The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 179 The Dark Past 4

Chapter 179 The Dark Past 4
"Tell me, why do you do such a thing?"

Chen Ziran lowered his head, Gu Yang couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Huh? What?"

Gu Yang's cold is still not healed, his head is still groggy, and he can't keep up with his rhythm for a while.Not sure what he meant.

"Why did you hit Yin Luo?"

It's just that he hasn't come to school for three days, and she will give herself such a big gift as soon as he comes back.His girlfriend beat his friend for many years into the hospital, and he is still unconscious. How should he deal with this kind of thing?

"I've already said it, because Yin Luo colluded with others to slander me for plagiarism. When I was arguing with her, I accidentally slapped her, but I don't know how she fell down the stairs. It's still two steps away."

After explaining this problem to others non-stop all day, Gu Yang's temper also rose.It looked very irritable.

"It's your fault that you hit someone today. According to what you said, could it be that Yin Luo fell down the stairs on purpose and wanted to slander you?"

Chen Ziran seemed a little disappointed in her.

"Then who can say for sure? It's not like she hasn't done it before, so she should be familiar with it and guess right."

When Gu Yang's temper comes up, he likes to drink others to do it against him.Constantly contradicting others.

"You are really... stubborn!"

"Hehe, of course I am stubborn. I have no money, power, or power. The only thing I have is a boyfriend who is a little bit good. Now my boyfriend doesn't believe me. Am I stubborn? What does it matter?"

Gu Yang felt wronged in his heart, and he thought it was his fault indiscriminately.Ask nothing.He was directly convicted.

I held back my tears, not letting them fall out.Boyfriend doesn't believe in himself anymore, who will feel distressed if he cries?
"Gu Yang, I know you didn't plagiarize, but this matter is your fault. The person lying in the hospital now is Yin Luo. Don't you think you should admit your mistake?"

He tried his best to resist the desire to strangle her.Chen Ziran tried to reason with her.

"I don't think I did anything wrong, so why do I have to admit it? It was she who did the wrong thing first, and she apologized first, and she apologized to me first."

Gu Yang's stubborn temper is completely on the rise, even if he thought that what he did was a little too much, now he doesn't feel it at all.

"If it's me who is lying in the hospital now, do you think she will come to admit her mistake again? Chen Ziran, sure enough, one year won't be worth your 20 years. You go to the hospital to find her, don't come to me."

Now, apart from being disheartened, Gu Yang has no other feelings.

"what do you mean?"

Chen Ziran narrowed his eyes, and held Gu Yang's hand who wanted to leave.

"Literally, don't bother me! I'm a murderer, a plagiarist, stay with me, lest your noble soul be dirty!"

Breaking apart his hand one by one, Gu Yang left without looking back.

It never occurred to her until the end that Chen Ziran didn't even believe in herself.I don't even want to listen to my own explanation.He directly condemned himself.

It's ridiculous, even if the court convicts the criminal, there must be a statement, right?


In the days that followed, Gu Yang kept acting alone, and even with Qian Duoduo, who had the best relationship with her, Gu Yang also drew a clear line with her.People in the school are still talking about her.But she has completely turned a blind eye.

The mouth grows on other people, so they can say what they like.

The teaching director still came to her every day to understand and reason with her.I hope to influence her and make her take the initiative to bow to Yin Luo to admit her mistake and turn the matter over.

However, Gu Yang never gave in.

Whose children are not spoiled?Even if her Gu Yang's father died early, it would not be Yin Luo's turn to bully her.

Because he didn't want to deal with these annoying gossips, Gu Yang even decided to move out of the school dormitory.

The school met Chen Ziran several times, and every time he wanted to say something, but no matter what the occasion, Gu Yang just turned his head and left.He will not be given any chance to speak, and the phone will not answer him.

. .

The last straw that crushed Gu Yang came the day after she moved out of school.

She came home from school at night, and before she could change her clothes, someone knocked on the door.

"Hello, we are from the Public Security Bureau. Now someone says that you stole something and came here to search. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court."

When Gu Yang watched TVB before, he thought this sentence was ridiculous, but now when things happened to her, she couldn't laugh anymore.

"Check it out!"

Turning aside, Gu Yang realized that there were many familiar faces from the school behind them.Xiang Nan and Qian Duoduo are also in it.He looked at her worriedly.

Anyway, I behaved well, sat upright, and never stole anything, so how could I be afraid of their inspection?
The house Gu Yang rented was not big, and he just moved in, so he didn't have time to tidy up many things.So soon the police collected the things.

When Gu Yang saw the wad of money in the policeman's hand, he panicked completely.Don't know what's going on here.She moved the salute for money yesterday, because it was full of clothes, so she didn't tidy it up, but she can guarantee that there shouldn't be money in it.

How could she have so much money? She hadn't done it herself, so she could tell at a glance that someone wronged her.

"This money is not mine, and I don't know why it's here!"

"Miss Gu, please go back to the police station with us and assist us in our investigation."

Counting the money inside, it happened to be the same as the amount stolen from the school, and the police didn't listen to her excuse, so they directly wanted to take her away.

"Wait, did I make a mistake somewhere? This can't be done by Gu Yang, I believe her."

Qian Duoduo was stunned for a while, knowing that the police had taken Gu Yang out of the house, so he hurriedly chased them out and stopped them.

"I'm sorry, miss, the amount of money is just right for the stolen one. Regardless of whether she stole it or not, she will go back to the police station with us to assist in the investigation."

"It's not me. I said it's not me anymore. Someone must have framed me. I moved out yesterday. How can I go back and steal money?"

Gu Yang, who hadn't reacted yet, didn't know what was going on, kept repeating this sentence on the way to be taken away, but the police ignored her at all.

Looking at the handcuffs on his hands, Gu Yang was at a loss.The uneasiness and grievances accumulated for many days finally turned into tears, which kept falling down.

She didn't know what she did wrong to treat her like this.The only thing she can suspect now is Yin Luo. From the beginning to the end, she only has hatred against her, and only she has the motive to frame others.

But will the police believe it?

Definitely not.

Cases are about evidence.She has no evidence at all to prove her innocence.

(End of this chapter)

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