Chapter 172 Bear Child 3
Finally it was his turn.

"All the varieties here, you want a copy!"

"Uh..." The cashier froze for a moment, thinking she had heard wrong.

"Here, you can buy all the edible ones."

"Uh, wait a moment!"

The cashier was sweating profusely, printing the receipt, and had to prepare it for him.For all the varieties, if you say more or less, you still need to prepare for a while. Just after checking whether there is any miscalculation of the price, I ordered three times.

After running a few times, he put all the edible food in front of Qiuqiu, and Chen Ziran said proudly, "Choose what you like to eat!"

Look at him still pick and choose, don't eat this one, don't eat that one!
Qiuqiu frowned and looked at the food on the table in front of him, leisurely picked up a chicken leg, took a bite, and said, "You are really a waste!"

'puff! ', Chen Ziran spat out a mouthful of water, he was really about to be played to death by this kid.No wonder he didn't like children. If his future children were like this, he would rather not have them. "Eat yours, don't talk nonsense, Gu Maomao should teach you, don't eat and sleep without talking?"

He couldn't eat these junk foods, and the only thing he could accept was Coke.

Next, Qiuqiu really didn't say a word, and concentrated on eating his own food.But no matter how much he likes to eat these fast food, after all, he is a six-year-old child, he is still full soon, and there are still a lot of food left untouched.

"Is it ready? Then shall we go?"

Qiuqiu remained motionless, pointed to the remaining food in front of him, and said, "Aren't you going to pack these up?"

After looking at his face for a few seconds and confirming that he was serious, Chen Ziran called the waiter to pack it.

. .

The two returned to the office with a large bag of things.Qiuqiu played with the IPAD all morning, but he didn't want to play any more. He sat on the sofa and swung his short legs, looking bored at the busy Chen Ziran.

"what happened to you?"

Sensing his gaze, Chen Ziran asked him without raising his head.

"Do you like Gu Maomao very much?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Except for my brother and those friends, she never gets too close to other men. There was a man who pursued her before, but she was ridiculed by her. Since then, she has changed to like men. "

Chen Ziran stopped writing, so serious?Even the orientation has changed, how much of a blow is that going to be?
"When two people are together, it's not just enough for one person to like him. If she doesn't like that man, of course she won't accept his love show."

Chen Ziran felt that these topics were too profound for a six-year-old child, and he might not understand them.

"You mean that Gu Maomao likes you very much?"

"Uh... almost!"

Glancing at him suspiciously, Qiuqiu turned his head to the side: "Gu Maomao's taste is getting worse and worse!"

Chen Ziran was already able to automatically block his occasional one or two ignorant words, as long as he didn't hear them.Children, childish speech without taboo, he can not general knowledge.

"How has your sister been doing these past few years?"

"I heard that she didn't have a good life before, but I think she is still very happy. She disappears for a few months to go out to play, and everyone in the family regards her as a treasure and obeys orders."

Thinking about his status as the youngest in the family, he felt that Gu Yang was doing extremely well.

"You seem to have a good relationship with her!"

"She's my sister, of course we're on good terms! Uncle, take me to the bathroom, I want to pee."

If I get into trouble, it's all up to her to cover me, can I not have a good relationship?This backer is very reliable.

uncle. .

Gu Yang is his elder sister, he calls him uncle, he can guarantee that this brat did it on purpose.

. .

"I'm going out for an hour now, you stay here obediently and don't run around, you know?"

Before leaving, Chen Ziran repeatedly told Qiuqiu not to run around and not to mess with the things inside.Even after getting his guarantee, he was still worried, so he deliberately kept Mo Qingfeng in the company, watching him at any time.

After Chen Ziran left, Qiuqiu hopped vigorously on the sofa like a bird released from its cage.The lounge inside and those inside all went in and wandered around, like an adventurer, exploring every corner of the huge office.

After wandering around inside, Qiuqiu was also tired from playing, so he sat on Chen Ziran's seat and played with the computer.Wait for him to come back.

When Yin Luo came in, he saw a child in Chen Ziran's place, tinkering with his computer.

"what are you doing?"

Qiuqiu was drinking water, so frightened by her, he knocked over the water glass in his hand on the table, the water poured out, and quickly wet the documents beside him.

Qiuqiu looked dumbfounded, and couldn't help feeling a little sad when he thought of the way he faced the wall and thought about it when he damaged his brother's documents before.

"Who are you!"

Looking at the culprit in front of him, Qiuqiu was very unhappy, and his tone was also very bad.

"What are you doing here, you little brat? Is this a place for you to stay? Look what you've made of this place? Get out!"

Yin Luo pulled the ball off the seat and scolded him severely.

"I just want to ask you who this ugly woman is! What are you doing here? I don't care about you here! You are so ugly and rude, you can't get married! No one wants it!"

"you you.."

Yin Luo was so angry that she couldn't speak, no one had ever dared to say that about her.

She has never seen this child before. She has seen all the members of Chen Ziran's family. She has never seen this child before, so she doesn't know whose family it is.

"Me... What me? Tell me, tell me? Can't you tell? What's the matter with your old woman looking for my brother? Are you trying to seduce him? Let me tell you, my brother is free If you already have a girlfriend, don't try to think about him."

Although Qiuqiu has been growing up in Italy, his Chinese proficiency has already reached its peak.

Yin Luo almost vomited blood out of anger, she didn't even know that children nowadays are so rude, and you are not educated when speaking.


Yin Luo's mouth trembled, when had she ever been so angry.Angrily reaching out to hit him.

"Ah!!! Hit someone, hit someone, hit someone!!!"

"Don't run, you little brat!"

"what happened?"

As soon as Chen Ziran came back, he saw Yin Luo holding a stack of newspapers and chasing after Qiuqiu. He didn't have the temperament of a first-line celebrity.And Qiuqiu ran around the office even more, messing up the items inside, like a typhoon passing through.

Chen Ziran stroked his forehead and sighed, he had only been away for an hour, how could it be like this?

(End of this chapter)

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