Chapter 171 Bear Child 2
"I didn't do it on purpose!" He murmured, taking a small step back.

"Where's the phone? Hand it over now!"

He took out the mobile phone from the small schoolbag on his back, handed it to Gu Yang obediently, and lowered his head, ready to accept the lesson.

"Are you really capable? How dare you even lie to me? Allen!!! I think you are in a hurry, right?"

Her body trembled twice, and she looked at Gu Yang in fear. Normally, when she called herself Allen, it meant that when she was angry, she said that she needed to clean up, but she never did it herself.It has always been the sister in the family who controls the elder brother, and Arthur does it himself.

Thinking of Arthur's methods, he felt horrible. He didn't beat or scold, but he had a way to make himself live in the dark!Thinking of all kinds of so-called elite training that didn't even have time to go to the toilet, he wanted to cry.

"That... Didn't he say he was your boyfriend? I thought it was a liar. I was afraid that you would be cheated, so I didn't let you know."

Gu Yang was taken aback!After a moment of silence, I decided to turn this matter over!

"Lu Jun had a car accident last night. His fracture was serious. He might not be able to come to work for a long time. I was in the hospital last night. That's why I didn't go!"

"Well, I see, you let him have a good rest. There is nothing wrong with my family."

Lu Jun has taken care of her for so many years, now that he is injured, it makes sense for her to take care of him.

"I'm leaving first! I'll contact you at night."

After finishing speaking, two men, one big and one small, were left looking at each other.Looking at each other, at a loss!
. .

Chen Ziran has never been with children before, has no experience at all, and is usually busy with work, so he only meets the children of relatives at home for a meal during festivals or parties.No one has ever dared to bring the child to him.So now facing Qiuqiu, he was completely at a loss.

Qiuqiu's attitude towards Chen Ziran was not friendly either, especially since he had betrayed himself just now.He couldn't accept it even more, so after Gu Yang left, he sat on the sofa in a rage and took out his ipad to play games alone.

There was a child, and he couldn't calm down to work, so he had to glance at him from time to time to see what he was doing.

In such a strange atmosphere, the two of them spent the whole morning in peace.

Generally speaking, if there is no special event, Chen Ziran's lunch is eaten in the company's staff cafeteria.Of course, such cases are rare.Coincidentally, Qiuqiu caught up at noon today.

"Hey, I'll take you to dinner!"

Although they had been together all morning, this was actually the first sentence they said when they were alone, so Chen Ziran didn't know what to call him.

Qiuqiu sat there, motionless!

"I have a name, not Hey!"

Qiu Qiu didn't even look up, and continued to look at his IPAD.

Chen Ziran was furious with blue veins, took a deep breath, and said through gritted teeth, "Alan, brother will take you to dinner, okay?"

He swore that if he wasn't Gu Yang's younger brother, he would definitely throw him down from the 25th floor! ! !

"OK, fine!"

Jumping with short legs, jumped off the sofa, continued to hold the IPAD in his hand, walked in front, and walked outside.

Looking at the swirling hair in front of him, Chen Ziran secretly swallowed a breath of anger, he endured it!

The people in the employee cafeteria watched the president walk in with a child, and they were all silent, silent, and silent again.Can't believe what I saw.A few people who met Gu Yang in the morning thought that this was Gu Yang's younger brother.Let the president help her take care of her younger brother.Gu Yang and the president. .

Rumors spread quickly. Within half an hour after lunch, rumors of the mysterious appearance of the president's illegitimate son spread throughout the DC building.

Now, Chen Ziran took the ball to the seat and sat down, and someone naturally brought the food up.Qiuqiu looked at the exquisite dishes on the plate in front of him and remained motionless.Chen Ziran thought he couldn't use chopsticks, so he thoughtfully went to get him a spoon, but he still didn't move.

"I won't eat this!"

"Then what do you want to eat?"


"Alan, listen to me, good boy, you should eat less fast food, it's bad for your health and you won't grow taller."

Chen Ziran tried to change his mind.Let him settle down and eat this.God knows if I took him to eat those junk foods, if Gu Yang knows, will he kill himself.

"I don't care, I want to eat KFC. If you don't take me there, I'll tell my brother, my brother loves Gu Maomao the most, and he will definitely take Gu Maomao away!"

Qiuqiu is arrogant. Although he is very afraid of Arthur, he is used to doing bad things in Arthur's name outside.What's more, the sky is high and the emperor is far away here, so he doesn't believe that Arthur will really come here.

"You...Okay, I'll take you there!"

Chen Ziran didn't know who Arthur was, but he just thought the name sounded familiar.But he didn't want to make it difficult for him because of this little boy's obstruction, so if he wanted to eat, he would let him eat enough!

There is a KFC not far downstairs in DC.So instead of driving, he deliberately took Alan on foot.

City C in August is as hot as a stove.As soon as he walked out of the air-conditioned room, he immediately felt a wave of heat coming. Qiuqiu has not accepted Chen Ziran yet, so even if he couldn't stand the heat anymore and didn't want to leave, he still held his breath and walked beside him, saying No complaints or coquetry.

"What to eat?"

Chen Ziran never ate at these fast food restaurants, so he really didn't know what kind of food they had.

"do not know!"

"I want a portion of all the food you eat here!"

A waiter was called, and Chen Ziran was ready to order.Since he doesn't know what he wants to eat, buy him a portion of everything and eat as he likes.Whichever you like to eat.Avoid self-assessment, and he will make a fuss about not liking it after ordering it.It is estimated that he also had this idea in his heart.

Chen Ziran didn't dare to really treat him as a six-year-old child.

"Excuse me, sir, please line up to order over there!"

The waiter pointed to the ordering place with a long queue not far away.Said that I can't help.

It was lunchtime now, and there were a lot of people ordering food. Chen Ziran explained that Qiuqiu was not allowed to run around and went to the back, but it was not his turn after a long time.Who doesn't treat him as a guest of honor when they go out to eat?This is the first time he has encountered such a situation of being ignored.

The more he waited, the more irritable he felt, especially in the line next to him, those who arrived later than him had already ordered food and left, and there were two lines of couples waiting in front of him.He could never understand why so many people would eat this kind of junk food?
(End of this chapter)

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