Chapter 165
While Gu Yang and Jin Ruichen were talking about Chen Ziran, he was throwing a fit in the company!

"What's the matter with this thing?"

The two magazines in Jiang's hands were still in front of Wang Shuo, the manager of the public relations department, and he asked sharply.

"Uh..." Wang Shuo didn't know why, so he took out the magazine to look at it and said, "This is yesterday's news, about the scandal of Yin Luo and Wen Hao going to a hotel. This is a photo of Xiang Nan and Jin Ruichen going in and out together .”

The photos of Xiang Nan and Jin Ruichen were only reported this morning, and it seems that someone in the know provided the photos to the editor-in-chief of the magazine.There are many photos, all of which are photos of the two of them acting intimately together.Moreover, the person who broke the news obviously provided the photos to many magazines.This morning's entertainment headlines were all about Xiang Nan and Jin Ruichen.

Moreover, coincidentally, at this juncture, the two actually went to other places one after another.

But he didn't understand why the president was so angry.He had never been interested in such gossip before.

Is it just because Yin Luo is his ex-girlfriend?

But now the news about Xiang Nan and Jin Ruichen has already stolen Yin Luo's limelight.As soon as today's magazine came out, the two quickly occupied the top of the major search lists and topic lists.

"As the manager of the public relations department, why didn't you intercept this kind of news in advance? This has seriously affected the image of the company's artists."

Among them, the relationship between going around and going around is so complicated that people can get dizzy.No wonder people on the Internet have already said that DC's artists have a weak view of emotions, relying on unspoken rules to get ahead, girlfriends tearing each other down, character problems and so on, which have seriously affected DC's image to the outside world.

He and Yin Luo, Yin Luo and Wen Hao, Wen Hao and Xiang Nan, Xiang Nan and Jin Ruichen, and Jin Ruichen was once with Bai Bingbing.These topics are already very big.Enough to criticize DC as worthless.Fortunately, Gu Yang has not been involved yet.But looking at the current situation, the relationship between Gu Yang and him will not escape sooner or later.

It doesn't matter that he bears these infamy himself, but he doesn't want Gu Yang to bear the unwarranted infamy of these people again after so many years.

That's why he was furious when he saw the news.

"But... this news came out of nowhere. Someone broke the news suddenly last night. We had no chance to intercept the news at all."

Of course he didn't want this to happen.But when he found out last night, he hesitated whether to intercept the news, but the scope of the news was too wide, every magazine had it, so he couldn't intercept it at all.Moreover, he also wanted to rely on this news to suppress the news about Yin Luo and Wen Hao.

After all, Xiangnan is just one, and it can't withstand the fame and influence of Wen Hao and Yin Luo.Of course he would want to hug those two first.

Looking at the president's appearance, he didn't seem to mind Yin Luo's news at all, but he cared about the influence of Xiang Nan's news, he didn't understand.Anyway, Yin Luo is also his ex-girlfriend, so he should protect her first, right?
"In short, I don't care what method you use or how you deal with it. I will give you three days to suppress the news about Xiangnan, or guide the topic of the public so as not to bring any negative news to DC. .”

Now that things have been exposed, we can only reduce the influence as much as possible.The direction of public opinion is sometimes scary. If Wang Shuo can't handle this well, he should be replaced.

"I know.. Got it!"

Wang Shuo knew that the CEO was really angry, although he didn't know why, but he had to act tautly, otherwise he would really have to say goodbye to DC.

. .

Up and down DC, everyone is in danger.The president was in a very bad mood. He scolded many people one after another early in the morning, and even Wang Shuo, the manager of the public relations department who was usually very important, was called to scold him.Everyone else tried to avoid going to the 25th floor, and when they saw Chen Ziran, they would take a detour from afar.

No one wants to look for bad luck in front of him.

"Uncle Yin came to visit in person today, what can I do for you?"

Even if he scolded all the people and things that were not pleasing to the eye in the company, he was still upset. At this moment, Yin Luo's father, Yin Zhengguo, came.Although he hasn't said it yet, Chen Ziran already basically knows his intentions.

"Zi Ran, I watched you grow up, so I won't go around in circles with you anymore. I'm here for my daughter's affairs!"

Yin Zhengguo and Chen Zhen are about the same age, but they may have indulged in sex for a long time, so they look older than Chen Zhen, plus they are fat in middle age, and they really don't look like they can give birth to a beautiful daughter like Yin Luo.

The question of genes is really mysterious.

"Please tell Uncle Yin!"

If he didn't say anything, he wouldn't directly express his guess, but he was more patient than anyone else.

"I don't care what the reason for your breakup with Yin Luo is, and we have no control over the affairs of you young people. But, this time, you knew it was out of nothing, so why did you let it develop and let it go? Such a scandal for my daughter?"

Not long after the news of Yin Luo breaking up with him came out, he was photographed going in and out of the hotel with Wen Hao. Of course, some people would think that Yin Luo cheated first.Wen Hao's fans were already extremely protective of their idols, and when they saw this situation, they scolded Yin Luo even more relentlessly.There were even extreme people who wandered around Yin Luo's residence, so that she was so scared that she moved back to her own house.

When Wen Hao misled the media that he was in a relationship with Xiang Nan, his fans were very gentle and understanding towards Xiang Nan, and they didn't know why it was replaced by Yin Luo, those people were so extreme.

It's just that Wen Hao took the initiative to explain it, and the other was caught by the media.

However, the crux of the problem is that when he asked Yin Luo, it was really just a coincidence that day.Yin Luo just went to the hotel to meet a friend who was visiting from out of town.

Although he indulged in sensuality and lingered in sensual places for a long time, he was very precious to his only daughter and would not allow her to be wronged in the slightest.At the beginning, when she wanted to enter the entertainment industry, she thought that Chen Ziran would protect her so that she would not be wronged before agreeing, but she did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Uncle Yin was joking. I didn't know about this matter beforehand. I didn't hear about it until after the report came out. I have already ordered my subordinates to deal with it within a time limit. Don't be impatient."

Ignoring Yin Zhengguo's anger, Chen Ziran's voice seemed neutral.He is the president of DC, so it's impossible for him to lead the way, right?What's more, I have already arranged for someone to deal with it.

Wen Hao's fans are already strong, and he didn't expect such a big reaction this time.

(End of this chapter)

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