Chapter 170 Bear Child 1
Because Gu Yang is always busy with work, and Lu Jun will be hospitalized for a long time, and his family is not in C City.So after Gu Yang put the things in the ward, he asked the nurse to call her a few times, planning to find a more reliable nurse to take care of him.This way, you can feel more at ease when you are working.

"elder sister!"

After arranging everything, when he returned to the ward, he saw Qiuqiu looking at him pitifully.

"what happened?"


It's almost nine o'clock now, and he hasn't had dinner yet.The snacks I brought when I came out were already eaten on the plane.In fact, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.But just now, my sister had been tense, so he didn't dare to say anything.

"Then what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you!"

If he didn't say anything, he didn't feel hungry yet, but now that he mentioned it, Gu Yang realized that he was too hungry for a long time.

"I want to eat KFC... Uh, forget it, I will eat whatever my sister eats."

In fact, he really wants to eat KFC, but his sister has a bad stomach, and her mother has been telling her to eat less junk food, so I better not eat it.

"Then you wait for me. I'll go out and buy it now. If my brother wakes up, you can ring the bell and find a nurse. Do you understand?"

The doctor said that he would wake up after a while, and he would come back soon after going out to buy food, so there shouldn't be any problem.


Qiuqiu nodded resolutely, as if accepting a very important task, and looked at Lu Jun lying on the bed without blinking.

. .

There will be a lot of food outside the hospital, and most of them are relatively light.Because he was worried that Qiuqiu would be alone, and he would not be able to handle any emergencies.A nurse has been confirmed just now, but due to some reasons, she will not be able to come until tomorrow morning, so tonight I am the only one who is guarding in the hospital.

"Qiaoqiu, where is my phone? Have you seen it?"

Put the bought meal on the coffee table in the ward, and invite him to come over for dinner.After she made a call on her mobile phone just now, she didn't see it. I don't know if she lost it.

"I didn't see it!"

"Really? It looks like it's really dropped. It's a disaster. There are many important calls on it."

"Uh... who told you to be careless!"

Taking a sip of water bluntly, Qiuqiu thought about how to put her mobile phone into her bag without anyone noticing.

He still forgot.

When Lu Jun woke up, Gu Yang happened to go out to throw out the trash.Leave the ball alone in it.

"Alan? Why are you here?"

His last memory is that on the highway to the airport, in order to avoid colliding with a car that suddenly changed lanes, he veered off the steering wheel and hit the highway guardrail.

"Woo~~~Brother Lu Jun!" Seeing him wake up, Qiuqiu burst into tears with excitement, and wanted to pounce on him and cry in his arms. Fortunately, Gu Yang who came back in time stopped him, otherwise Lu Jun I still don't know what it will be like to be tortured by him.

Holding Qiuqiu by the collar, he drove him aside, Gu Yang rang the bell to call the doctor.

After doing some routine examinations, the doctor confirmed that he was out of danger, and the next step is to heal the fractured injury.Other injuries, now it seems that as long as they are not infected, they are trivial matters.

Gu Yang did not go back that night.

Fortunately, there is a sofa and a cot for the escort in this single ward, so I just passed the night.

Chen Ziran also stayed in the Chen family's old house.He didn't call Gu Yang all night, and the phone was always turned off.There was no call or text message from Gu Yang.

In fact, at the beginning, Gu Yang still remembered to contact him, but later she forgot when she was busy in the hospital, and she thought that her mobile phone had been dropped, so she didn't contact him later.

. .

In the morning, after the nurse came, Gu Yang explained a lot of things before leaving with Qiuqiu.

Of course Qiuqiu doesn't want to leave, but what Lu Jun needs now is to rest, if he is left here, the whole hospital will be turned upside down by him.She can't let him stay here.

Her job also does not allow her to bring a child at will. After much deliberation, she decided to go to Chen Ziran.Because there is no mobile phone, Gu Yang found a public phone outside and called Xiang Nan to ask her to go to the set first.I took Qiuqiu to DC.

. .

"Gu Yang, this...isn't it your child?"

Sun Xiaomei looked at a child that Gu Yang was leading, and asked in disbelief, looking at his age, it would be reasonable to say that it was Gu Yang's child.but. .Could this child be a little too beautiful?The mixed race is really cute just looking at it.

"What nonsense? This is my brother!"

He gave Sun Xiaomei a blank look, ignored the surprise of the group of people, and took Qiuqiu into the elevator.

She knows that she is 27 years old and has a six-year-old brother, which will make people feel very surprised, but she has always loved this brother very much, and doesn't like the surprised expression when others look at him.

Mo Qingfeng was also a little puzzled when he saw Gu Yang bring a child in. He secretly wondered if this child was the child of Gu Yang and the CEO, but the child was of mixed race at first glance, so he definitely couldn't be.

After all, he is the assistant to the president, so Mo Qingfeng's concentration is very good. Although he was dying of curiosity, he still held back and didn't ask.

"The president is in the office... When he came this morning, his face didn't look very good."

He said the latter sentence in a low voice.

"Thank you!"

After entering, I saw him frowning and looking at the computer screen, not noticing that two people came in at all.He coughed twice on purpose to get his attention.

"How did you come?"

He went home in the morning and saw that she was not there, and the house looked the same as when he left yesterday morning, so he knew she hadn't gone back last night.But he didn't want to ask her where she went, and hoped that she could tell by herself.

"This is my younger brother Alan, nicknamed Qiuqiu. He missed his home yesterday and wanted to come to City C for a while. Am I going to work? It's not convenient to take him with me. Can you help me watch him?"

"OK fine!"

Looking at the kid in front of him, he guessed that he was the one who hung up his phone yesterday.He also said that he was Gu Yang's younger brother.He just didn't expect that Gu Yang would have a younger brother, he had never heard of it before.

"I know, when I called you yesterday, I talked to him, but I didn't expect that you have a younger brother!"

"Hey, phone? Didn't you say you haven't seen my phone?"

Gu Yang squinted his eyes and looked at Qiuqiu.In this way, her phone is still alive, right?

Qiuqiu didn't know what to say.

As soon as he heard Chen Ziran's voice, he knew that he was the man on the phone last night, and he knew that he was definitely dead.All he could do now was look at Gu Yang pitifully, hoping that she would forgive him.

(End of this chapter)

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