Chapter 168
In the end, they returned to City C two days late. When they came back, they were still interviewed by reporters, but they were all forced by Jin Ruichen's cold face, so they didn't dare to make mistakes.It saved a lot of heart.In addition, Wang Shuo has put a lot of effort into the media in the past few days, so the reports so far are all positive.

Because of the TV "Beauty Like a Picture", Xiangnan has won the favor of countless fans again. This time, most of the fans are also happy to see the success, and wish Xiangnan.It's just that some of Bai Bingbing's fans still say some radical words fiercely on the Internet.These things, Xiang Nan has long learned to ignore them.

The most talked about on the Internet turned out to be about Yin Luo and Xiang Nan's relationship from girlfriends to breakup.

The breakup between the two has once again interpreted a popular saying on the Internet recently - fire, theft, and girlfriends!
. .

Gu Yang was surfing the Internet at home, watching various topics of netizens on Weibo, and was very happy to read.Seeing Yin Luo being used to make fun of by netizens like this, she couldn't help being happy.

"What are you looking at? So happy!"

When she came out of the shower, she watched her laughing foolishly at the computer by herself.Walk over and take a look to know what she is looking at.Thinking of Yin Zhengguo's aggressive appearance two days ago, and reading various comments on the Internet, he can understand him.

It is indeed too much to say, if it is my daughter who is being teased like this, I guess I will be even more irrational.

Thinking of Yin Zhengguo suddenly remembered a serious matter.

"Maomao, when will you find time to visit my house recently, my parents want to see you!"

When he went back two days ago, his mother told him that he had time to take Gu Yang back and let his father have a look.Although they haven't said anything now, and they neither support nor oppose it, it is still necessary to meet each other.

"Let's talk about it when you have time!"

To be honest, she didn't really want to see his parents.Especially when he had a bad experience with his mother before. It was widely rumored in DC that the previous president, Chen Zhen, was famous for loving his wife. If he knew that he had flirted with his wife, he would not know how to treat him.

She was still very nervous about seeing her parents in the south.

"What's wrong? Don't want to go?"

Sensing the objection in her tone, Chen Ziran was puzzled.It stands to reason that she has met his mother several times, so she shouldn't be so repulsive, right?

"No, you can arrange the time, I can do it!"

Knowing that if he refuses again, he will definitely be unhappy, and in order to prevent him from being difficult to speak in front of his parents, Gu Yang still agrees to go.Anyway, we will meet sooner or later.Early death and early birth!

"Then the day after tomorrow! It just so happens that there will be a small party at my house, and I will pick you up on the set after get off work in the afternoon."

Because I am afraid of being bored, there will be a party at home every month.A few close relatives and friends get together to chat, plus some mischievous little ghosts, it is also very lively.


. .

When Gu Yang woke up in the morning, he felt restless, as if something bad would happen.I thought it might be because I was going to meet Chen Ziran's parents and family members at night, so I didn't think much about it.

She didn't go to the set today, but accompanied An Yuhang to the recording studio.

The new song has entered the final stage of preparation.If there are no accidents, it will be released in two months.

The outstanding players who participated in the draft with him before have also successfully signed contracts with DC, and some of them have released their solo singles one after another, and the market response has been very good.Strike while the iron is hot, and the support from fans is very high.

During the preparation of the album, An Yuhang also received two commercials, which were continuously played on the prime time of TV.It can be regarded as maintaining the exposure rate at all times.Just two months later, the stunning new album will be released.His album this time was produced by a well-known domestic composer himself, and it has already been expected by fans before it comes out.

"What annoyance, why is it raining?"

Standing at the door, watching the continuous rain falling from the sky, Gu Yang became upset for no reason.

Looking at the time, it looked like half an hour before the agreed time with Chen Ziran.There happened to be a shopping mall next to it, so Gu Yang thought it would be better to go to the mall to buy some souvenirs, otherwise he didn't bring anything, so he was really embarrassed to go.

Gu Yang has no experience in this field, and she doesn't know what to buy. There are so many things in the mall that she gets confused.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

What was Lu Jun calling her at this time?
"Hello, is this Ms. Gu Yang? We are the city hospital here."

There was a gentle female voice on the phone, but it could be vaguely heard that the surrounding was quite busy.There were constant sounds of running and people talking loudly.

"Uh, I am, what's the matter?"

Why did the hospital use Lu Jun's phone to call her? Did something happen?

"Mr. Lu Jun had a car accident and is currently being rescued in the emergency room. Please go to the hospital immediately to go through the relevant procedures. We can only contact you now."

How could it be a car accident. .

"I'll come over right now."

Not caring about shopping here anymore, Gu Yang immediately left the mall and hailed a taxi to rush to the city hospital.Although I don't know why Lu Jun had such a serious car accident, but he has no family in C City, only one of his friends is here, and she has to rush there.The party at Chen Ziran's house will only go next time.

Gu Yang was about to call Chen Ziran when he got in the car, but no one answered the two calls.

It was the time to get off work, and the roads in the city were constantly stuck in traffic. Gu Yang was anxious, not knowing what was going on with Lu Jun, so he kept urging the driver, hoping that he could hurry up.

"This is already the fastest speed. There are traffic jams everywhere. I have tried my best."

The driver was annoyed by her urging, and his tone was not very good, but Gu Yang didn't bother to argue with her anymore.

. .

After another four or ten minutes, the taxi arrived at the hospital.Gu Yang took out two one-hundred-dollar bills from his bag and handed them to the driver. He couldn't wait for him to change the money, so he opened the door and ran into the hospital.

The hospital was filled with the smell of medicine.Most of the people passing by were sad, with some painful groans mixed in and out.Doctors and nurses are busy shuttling through various wards to treat patients.

"Excuse me, may I ask the car accident patient who was sent just now, his name is Lu Jun, where is he now?"

After entering the hospital, Gu Yang had no direction, so he had to go to the nurse at the front desk for help.

(End of this chapter)

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