The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 174 Zero food offensive

Chapter 174 Snack Offensive
Shaking his head, Lu Jun continued, "I'm serious. Although I'm really sorry for bringing it up so suddenly, I've already made up my mind. After I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll go back to Italy."

Nodding her head, she understood: "I will inform the personnel department and ask them to find someone else. You can rest assured."

"Why? Why do you suddenly think of going back?"

Gu Yang still couldn't understand that as a friend, he actually kept it from him.

"Of course I'm going back to get married, but you refuse to marry me. Could it be that you still expect me to wait for you?"

Lu Jun coughed twice, pretending to be true.

He had already lost a lot of blood, so after such a long series of words, he was a little out of breath.

Gu Yang felt cold, rolled his eyes at him and said: "Don't keep blaming me for delaying you if you can't get a wife. You are obviously arrogant. That so-and-so before, I think she is pretty good." , you just look down on him, and a lady from a great family has come to chase you for two years after suffering from him."

These words of Lu Jun, often said to himself, Gu Yang has been able to ignore.But Chen Ziran, who was beside him, had a gloomy look in his eyes.A little displeased.

But he was also very fortunate, fortunately, Gu Yang was born with few emotional tendencies, otherwise, maybe in the past six years, she would have fallen in love with other men long ago. After all, a man like Lu Jun is still very good.Not to mention, as Qiuqiu told him, there are so many other people pursuing her.

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you anymore, you should still have something to do, right? Go, go, I'm really going to be mad at you."

Lu Jun began to issue orders to chase away guests. Sometimes, meeting such an incomprehensible and weak-hearted woman is also a very traumatic thing.In fact, over the years, why hasn't he hinted or made it clear to her many times, but she always felt that he was messing with her and only regarded herself as a friend.At first, he just thought that Gu Yang hadn't come out of the shadow of the past, but he didn't realize until he met Chen Zi that she just never forgot him.Thinking about it, I once met such an excellent man, and then met no matter how good he was, he could only make do with it.

It just so happens that what Gu Yang dislikes the most is reluctance.

He was lucky enough to be by her side as a friend.Thinking about other food suitors, he already thinks this is pretty good.

Now I can see that she and Chen Ziran have such a good relationship and are so happy.It's time for him to step down, too.

He also has his own responsibilities.You can't keep chasing a woman all over the world.

"Then let's go, what's the matter to call!"

Qiuqiu wanted to stay a little longer, but was dragged away by Gu Yangqiang.

When going out, he saw a person Gu Yang didn't expect in the corridor of the hospital.

"I didn't expect to see you here! Is this your boyfriend?"

It turned out to be Zhang Tingyuan.Seeing him looking at Chen Ziran with great interest, Gu Yang felt hairy all over his body.She didn't tell Chen Ziran about the blind date. If this person slipped up, she would be finished.

"Haha, yes, my boyfriend, this is my brother. I really didn't expect to see you here, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Tingyuan shook the fruit basket in his hand and said, "I'm here to see a patient. Hello, I'm Zhang Tingyuan. I'm a lawyer. I've known you for a long time. If your company has any legal problems in the future, you can come to me as much as you want. For the sake of your relationship with Gu Yang, I will give you a [-]% discount!"

As he spoke, he enthusiastically handed over his business card.

Chen Ziran took the business card coldly, looked at it, nodded, and signaled that he knew.Although Gu Yang didn't mention it, when he asked someone to investigate, he already knew that he was Gu Yang's blind date.

Gu Yang was speechless, she thought Zhang Tingyuan would say something, but it turned out that she just wanted to build a relationship.It's a shame she's still so nervous.

. .

After leaving the hospital, it was only eight o'clock, so Gu Yang decided to take Qiuqiu to the mall to buy some clothes for him.She flipped through the small schoolbag that Qiuqiu brought, except for snacks, there were only toys.Clothes and daily necessities are basically zero.

Buying clothes is very simple, after all, Qiuqiu has a good gene, she looks good in anything she wears.So quickly bought a load of change of clothes.

The next step is to go to the supermarket to buy daily necessities.

"Ball, put it back, that won't work!"

Gu Yang, who was pushing the shopping cart, caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye that his younger brother was about to sneak a few packs of chocolate biscuits into it, and hurriedly stopped him.


Disappointed, put the biscuit back.I also want to secretly get other snacks.

"That doesn't work either!"

Because she often eats snacks, she eats very little Qiuqiu meals. Her mother has always had a headache about this, but she can't control Qiuqiu's bad habit.Usually rely on Gu Yang and Arthur to discipline.

"This one doesn't work, that one doesn't work, so what do you want!"

Qiuqiu was a little unhappy.She didn't agree to what she wanted to eat.


"do not want!"

What he hates the most is drinking milk!
"That's not negotiable!"

"elder brother.."

It didn't work for Gu Yang, so Qiuqiu turned his head to Chen Ziran who was silent at the side, begging for his sympathy.

"Gu Yang..."

"There's no need to discuss it. It's useless even to find him. You are not allowed to pamper him."

Gu Yang's attitude was tough, and he dragged them away from the snack area without giving them any extra time.

Qiuqiu showed disappointment, pouted, and walked at the back.But I dare not make mistakes and have no comments.When Chen Ziran saw it, his heart softened. He quietly walked to his side, stretched out his hand and said, "Don't worry, my brother will treat you to dinner tomorrow. But I can't tell my sister."


Nodding vigorously.She shyly put her little hand into Chen Ziran's big hand, and let him lead her away.

At this moment, under the temptation of the snacks, he completely surrendered to Chen Ziran, and fell under the charm of the snacks.

Chen Ziran held his little hand, feeling a soft emotion in his heart, how unbelievable, just holding hands like this, already touched a lot, if he and Gu Yang had a child, it should be even more touching ?

Sensing the movements of the two people behind him, Gu Yang smiled almost imperceptibly.

Usually, even if he doesn't let Qiuqiu eat snacks, he still gives him a small amount of snacks very accommodatingly. He has never refused so thoroughly like today.All of this is for Chen Ziran to win Qiuqiu's heart.

Her brother, she knew all too well.She feels crazy about the enthusiasm and admiration for snacks.So using this trick to capture his heart is the fastest way.

He knows how skinny Qiuqiu is, and it is absolutely impossible for him to show weakness to someone he just met.Moreover, with his approval, it will be easier for Chen Ziran to stand in the future.After all, Qiuqiu can help her persuade her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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