Chapter 162 Typhoon 2
Checking the weather was very simple. After a while, she sorted out a document and sent it to him.

"Boss, here is the weather forecast for City S that you want! I found out that there have been heavy rains in City S recently, and geological disasters such as mudslides have occurred in many places in the mountainous areas, while the coastal areas may encounter a new round of disasters in the past two days." The heavy rainfall and typhoons may land in the next two days."

It is now the beginning of August, which is the annual rainy season, geological disasters, and typhoon-prone periods. In coastal areas, if a typhoon really lands, the losses will be unpredictable.


Jin Ruichen pondered, city S is close to the sea, so it is not impossible for it to encounter a typhoon.

"Well, yes, I have already called the Meteorological Bureau of City S. The scale of the typhoon this time cannot be underestimated. It is expected to land on the coast of City S tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"En! You go out first, if there is anything, I will find you!"

Holding the weather information she compiled, Jin Ruichen was worried about Xiangnan, who was far away in S city.If she really encountered a typhoon before she left City S. .

He couldn't imagine how panicked she must be!

"Lily, help me book a ticket to S city, the sooner the better!"

In the end, he was still worried about Xiang Nan. Although he was taken care of in S City, he was still not as relieved as he had seen him.

"Uh... how many people are booked?"

Lily didn't understand what he was doing, she just told him that there was going to be a typhoon, why did he take the initiative to run to such a dangerous place?

"It's fine to decide on my own. In addition, regarding the cooperation case with Xinxin Jewelry, you can go to Mr. Li directly. If they are unwilling to compromise, let them wait for me to come back. If they don't want to wait, tell them to go." Find other companies to cooperate with!"

They have been following Xinxin Jewelry's contract for a long time, but the other party has been talking loudly, wanting a little more share. He is in business, not a philanthropist. If the other party is on the current bottom line, he is still unwilling. If you cooperate, you will only be pulled down.

Is it possible that the majestic Lingyu Group will still rely on a second-rate jewelry company to make a living?
Lily's work efficiency is very fast, and the ticket was booked in a short while.

"Boss, the flight time is two o'clock, and it was just in time in the past, but now the weather in S city is bad, the flight will definitely be delayed, and it must be very late when we arrive in S city, do you think I will arrange a pick-up service for you, or... "

If the flight is delayed, the time of the pick-up service is not easy to control.

"No, I'll just take a taxi by myself. If you have anything to do, call me, I'll go first!"

As Lily said, the flight was delayed, and it was delayed for a full four hours. The plane that was supposed to be at two o'clock actually didn't board until six o'clock.

Although the weather was bad, Xiang Nan and Gu Yang went to the TV station to pre-rehearse the program and get familiar with the script.Fortunately, she often participates in such programs, so she gets started quickly.The process was quickly written down.

"It's really great. As expected of Xiang Nan, I can remember it so quickly!"

Fang Lin, the director of the show, is a friend in her circle who has helped her a lot in the past, and she invited herself this time.

"No, if you praise me like this again, I will be so proud."

"Shall we go to eat together?"

"Next time, it's raining so much, I'd better go back to the hotel earlier."

It's getting late now, at eight o'clock in the evening, it's almost time to go back to eat, wash up, and go to sleep.If you agree to go out to eat with them, you don't know how late you will be crazy.

"What about Miss Gu?"

This was the first time Fang Lin met Gu Yang, and he was still relatively unfamiliar.But she always felt as if she had seen her somewhere.

"Thank you for your kindness, Sister Fang, I'll accompany Xiang Nan back to the hotel."

Gu Yang didn't know her well, so naturally he didn't want to go. Besides, she was just asking politely. If she was really rash and agreed, she would probably feel uncomfortable.

"That's a pity. I'll help you arrange a car to take you back to the hotel!"

"This rain is really annoying!"

On the way back to the hotel, Gu Yang looked at the pouring rain outside the window and frowned.What she hates the most is rainy days, and she feels melancholy when she looks at it.

"This road doesn't seem to be the road we went just now?"

Xiang Nan looked at the unfamiliar road in front of him and asked curiously.Before she came to S City, she always lived in that hotel, went back and forth to the TV station, and took the same road. The way back today seems a little different.

"Don't talk about it, it's been raining for almost three days. The radio just said that there is a tunnel on that road that is too deep to pass the car, so I can only walk around here. .”

"Do you do this every rainy season?"

Gu Yang felt curious, she had never seen such a situation before, after all, this is a city, how could the streets be so flooded that cars cannot pass?
"No, this year is particularly serious! Moreover, this typhoon may come in the next few days. After you go back, you should not go out, it's not safe!"

"Typhoon? Will there be a typhoon?"

Xiang Nan's heart tightened, she still had to rush back to filming, if the typhoon really came, it was estimated that the flights would be temporarily suspended, so how could he go back?Although she doesn't have many roles, she can't just be absent, right?

"Isn't it? The weather forecast is broadcast, you don't know!"

Uh. .She really doesn't know.She is not used to reading the weather forecast at all.

"Okay, here we are! Just call me tomorrow morning when you are about to leave, or I will pick you up."

After sending the two of them to the door of the hotel, the driver left without leaving a word.Fortunately, Gu Yang left his phone number at the beginning, otherwise I really don't know how to find him.

"Miss Xiang..."

As soon as they walked into the hotel, a group of people rushed up and cornered the two of them.

"Miss Xiang, may I ask if you and Wen Hao broke up because of Yin Luo?"

"Miss Xiang, did you and Yin Luo break up because she robbed your boyfriend?"

"Miss Xiang, did you already know about the fact that Yin Luo and Wen Hao went in and out of the hotel together?"

"Miss Xiang..."

"Miss Xiang..."

There was a constant stream of people asking different aggressive questions.But fortunately, there is only Xiang Nan alone. It is very simple to satisfy the curiosity of these media while preserving his own reputation.

Respond to these media questions in an orderly manner, neither humble nor overbearing, and did not add insult to injury, and the wording of each sentence was just right.

All the media present were full of praise for Xiang Nan.

The average artist is very shy about talking about these things, and even those who have a bad temper will speak ill of them.But Xiang Nan not only didn't do that, but also had a surprisingly good attitude.The skill of answering questions is also very good.It didn't make people feel that she was deliberately adding insult to injury.

(End of this chapter)

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