The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 178 The Dark Past 3

Chapter 178 The Dark Past 3
"Gu Yang? Why are you here?"

She did not expect that this matter would be seen by Gu Yang.If she exposes this matter... the consequences will be disastrous.

Yin Luo didn't dare to think too much about it. Although her family was rich and powerful, if it was exposed, it would damage her reputation after all, so she absolutely did not allow Gu Yang to tell the story.

"Of course I'm going to be here. If I'm not here, don't you know what good deeds you have done behind my back? Fortunately, I have always regarded you as a good friend. I never thought that you would do such a thing to me. Why? Why are you doing this?"

Gu Yang's heart was filled with the anger of being betrayed.She didn't expect that the one who put herself on the cusp of the storm was actually her best friend.I have guessed countless possibilities, but I have never thought of such a one.

Sure enough, fire, theft, and girlfriends are all about people like her.

"Haha, why? Why do you say? You have no money, no power, and no power. What do you think makes me admire you?"


Although he knew that what she said was true, Gu Yang was unhappy for no reason.

"Gu Yang, Chen Ziran and I are childhood sweethearts. We grew up together. If there is no accident, the two families intend to let us get married. And you, it was the accident. What do you think I am for? Of course it is to kick the stumbling block Yes. If your life is stained, do you think you are worthy of Chen Ziran? Even if he wants you, his family will not accept you. "

Yin Luo said leisurely.She might have been flustered the moment Gu Yang saw the truth, but now she is very calm.Gu Yang has nothing, what can he use to fight her?
"Even if you marry him in the end, what can you get out of it? It's just a man who doesn't love you."

"Who knows? Gu Yang, without you, do you think I can't even win back Chen Ziran's heart?"

Yin Luo spread his hands, as if it was just a matter of time.

"Really? Then why didn't I show up in the past 20 years, and you still have no love for Jin Jian? Yin Luo, you think too highly of yourself!"

Gu Yang sneered, piercing her beautiful vision.

But Yin Luo was not angry at all, and still smiled and said: "Gu Yang, it doesn't matter anymore, the person who should be worried now is you, you think even if you go out and say that I made a mess of it, you think they believe you, Do you still believe me? No one wants to believe you now, Gu Yang. If you are sensible, you should leave as soon as possible!"

Gu Yang couldn't refute her words, indeed, even if he went out and said that Yin Luo and that woman colluded to frame her, no one would believe it.

"Gu Yang, you can't beat me. I approached you only because I saw that Chen Ziran treated you differently. I knew you were dangerous to us, so I came to pretend to be friends with you. It was just to know your Weakness, to give you a fatal blow."

" are shameless!"

Gu Yang couldn't say any curse words, shameless is her most ruthless curse word.Excited, he slapped the person in front of him hard.


Gu Yang didn't expect that Yin Luo, who was standing at the stairs, fell to the ground with his hard slap, and rolled down the stairs.

His head was bleeding and he fainted directly.

The girl who had been standing quietly by the side screamed in fear.

Gu Yang watched dumbfounded.Don't know how things turned out like this.

The head seems to be hurting more.

. .

"Tell me, what's going on here?"

Gu Yang sat in the teaching office, and the teaching director threw a thick stack of medical records in front of her, all of which were the results of Yin Luo's examination.She never thought it would be so serious.

"Director, I didn't mean to."

"Didn't it be intentional? Do you think it will be solved with just one sentence? Now Yin Luo's father wants to hold you accountable for intentionally hurting others. Can you tell me what to do? Gu Yang, let me tell you what happened to you recently? First plagiarism, Now it's hurting people on purpose again. Fortunately, Yin Luofu has a big life, do you know that Yin Luo was almost paralyzed?"

Yin Luo is still lying unconscious in the hospital, with multiple fractures all over his body, and a long gash on his face. If he doesn't get proper treatment, he may be disfigured.

This kind of thing happened in school, and the same person did two such bad things in succession.

"Director, I really didn't plagiarize the design draft. It was Yin Luo and that woman who teamed up to slander me."

Gu Yang felt dissatisfied, why did they all let her bear the burden of things that he had never done before?

"Gu Yang! You have to take responsibility for what you have done. This time, Yin Luo's father wanted to ask you to drop out of school. We tried to persuade you to do so. I hope to give you a chance so that you will stop being stubborn."

The director felt very heartbroken, and couldn't believe that under his iron and blood education, there were still such students.

"Why should I take on things that I haven't done? It was clearly planned by Yin Luo!"


The director wanted to say something, but was interrupted by someone who came in.

"Director, what are you doing now?"

The person who came in was Chen Ziran. I don't know how long he had been standing outside.There was still no expression on his face.

Seeing him, Gu Yang panicked for no reason.Thinking of what Yin Luo said before, his relationship with him, and everything he did was for him, Gu Yang didn't know how to face him.

"Nothing, what's the matter?"

Compared with teaching Gu Yang a lesson, the problem of a good student like Chen Ziran is a problem.

"If you're fine, can I take Gu Yang away? I have something to do with her."

The dean choked.He thought Chen Ziran was looking for him.did not expect. .

But the words have already been spoken, so it is impossible to temporarily say that he has something to do, right?I had no choice but to wave my hand and say, "Take it away!"

In the future, there will be more time to talk to Gu Yang, so don't be in a hurry.

. .

Gu Yang followed behind him, feeling uneasy.The two had been out of the teaching office for half an hour, and they just walked like this without saying a word.

Unable to guess what was going on in his heart, Gu Yang could only obediently follow behind.

He didn't stop until he reached a relatively quiet place on the playground. Gu Yang, who was following behind, didn't notice it, and bumped into his back abruptly.

Rubbing his sore nose, Gu Yang took a step back and distanced himself from him.

(End of this chapter)

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