The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 177 The Dark Past 2

Chapter 177 The Dark Past 2
Gu Yang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth in the dormitory, searching everywhere.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking through the trash can?"

When Qian Duoduo returned from eating in the cafeteria, she saw her rummaging through the trash can in the dormitory.Surprised.

"My design draft is gone!"

"How could it be? Why don't you think about it again?"

The manuscript will be handed in this afternoon, and now I have lost the manuscript. If I can't find it, I will definitely not have the opportunity to participate in the competition.She is very clear about how much Gu Yang attaches importance to this competition. The time for preparation is very short, so she often sees Gu Yang lying on the bed in the middle of the night and drawing models.So Qian Duoduo also put down the things in his hands and helped her find them together.

After a while, Yin Luo and Xiang Nan came back together, and they also joined the ranks of looking for blueprints.

"Gu Yang, think about it again, have you put the drawings somewhere else, is there any in Chen Ziran's place?" Yin Luo asked her.

Searched around but couldn't find it.Not even in the trash can.Gu Yang was a little discouraged.Sitting up on the bed, he buried his head between his legs.

Gu Yang shook his head, and said: "I finished the drawing the day before yesterday, and kept it in the dormitory without touching it."

But she didn't expect that the artwork would disappear now.

She even wondered if someone had deliberately taken away the blueprints and didn't want her to participate in the competition.

"Gu Yang, you start painting now, can you make it in time? Go to the tutor to delay the time a little bit."

Because it is in cooperation with the school, the drawings on the school's side are handed over to their respective class guides and returned to the company in a unified manner.In this case, just ask the teacher to accommodate and make up the drawings before handing them back to the jewelry company.

"Now that's the only way to go. I'll go to the teacher to explain the situation and see if it works."

Frustrated, I went to the teacher. Fortunately, the teacher was very tolerant and allowed her to postpone the time by two hours.Although it's only two hours, it's enough.She memorizes the drawing in her mind, as long as she draws it again, it will be fine.

So in the end, she handed over the drawing to the teacher without any risk.

It's just that the teacher's expression was a little complicated when he saw her artwork.Ask her, "Did you really draw this yourself?"

"Of course!"

Gu Yang didn't understand what the teacher meant.But the teacher didn't say anything after that.

. .

A month later, Gu Yang finally understood what the teacher meant when he hesitated to speak.

Gu Yang's entry drawing actually won a second prize in this competition.This kind of honor has never been given to University A before. Generally, the top three are all taken by well-known designers in the society.

However, she didn't feel any joy.

Because, among the same entries, someone's artwork is 90.00% similar to hers.

That person is also a student of University A, but Gu Yang has never had any contact with her.She didn't know her at all, and she didn't know why her artwork was so similar to her own.

Because that person was due to submit the manuscript a few days in advance, and that time was before Gu Yang's drawings were dropped, so the whole school focused on Gu Yang, thinking that she had plagiarized other people's ideas.Because, Gu Yang's drawing is obviously an upgrade on that person's drawing, modifying her original flaws.Looks more cheaply gorgeous.

Everywhere she went she was pointed at.Said she was a thief, plagiarizing other people's ideas.

As a designer, the most taboo thing is plagiarism.As long as these two words are crowned, it is basically impossible to get along in the industry.And Gu Yang, who is still in school, has already been criticized by thousands of people.Originally, her second prize was chosen by someone else because of such controversy.

And the person who was the same as her sketch also came out and said politely that she carefully designed the sketch herself, and took out all the previous drafts to prove it. Her friends also said that they really saw her with their own eyes. painted.

At the beginning, Yin Luo said that in order to avoid suspicion, the other party had never seen the design draft of the two. Qian Duoduo and Xiang Nan were not interested in this, and had never seen her draft.She never painted with Chen Ziran in the later period, and of course he never saw her.

Gu Yang's previous design draft has been lost together with the draft.There is no way to prove it.

Although Qian Duoduo stood up to prove for her that she also worked very hard every night to design, but after all, she couldn't produce any strong evidence, so her reputation became more and more bad.The people at the school also despise her more and more, completely excluding her.It even hurt Qian Duoduo who was with her.

Chen Ziran kept comforting her.But for a 20-year-old girl, how can such a fatal blow be explained clearly with just a few words of comfort?

What's more, she's never done anything like that before.She worked so hard to design the sample draft, but she even got the name of plagiarism, which even made her feel ridiculous.

Under such psychological pressure, Gu Yang soon fell ill.

Gu Yang was in a daze with fever, coughing non-stop in the dormitory.Qian Duoduo and the others all went to class, and there were not many people in the entire girls' dormitory.

University A has always had a high attendance rate!

Halfway through sleeping, he suddenly became thirsty. Gu Yang came down to drink some water, but he couldn't find any boiled water.As a last resort, I had to go down and buy some water for emergency.

When he reached the stairs on the third floor, Gu Yang heard a familiar voice.

It's Yin Luo!
At this time, shouldn't she go to class with Xiang Nan?How come here?

Puzzled in his heart, Gu Yang hid aside and listened to what she was talking with another person.

"You did a good job this time. This is the money I promised you before. This matter is a secret between us. If anyone else finds out, don't want your parents' jobs."

"Well, don't worry. I'll keep it a secret."

Gu Yang was curious about who she was making a deal with, so he quietly poked his probe out again.But he was shocked again.

That woman is the woman who has the same design draft as her.Then the two of them make a deal. .And keep it secret, no. .Was it Yin Luo who leaked her design draft?
Why would she do this?
Gu Yang stood up and pointed at Yin Luo with trembling fingers, "So it was you!!!"

Yin Luo didn't expect that Gu Yang would stand up at this time. She always thought that she should lie on the bed and rest, so she took advantage of the time when everyone was in class to give the money to this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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