Chapter 163 Typhoon 3
Dinner is eaten in the room facing south.After Gu Yang finished eating, he went straight back to his room.I just finished eating, and it was impossible to go to bed right away, so I had to turn on the TV and watch.

It was thundering and raining outside, and the wind was blowing. From her point of view, there was basically no one outside, and there were only cars in twos and threes.Probably the typhoon was coming, so everyone went home early.

The news on the TV is also broadcasting the rare rainstorm and powerful typhoon in S City in the past 50 years.

Residents along the coast have been evacuated.

The typhoon made landfall half an hour ago!
The news reporters on the TV are still sticking to their posts in this bad weather, broadcasting the real-time situation of the typhoon for everyone.

So most of the time, Xiang Nan still admires journalists, always running on the front line regardless of his own safety.It is precisely because of this admiration that she is usually so polite to those entertainment reporters.

They all come out to earn money and earn a living. It's not easy for everyone!
If she can help, she is naturally very willing. Anyway, she can only answer a few questions.As long as it doesn't hurt her reputation, she doesn't care.

After thinking about it, he decided to call Jin Ruichen, but when he found the phone, he found that the phone had no signal, and he couldn't make a call.

It appears that the typhoon has damaged some communication facilities.

If it continues like this, I don't know if I can catch up with the early morning flight the day after tomorrow!
From time to time, thunder and lightning could be heard outside, and the sound of the wind was also whistling, one after another.Hearing that, Xiang Nan felt a loss.

She is more afraid of thunder, but when she is usually alone, she still has to pretend to be strong.

If you are not strong, who will you show your weakness to?
At this time, I don't know if Gu Yang slept or not.Going to find her now, I don't know if it will affect her rest.I was so entangled in my heart that I never opened the door to find her.

When she was a child, her parents told her not to use any electrical appliances during thunderstorms.Xiang Nan has always been a good boy, so after so many years, he still remembers this sentence.I dare not watch TV or play on my mobile phone, so I can only lie on the bed and count sheep, hoping to fall asleep soon.

. .

"Ding dong~~~ ding dong~~~"

The doorbell rang, and at this time, I didn't know who it was.

Thinking that Gu Yang might have come to look for him, Xiang Nan quickly jumped up to open the door.

"Gu Yang... Hey, why are you here?"

The person outside the door was Jin Ruichen, who was completely soaked, and his hair was still dripping with water.Xiang Nan has known him for so long, and has never seen him in such a mess.

Jin Ruichen didn't expect the typhoon to come shortly after he got off the plane.Although there were many taxis at the airport, none of them dared to leave, and all the passengers were hiding in the airport, not daring to leave.He was alone, worried about Xiang Nan, afraid that she would not be able to fall asleep because of the fear of thunder.Someone had to take him away.At first, no one dared to give it away, but there must be a brave man under the reward. Finally, under the temptation of money, a taxi driver was willing to take the risk to give it away once.

It's just that he didn't expect that the road not far from the hotel would be flooded. He was afraid that the car would be scrapped by the water when he drove past. No matter how tempted Jin Ruichen was, he was unwilling to leave again.So he had no choice but to get out of the car and walk down the street by himself.

It was raining too hard outside, and within this short distance of one street, he was already drenched in water.So much so that the hotel staff almost refused to let him in.

" come in first and take off your clothes, I'll put the hot water on for you right away."

Although it is summer now, he still catches a cold easily after being drenched in the rain.

Jin Ruichen didn't say anything, just followed her and went in directly.

Put the hot water away, Xiang Nan let him take a bath first, and send his clothes to the laundry room, please dry them before tomorrow morning.

Just now I saw that he was empty-handed, and he didn't bring any salutes.And I don't have any men's clothing, so I had to go to them for help.Tonight, he can only make do with his nightdress.

Thinking of him wearing his own nightgown, Xiang Nan began to chuckle.

After Xiang Nan sent him the pajamas, he saw his originally calm face, which sank instantly.Looking at the pink nightgown in Xiang Nan's hand with a disheveled expression, she wondered if it was her cartoon one with a bow on the chest.

"You didn't bring any clothes, did you? No, just wear it! I've sent your clothes to the laundry room."

Afraid of his revenge, Xiang Nan suppressed his laughter forcefully.Seriously handed him the clothes.

"Take it!"

Jin Ruichen didn't even want to look at the dress, so he turned his head away.Like a tantrum child.

He was planning to go back to bring some clothes, but he didn't expect the traffic jam on the road. He was afraid that there would be no time, so he went directly to the airport.

To my surprise, the plane was delayed by more than four hours.

"Take it away? Don't you want to wear it? Then you want to run naked?"

I know he is uncomfortable.But the more awkward he was, the more he wanted to tease him.

"Even if I don't wear anything, I wouldn't want to wear your dress!"

Even if he was running naked, he was unwilling to wear such girly pajamas.His fame cannot be ruined just like that.

"Whoever wants to see you running naked, don't come out if you don't wear this clothes, let alone want to sleep."

Throwing the pajamas in his hand on the head of Jin Ruichen who was still bathing comfortably in the bathtub, he turned around and left.Her verbal skills have never been very good, and she can't talk to him every time, so she should not stay and take her own humiliation.

"Want to go?"

Jin Ruichen stood up suddenly, pulled Xiang Nan, and then pushed hard, and fell into the spacious bathtub together with him smoothly.

The bathtub is very big, even if there are two people in it, there is still a lot of space left.

Xiang Nan didn't expect him to do this, so he didn't check for a while, and when he fell in, he choked on two mouthfuls of water.

"Are you sick!"

Climbing on his body, Xiang Nan wiped off the water on his face with his hands, and looked at him with fiery eyes.Like a raging little beast, it looks fierce, but it has no lethality at all.

"Well, do you have any medicine?"

Pooh. .Xiang Nan didn't expect that he could know these popular Internet jokes, and he answered himself seriously, feeling embarrassed for a while.Laughing fell into his arms.

"Well, it's all right now, the clothes of both of them are wet, and they don't need to wear them again later."

He dragged himself in just for this reason?Xiang Nan: "Don't even think about it, if you don't wear it, you don't want to sleep!"

She doesn't want to sleep with a naked man next to her, and wake up in the middle of the night with a nosebleed, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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