heavy rain is about to come.With the windows down and the wind blowing in from outside, he felt more relaxed than ever.

He had already started to miss her just after we parted.

"Hey! Boss, why is it so early today?"

At [-]:[-], Lily came to the company early, a little earlier than many people.She used to come early every day, sort out some arrangements, and then help Jin Ruichen make a cup of coffee.

Although she feels unhealthy, her picky boss always likes to drink a cup of coffee every day when she arrives at the company.Every time after she sorted things out and went to make coffee, he would come to the company with her.

For so many years, except when he was on a business trip, this habit has been without exception.

So today, when she found out that the boss came earlier than herself, she was shocked.

Jin Ruichen has a strong sense of time, it is impossible to say that he would come to the company so early for no reason.

"Well, after relaxing Xiangnan in the morning, I came directly to the company. You don't need to make coffee for me. Also, sort out my itinerary for these two days, and I'll take a look first!"

He was used to drinking a cup of coffee before starting work, and today Lily came after him, so he had already solved this problem himself before.

"I don't have any major matters to deal with today. At two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I have an appointment with the person in charge of Xinxin Jewelry to discuss a cooperation project."

He memorized all of his itinerary for a week or so in his head, so every time he asked a question, he could always answer it quickly.

"Understood! You go to work first!"

Cooperation case!

It seems that it is impossible to skip work to find Xiang Nan.

The working time always passed very quickly. After approving a few documents, it was already noon.

Just about to pack up and go to eat, QQ suddenly received a video invitation.

When I opened it, it turned out to be facing south.

After weighing it for a while, he still decided to stay and chat with Xiang Nan. We can talk about the meal later.

"Why didn't you go to eat!"

Put on the earphones, and continue to read those unfinished documents piled up like hills.

"Oh, the plane is late. We just arrived. I just ate something on the plane. It was so unpalatable!" She stuck out her tongue in disgust. If she hadn't been really hungry at the time, she wouldn't have wanted to eat something so unpalatable. guest meal.As a result, now Gu Yang and the others went out to eat delicious food, leaving her alone in the hotel to get moldy.

Jin Ruichen couldn't help laughing when he heard her constantly complaining about how unpalatable the guest meals on the plane were. The originally dull documents, with her company, turned out to be wonderful.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

I complained a lot, looked at the time, and suddenly remembered that normal people should be eating at this time.How do you look at his appearance, still chatting with himself while reading files?Could it be that I disturbed him?


He lied a little, he just didn't want to give up such a rare moment of peace.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard that he had eaten, Xiang Nan resumed his talkative mode and started talking about the annoying weather over there.

"Let me tell you, it's been raining heavily here, and it's gloomy. I heard it's been raining for two days. I don't know how long it will continue. Oh, wait, someone is knocking on the door."

After finishing speaking, he jumped to open the door. Although there was a distance, he still vaguely heard a man's voice.

"What's the matter? Who is it?" He couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"The hotel waiter, I just asked them to bring up an ice cream."

The service of this hotel is really good, but it's just an ice cream, and they still delivered it without any complaints.

"If you eat less cold food, your stomach will hurt again later."

Every time she had a stomach ache for a few days, he used to find an old Chinese doctor to treat her, and it had already achieved initial results, but she stopped the treatment for the past two years, and after the miscarriage I didn't take good care of it, so my physical foundation has been bad now.Usually, I have always forbidden her to eat these cold snacks.Unexpectedly, as soon as she got rid of herself, she forgot the lesson.

"Uh... Well, just this time, oops, someone is looking for me, I won't tell you anymore, I'm offline."

After finishing speaking, within 0 seconds, he quickly went offline.

Jin Ruichen shook his head, packed up his documents, and planned to go to the staff cafeteria for dinner. He only hoped that he would go at this time, and there would be something to eat.

"Boss! Are you going to eat now? When we came here just now, there was no food left, or I'll order takeaway for you."

Jin Ruichen is not like other bosses who put on airs and can't let go of his figure.He has always ate meals in the staff cafeteria with his employees.It is precisely because of his frequent visits that the aunt in the cafeteria dare not do things perfunctorily, and the dishes are prepared every day like those in star-rated hotels.

"Well, I'll trouble you then!"

Just as he was about to go back to the office, he suddenly came back and said, "Lily, by the way, help me check the weather conditions in City S for the past few days!"

Xiang Nan said that it had been raining for two days in a row, and that S city was near the sea, so he was afraid of what might happen, so he checked first to feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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