Chapter 169 Boyfriend

"Wait a minute, I'll check for you... He is currently undergoing first aid in the emergency room on the sixth floor."

"OK, thank you!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't even bother to wait for the elevator, so he rushed to the emergency exit and climbed the stairs to run up.

Compared with the hall below, it is relatively quieter up here.But there are still people coming and going.Gu Yang walked to the door of the emergency room and saw the three words 'in operation' on the light, his heart tightened, and he kept praying that nothing happened to him.

"Sister... sister!!!"

A timid voice sounded from behind, and a pair of small hands tugged at the corners of her clothes.

Gu Yang turned his head to look, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "Ailun, why are you here???"

How could her half-brother, Alan Jones, nicknamed Qiuqiu, who was supposed to be in Italy now, appear here, just in the hospital?
"Uh, sorry!"

He ran out of the house secretly, and didn't dare to tell her that he originally wanted to find brother Lu Jun to pick him up, and then went to find his sister with him, so that he wouldn't have to worry about being scolded, but he didn't expect Lu Jun My brother will have a car accident on the way to pick him up.He also waited at the airport for a long time but didn't find anyone, so he called to find out that he was in the hospital now.So he took his own taxi from the airport.

He didn't expect it to be so serious.

"You really are..." Gu Yang didn't know what to say, and sighed.He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Arthur, it's me! Qiuqiu is with me, don't worry. Well, let him play with me for a few days, and I will send him back when he wants to study."

I promised Qiuqiu before that I would let him come to City C to play, but I never thought that he would sneak here by himself, and now the family has already fallen out in order to find him.

She didn't dare to tell Arthur about Lu Jun's car accident, otherwise he would definitely throw a tantrum and beat the ball up.

Even so, it is estimated that this kid will not have any good fruit to eat when he goes back.

"Okay, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Now there is a child who is more fragile than her here, and she can't tolerate the depression of her sad spring and autumn alone. She cheered up and patted his head with a smile to comfort him.

"You look here first, remember to call your sister if you have anything to do, and I will help brother Lu Jun with the hospitalization procedures. Don't run around, you understand?"

Qiuqiu looked at her tearfully, wiped away the tears on her face, and nodded with sobs.

It's night now, so it's relatively quick to go through these procedures. When Gu Yang came back with the form, Lu Jun hadn't come out yet. Although she was anxious, she still had to show a strong look in front of Qiuqiu.

. .

After Chen Ziran got off work, he went to the recording studio to pick up Gu Yang, but he couldn't find anyone there. Only after asking the staff inside did he find out that she had left long ago.I took out the phone and saw that she had called half an hour ago, but no one answered the call back, and no one responded to the text message.

Someone at home had already called to ask when they would get home, but they couldn't find anyone anywhere, so they went back to look for it again, and even looked at her previous house, but they still couldn't find it.I called An Yuhang and didn't know where she went.

As a last resort, Chen Ziran had no choice but to go back to the Chen family's old house alone with a dark face.

Seeing Chen Ziran coming back alone, and saying that Gu Yang was busy with work and didn't have time, Chen Zhen obviously looked upset, but because there were so many people, it was not easy to get angry, so he had to hold back his breath.All the people here are relatives of the Chen family. I heard that he was going to bring his girlfriend back and wanted to see what kind of person he was. Now that he came back alone, I was afraid that there was some conflict between the young couple, so no one Dare to go forward and ask.

A good family dinner, just eating in eerie silence.

After the meal, Shen Hua entertained everyone for other entertainment.Chen Ziran went to the courtyard alone and continued to call Gu Yang.In any case, he was still worried about her.

Now he knows what she was feeling when he disappeared before.It's only been a few hours since he couldn't contact her, and he was already very worried.I started to wonder if something had happened.

This time, the call went through, and it was a child who answered the call.

Chen Ziran looked at his phone, and after confirming that he had not made a wrong call, he asked, "Where's Gu Yang?"

"She's not here, what can you do?"

When Gu Yang went to go through the formalities, he dropped his mobile phone on the stool, and Qiu Qiu saw the phone ringing, so he answered it for her automatically.

"who are you?"

Chen Ziran's tone was not very good, it's fine if Gu Yang disappeared for no reason, what's the matter with a child answering the phone now?As far as he knew, Qian Duoduo was the only friend of Gu Yang's in City C who had a child, but her child was clearly not yet able to speak fluently, right?

"I'm Qiuqiu, who are you?"

"Where is Gu Yang? Give her the phone!"

With a child, he didn't understand what he said, and he didn't want to avoid entanglement with him, so it would be quicker for Chen Ziran to just ask him to give the phone to Gu Yang.

"It's been said that she is gone, how can I give it to her? Who are you? Do you want to pursue Gu Maomao?"

When his family was away, he always called Gu Yang that way.Fortunately, no one knew, otherwise he would be beaten up badly for not being big or small.

"...I'm Gu Yang's boyfriend! Be good, look for Gu Yang, and give her the phone number?"

Although Chen Ziran didn't like the kid's tone of voice, it sounded like the relationship between him and Gu Yang was not normal, so it was hard to say anything, so he had to patiently explain to him.

"not good!"

Seeing Gu Yang slowly approaching, Qiuqiu made a face at the phone and hung up the phone without hesitation.And shut down immediately.

He had heard from his mother before.My sister doesn't have a boyfriend yet, and the blind date is not going well, but the man actually said that he is my sister's boyfriend, he must be lying, so he wouldn't obediently hand over the phone and let him lie to his sister.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"No, you read it wrong!"

Qiuqiu refused to admit it.

Gu Yang glanced at him suspiciously, sat beside him, and waited for Lu Jun to come out together.But she still felt that he had something to hide from her.

. .

When Lu Jun left the operating room, it was already more than an hour later, and the time was already past eight o'clock in the evening.It is learned from the doctor that his life is not in danger, but he may be in a coma for a while due to excessive bleeding.Moreover, there are multiple fractures in the body, so it may be necessary to lie in the hospital for a long time to recuperate.

Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.It's a blessing that no life is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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