The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 175 The Shabby Marriage Proposal

Chapter 175 The Shabby Marriage Proposal

However, the two who had already reached an alliance in the supermarket almost didn't fight when they got home.

The reason is just a matter of who Gu Yang should sleep with.

"She is my sister, of course she wants to sleep with me! Who are you, older uncle!!!"

"She is my girlfriend, of course she wants to sleep with me! If you want someone to sleep with you, find a girlfriend yourself!"

"you are bullying me!"

"I just bullied you, what!"

"I'm going to tell my mother, and my brother!"

"Go, will I be afraid of you?"

. .

Seeing the meaningless quarrel between the two, Gu Yang didn't bother to tell them that she didn't expect Chen Ziran to know as much as a child.Do something so childish.It really fell through her glasses.

if she had glasses

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, Qiuqiu will follow me, and I will help you take a bath. You go to your own business, and I will come to you later!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to perform martial arts, Gu Yang quickly stepped forward to mediate.

Due to Gu Yang's unshakable position among the three, both of them were very obedient, one went to take a bath with her, and the other went to the study to continue working.

. .

"Sister, do you like this brother very much?"

Sitting in the bathtub full of bubbles, Qiuqiu looked at her innocently.

"Yeah, don't you like him?"

Qiuqiu lowered her head and said impressively: "No, my brother is not as unlovable as he first saw. But why didn't my sister tell my mother? In this way, she no longer has to worry about it. My sister can't get married."

Although Qiuqiu doesn't understand the relationship between men and women, his mother, who is very boring every day, talks about which young talent and sister should get along at home every day, and if the sister doesn't fall in love, she can't get married.So he can probably understand some of the words.

"Uh... There are many things that cannot be explained clearly in a few words. You don't understand things about adults for the time being, but you will understand later."

What did her mother say in front of the children?

"But... Brother Lu Jun also likes sister very much, why doesn't sister stay with brother Lu Jun?"

"Silly boy, brother Lu Jun and I are just friends. Friends' liking and love are different. I told you that you don't understand now, you little kid. After you experience it yourself, you will naturally understand. Now don't Ask more."

Qiuqiu was dissatisfied that she always regarded herself as a child and pouted.I thought to myself: Brother Lu Jun obviously likes you just like this brother.I don't know yet, my sister is such an idiot.Everyone knows you are stupid.

. .

After coaxing Qiuqiu to fall asleep, Gu Yang walked out of the room lightly.I was afraid that he would wake up in a hurry at night, so I didn't close the door.

"Are you ready for bed yet?"

When I came out of the shower, I couldn't find anyone everywhere, so I guessed that he was still working in the study.

"Go to bed after reading this document. It smells so good!"

Holding Gu Yang in his arms and burying it on Gu Yang's neck, he smelled a fresh fragrance of shower gel.

"Hey, how can you work hard like this?"

"It's okay, you are the motivation for my work, otherwise, how can I support you."

Oops!Shameless but him, Gu Yang didn't know what to say.

"How are you getting along with Qiuqiu today?"

This matter is what Gu Yang is most curious about. Qiuqiu is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he said that he did not make trouble, he would not believe it.I don't know if he has turned his office upside down.

"Well, it's okay. Your brother is very cute."

Gu Yang was dumbfounded, someone even said he was cute after touching Qiuqiu for the first time.The sun really came out from the west.Or did he take into account his own feelings, so it's not easy to say it directly?

"Just tell the truth, my brother, I still know he is a troublemaker. Don't worry about me."

"It's really cute. In the afternoon, Yin Luo was so angry that he was half dead. I chased him in the office and wanted to beat him. Fortunately, I rushed back in time. Hahaha, you don't know, I know Yin Luo 20 It's been many years, and that's the first time I've seen her so irritable and lose her composure."

Thinking of Yin Luo's appearance in the afternoon, Chen Ziran felt that Qiuqiu did a great job!
"Yin Luo??? Why did she come to you?"

As the saying goes, too much talk is bound to fail, which is the best portrayal of Chen Ziran now.

"Uh.. I don't know. It seems that your brother was angry and left without saying a word. Could it be that you are jealous?"

"Who will eat your jealousy? You have a good idea!"

However, Yin Luo, she remembered.If she dares to play ball, she will make her look good no matter whether she made a mistake first or not.Although this is a bit indiscriminate, but her family is being bullied, so is it possible that she should sit idly by?

"Maomao, let's have a baby sometime!"

"You haven't even married yet, so what happened?"

Gu Yang wondered why he had such an idea.Could it be that Qiuqiu really aroused his unprecedented paternal love?
"Then let's get married!"

Gu Yang pushed him away, jumped to the side, sat on the desk, dangling his legs, and said, "President Chen, is this your proposal? Is it a little bit insincere? I don't ask for it." You have a luxurious house and a luxury car, but you shouldn’t lack what you should have, right? Wouldn’t it be too shabby for you?”

Speaking of which, this is the second time he told himself about getting married, but it happened both times. .No sincerity! ! !

"I'm all yours now, what do you still care about those hypocrisy?"

"What hypocrisy! I don't agree with what you say. It's just once in a lifetime. Can you be perfunctory? It's not like buying one get one free in the supermarket. Can you still bargain? Marry you casually, I I will not be bullied in the future!"

Just agreeing hastily like this, doesn't it make her look cheap?

She's not that stupid.

"Does that mean that if I make a romantic proposal now, you will agree?"

Gu Yang looked at him cautiously, not understanding the deep meaning behind his words.Slowly jumped off the table, and moved outside slowly.

"Forget about today, I'm very sleepy now. I want to sleep, haha!"

The ghost knows what he would do if he really proposed now.She has no experience in this kind of thing, okay?

"Then since you don't want to now, let's go back and buy one get one free!"

Chen Ziran walked up to her in two or three steps, picked her up, and walked to the bedroom.


Gu Yang was caught off guard and hugged, and yelled loudly.Thinking of Qiuqiu in the next room, he quickly shut up.Afraid of falling, she hugged his neck tightly with her hands.

 In the case of a headache for a day, I still changed [-] words, and I was moved to tears by myself.

  Thank you very much for your support to Yuanyuan.This book is my first book, and there are many bad things in it. Thank you very much for your tolerance.Yuanyuan will definitely work harder in the future.

  In addition, after a while, this book may start to enter V, and I still hope that everyone can continue to support it.

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(End of this chapter)

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