Chapter 164 Pink Pajamas
"do not move!!"

Jin Ruichen warned the woman who kept moving on his body in a low voice.

She couldn't help but feel too relieved about him.

After soaking in the water for a while, her clothes were all wet.

Xiang Nan really didn't dare to move anymore.Leaning quietly against him, waiting for him to calm down.

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"Get up! Dry your hair before going to sleep!"

Pulling the quilt away, trying to drag a shy woman up.

"Don't! Go away!"

Although in the end, he still put on the pajamas he carefully selected, but the process of putting on the clothes is really unbearable to look at directly!

"Then get up and help me dry my hair!"

Jin Ruichen also knows how to be kind, she doesn't want to blow-dry her hair, so just help him.In short, just can't let her sleep now.

"Woo~~~ Badass boss, if you get it, you won't be a treasure, so you came all the way to bully me."

She pretended to cry in her mouth, but she got up obediently, took the hair dryer in his hand, and helped him to blow his hair.

Xiangnan's hand was blown by the warm wind, moving through his hair, it was numb and itchy, and suddenly, he fell in love with this feeling.

His hair is short, so it dries quickly.Even though Xiang Nan was so tormented that she could fall asleep with her eyes closed, he still wouldn't let her sleep.Still pick up the hair dryer and forcefully help her to dry her hair.

Xiang Nan's hair grew very fast, and after half a year, it was shoulder-length.It doesn't look as neutral as it used to.But a real big beauty.


"Why did you come?"

After tossing for a long time, Xiang Nan didn't want to sleep anymore.There is no thunder outside now either.Because it was still raining, the room was cool even without the air conditioner turned on.

"I said I made a special trip to accompany you, do you believe me?"

Although it was raining just now and he was wearing a girly nightdress, it still couldn't stop him from being in a happy mood.

Although she really wanted to be hypocritical and say "I believe" with confidence, she still felt that Jin Ruichen was not such a romantic person, so she shook her head firmly and said she didn't believe it.

"Hey, why don't you believe it? It's rare for me to be so romantic, and you are too shameless!"

Knowing that this kind of behavior is too artistic, it doesn't fit his temperament, let alone his age.But he did, and it felt good.In the future, we can continue to carry forward this spirit of women singing and husbands following suit.

Looking at him in surprise, she couldn't believe that he would really do such a thing, but the strange thing was that she wasn't moved at all, and instead asked him directly: "You just abandoned your company and left it alone, really? Is it appropriate?"

I know how busy his company's business is.Originally he left work so early recently, she was a little uneasy, but she didn't expect him to leave work and come to find her.This kind of happiness came too strong, she felt a little flustered.

People say that the biggest regret is that when happiness passed by the door, he forgot to open the door.

And now that she opened the door, happiness also came in through the door, but she found that this happiness was too big, and her room couldn't hold it, and it was about to overflow.

"Don't worry, even if the company goes bankrupt, I can still support you. Don't worry about my company all day long."

What's more, how could his company collapse?She worries about her company every day, but she doesn't work well.Shouldn't other people's girlfriends be worried that their boyfriends accompany them too little?Why is his house a little different?
"I'm just worried that you won't be able to support me, I can eat a lot!"

"It's okay, just treat it as an extra pig!"

Xiang Nan reached out and pinched his waist vigorously.In the middle of the night, there was a piercing and tragic cry!
. .

Xiang Nan got up very early in the morning, and went to the laundry room to get clothes before Gu Yang and the others got up.Fortunately, the service of the five-star hotel is good. Although it is midnight, there are still staff on duty to help her dry and iron her clothes.

It was still raining melancholy outside.It was also very windy.Jin Ruichen got up in her pink pajamas and watched the early morning financial news.When I came in to the south, I felt an inexplicable sense of joy.If it wasn't for the fear that he would get angry, he would have laughed a long time ago.

"Your clothes are ready, just change into the general and let's go!"

Jin Ruichen is obsessed with cleanliness, if it weren't for the fact that there are no men's clothes for him now, he probably wouldn't wear these clothes even if he died.

"I'm going to the TV station to record a program later, what do you do? Is it in the hotel?"

Now that it's raining so much outside, it's impossible for him to go out again, right?
"I'll accompany you to the TV station!"

After changing his clothes, he didn't tolerate Beak's tough request.

The decisions he made were generally unchangeable by himself, so even though he was not very willing to let him go with him, Xiang Nan still didn't say anything.

She is used to his toughness now, and she doesn't bother to argue with him anymore.

Anyway, there is no real use in arguing.

"It's really not easy for Mr. Jin to chase his wife for thousands of miles!"

When eating breakfast, Gu Yang looked at Jin Ruichen and started joking.Speaking of Xiangnan, he almost couldn't lift his head up.

"Are you envious? Are you jealous? Or are you jealous? Do you need me to call Mr. Chen and give him some advice?"

"Oh, no need, our family is a busy person, not as busy as some people! Abandon the company and don't care about it. When the company goes bankrupt, remember to find me. I will help Xiangnan find a new local tyrant!"

"It turns out that you like the type of local tyrants. I remember that although Mr. Chen has some money, his temperament is still a little bit worse after all. Don't worry, I will help you pay attention."

Gu Yang was formidable, and Jin Ruichen's mouth was not too lenient, and the two had a great time fighting each other with each other.Xiang Nan on the side could only listen with dumbfounded eyes, unable to get in a word at all.

(End of this chapter)

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