Chapter 173 Bear Child 4
As soon as Qiuqiu saw him coming back, he hid behind him as if seeing a savior, pulled his clothes corners, looked at Chen Ziran with pitiful blinking eyes and said, "Brother, she hit me!"

Ever since Gu Yang brought him here in the morning, he hadn't given himself a good look. Now that he suddenly looked at him pitifully and obediently called him brother, Chen Ziran felt at ease instantly.In an instant, there was also a sense of protection. This is Gu Yang's younger brother, that is, his younger brother. How could he let him suffer any grievances in front of him?Don't say that Gu Yang didn't understand him afterwards, even he himself felt that it couldn't be justified.

"What's the matter? How do you have the same knowledge as a child?"

"Who is he? He was the one who spoke rudely first!"

Yin Luo was first pissed off by Qiuqiu, and now he was accused by Chen Ziran, and he couldn't hold back his anger.

"You don't care who he is, what are you doing here? Is this where you can come in casually?"

If he wasn't there, it was impossible for Mo Qingfeng to let anyone else come in, so it was obvious that she came in privately.This kind of thing can be big or small. If it's small, she doesn't know about it. If she comes to find someone, if it's big, it's stealing business secrets.

"I... I'll come and see you..."

"Now that people have seen it, you can leave."

Turning sideways to open the door behind him, Chen Ziran gave the order to evict the guests.


Stamping his feet, he walked out with resentment, and when he walked to Qiuqiu's side, he gave her a vicious look.In exchange for a ball of grimace.

Looking at the messy scene inside, Chen Ziran asked Mo Qingfeng to arrange for someone to come in and clean it.The destructive power of these two people is too strong.It's almost tearing down his office.


After he put down the phone, Qiuqiu timidly walked to his side to apologize.

"what happened?"

Received his apology suddenly, Chen Ziran felt flattered.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, I got your paper wet."

Stretching out his little finger to point to the water-soaked documents on the table, he voluntarily admitted his mistake.

"Oh, this? It's okay, it's not an important document, I just ask them to give me another copy."

Chen Ziran picked it up and looked at it. It was indeed not an important confidential document, but just a draft of a cooperation case. If it was an important document, he would not go out without putting it away.

"Are you really not angry? Don't punish me, don't hit me, don't scold me? Won't you tell my sister?"

He destroyed his files by himself, but he actually smiled and comforted himself that it didn't matter, Qiuqiu didn't understand.In the past, if he damaged Arthur's documents, he would be taught a lesson, and then he would face the wall and think about it.But he was so gentle with himself.So he doubted whether what he saw was real.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him. Our secret."

Reaching out to rub his head, Chen Ziran winked mischievously at him.Qiuqiu was dumbfounded.

. .

When he went back in the evening, the relationship between the first and the younger was obviously much better. When he left with the little one, the entire DC staff exploded.At noon, it was fine to see the president taking the child for dinner, but now he brought him home with him.Moreover, it was really the first time that they could see such a gentle expression on the president's face.

When Gu Yang returned home, he was a little dumbfounded when he saw the trophies on the table.

A whole lot of KFC.They packed up and left at noon.

"Since you have so much left over, let's have this for dinner tonight."

Knowing the domineering president's ordering process at noon from Qiuqiu, Gu Yang was a little speechless, it was really too wasteful, and he would not spend such money if he had money.There's so much left, I don't think I'll be able to finish it for dinner tonight.

Chen Ziran had a pale face.He really didn't like these things, so he just ate some casually outside at noon, if he still ate them at night, wouldn't it kill him?After waiting for a long time, what I waited for was to eat these junk foods?

Seeing Qiuqiu's expression, Chen Ziran coughed twice and said, "Eating this at night is not good for children's health. Let's go out to eat. After dinner, you can stop by the hospital to see Lu Jun. Alan comes to C Cheng probably didn’t bring any clothes, so help him buy some daily necessities.”

Thinking that what he said made sense, I agreed to his proposal.Let the two go.Don't force them to eat these fast food anymore.Instead, go out with the ball and eat outside.

The matter of eating is easy to solve. There are many delicious restaurants outside the community. He also eats happily with Qiuqiu.

After eating, he drove to the hospital to see Lu Jun.

When we went, Lu Jun was eating.

"Brother Lu Jun!"

Qiuqiu hopped on her short legs, ran to and sat obediently by the side of the hospital bed, watching him eat.

Chen Ziran felt a little uncomfortable. He struggled for a day before letting him call him brother. Now that he saw Lu Jun, he immediately forgot about him.

"How do you feel today?"

Putting the fruit he bought on the coffee table, he nodded to the nurse beside him.Fortunately, he hired a nurse. Now it seems that he is taking good care of him.

"I can't think of any adjectives other than boring."

He has a severe fracture in his leg and can't even walk. He has to use a wheelchair to go out. It's too hot outside, and he's afraid of sweating after going out, so he asks the nurse to push him around the corridor outside.At other times, I just look at the time boringly, wishing it would go faster.

"Who told you to be careless? Fortunately, this time there is no danger, but you will suffer for a few months. You deserve it for being bored!"

Gu Yang has always been used to his venomous tongue towards their friends, and Lu Jun is also used to it.So I didn't argue with her at all, but turned to Chen Ziran and said, "President, there is something I've wanted to talk about for a long time. Taking advantage of this injury, I'll tell you together. I'm going to resign."

He made this decision very early on.I just didn't know how to speak.

Gu Yang looked at him in surprise, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned this matter, moreover, he had never mentioned it to himself before.Just like that, it came up out of nowhere.

"You don't have to resign because you can't go to work for a long time because of your injury. I can help you keep your position. When you can go to work, come back."

Although he can be sure that Lu Jun is interested in Gu Yang, he can't deny that Lu Jun's work ability is indeed very strong. With him around, he will be much more relaxed.He has always distinguished between public and private, and never brings personal feelings to work.

(End of this chapter)

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