The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 166 A Devastating Scandal

Chapter 166 A Devastating Scandal

Yin Zhengguo has worked hard in the workplace for so many years, how could he not see Chen Ziran's attitude.I also know that it is a bit overreaching for me to come to him hastily.But seeing the baby in his hands suffering from this anger, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.If he hadn't considered his relationship with Chen Zhen as a friend for many years, he still wanted to give Chen Ziran a little face, and he would have gotten into trouble long ago.

After sending Yin Zhengguo away, Chen Ziran called Gu Yang anxiously, wanting to tell her about it, but no one answered the phone.Looking at the time, I guessed that she should be recording a show now, and turned off the mute.So I sent her a text message and asked her to pay attention.

. .

After Xiang Nan started recording the show, Gu Yang set her phone to silent, so she never received a call from Chen Ziran. After the show was recorded, she didn't check her phone carefully to see if there were any missed calls.

When Fang Lin saw Jin Ruichen after recording the show, he was still a little strange. Didn't they all watch the news?Or is everything on the news true?Are the two really living together?

Looking at the sweet appearance of the two of them, Fang Lin thought that they already knew what was written in the magazine and didn't care about those words at all, so he didn't remind them any more.

So much so that when Xiang Nan and his group returned to the hotel, they were a little dumbfounded when they saw the media swarming at the door.

This is more than double the number of people interviewed yesterday.

The reporter who had been guarding the entrance of the hotel for a long time saw the two people and Xiang Nan, and immediately rushed up like a cat seeing a fish, but when they saw the man next to her, they were all dumbfounded. I didn't expect that the two of them would be so bold, and they would appear in front of the media so openly.

It appears that the reports are true. The reporters in City C didn't even get the picture, but let them guard it!

"Miss Xiang, is it true that you and President Jin of Lingyu Group are together as reported in the magazine?"

"Miss Xiang, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Jin now?"

"Miss Xiang, is it because you and President Jin are together that you broke up with Wen Hao?"

. .

. .

A group of reporters kept asking questions, Xiang Nan looked a little confused.I couldn't react for a while.

"Sorry, everyone, these are private matters, and I have no comment for the time being!"

As a last resort, Gu Yang had no choice but to stand up, hoping that these reporters would stop blocking them, although she actually didn't know what happened.It all happened so suddenly that they were caught off guard.

Of course, these reporters will not retreat just because of Gu Yang's words. This situation is very rare now. If they don't seize this opportunity and interview well, what will they use to publish tomorrow's headlines?

"Miss Xiang..."

The reporter wanted to ask something, but Jin Ruichen who was standing next to her stopped the microphone.Pulling Xiang Nan behind him, Jin Ruichen said to a bunch of reporters in front of him, "If you have any questions, just ask me."

Although he hated facing these annoying reporters, since it was about Xiang Nan, he could barely say a few words.

The reporters froze for two seconds, and after realizing it, they frantically pressed the shutter in their hands.

Oh my god, Jin Ruichen, Jin Ruichen, who hates being interviewed the most, turned out to make a name for Xiangnan. What does this mean?It was so explosive, it seemed that he was serious this time.

"Mr. Jin, someone photographed you and Ms. Xiang going to the supermarket together and going in and out of the same community. Are you already living together?"

"This question, I think everyone has already made their own conclusions in their hearts. I can't change anything, can't I?"

Just because he doesn't like being interviewed doesn't mean he will be led by the nose during the interview.Hearing what this reporter meant, someone broke the news about the magazine. Although he felt that his privacy had been violated, he still wanted to thank this person. If not, let Xiang Nan himself admit the relationship between the two. I don't know how long it will be.

"Then may I ask, how long have you two been together again? Mr. Jin, didn't you and Miss Bai Bingbing be together before?"

The last time Xiang Nan was involved in the relationship between the two, and it was very unpleasant. Bai Bingbing also came out to refute the rumors that the two were still together.However, the current situation does not seem to be the case.

"It depends on when you are talking about. Xiangnan and I were together more than three years ago, but we separated for a while because of some unpleasant things."

The reporters present were in an uproar. They didn't expect that the two would be together so early. During this period, no clues were leaked out. If it wasn't for a mysterious person who broke the news this time, it is estimated that they don't know how long it will be kept secret.

"May I ask why they separated? Is it because of the incident two years ago?"

This reporter's words plunged the audience into a deathly silence. Everyone held their breath, waiting for Jin Ruichen's answer.


What the reporter said was the most devastating scandal that Xiang Nan had encountered in the entertainment industry.

It was also because of this incident that she temporarily quit the entertainment circle, and even because of this incident, the blow was too great, resulting in a miscarriage.

Two years ago, when Xiang Nan's acting career was in full swing, a prostitution incident suddenly broke out in the entertainment industry.Some women who are well-fed in both the modeling and showbiz circles were exposed and said that they introduced those celebrities to wealthy businessmen to "know" them, and they paid a clear price.There's also a roster where even some of the biggest names in the A-list are involved.

And Xiang Nan's name was actually in it.

Originally, Xiang Nan strongly denied it, but two days later, some indecent photos of Xiang Nan were exposed on the Internet. Those in the background looked like they were in a high-end hotel. Although the characters in it were coded, everyone still Everyone can recognize that that person is indeed Xiang Nan.

The scale of the photos is larger than that of the XX gate back then.The scandal intensified, and Xiang Nan's unilateral explanation could not suppress the public opinion at all.Because many celebrities in those rosters have come out to admit it, and some even pointed out Xiang Nan.Let her be speechless.

Moreover, at this time, Yin Luo, Xiang Nan's best friend, also came out to persuade Xiang Nan to admit her mistake and stop making the same mistake again and again.The public decided that the matter was true.After all, her friends have indirectly explained that the matter is real.

Xiang Nan has disappeared since Yin Luo came out to make a statement.People can't find her no matter what.It had been two years since she reappeared in the public eye.

(End of this chapter)

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