The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 180 The Dark Past 5

Chapter 180 The Dark Past 5
Back at the police station, Gu Yang kept silent and looked at one place blankly.Even during the interrogation, he didn't say a word.No matter how fierce the interrogator was and how much he threatened her, she still didn't speak.

He spent the night in prison like this.

Because Gu Yang has not been convicted yet, they just doubted her, and someone above said hello that they should treat her as well as possible, so they prepared a small room for Gu Yang.Much better than those prison conditions.

"I'm asking to see my lawyer and I won't speak until my lawyer comes."

Gu Yang, who was silent all night, finally spoke the first sentence when he entered the police station.

"Do you need us to help you find a lawyer?"

Xu Long, the police officer in charge of Gu Yang's case this time, asked her.They found out that Gu Yang has been living alone, and his tuition is paid by work-study programs.There is simply no money for a lawyer.

"No, give me a call. I'll call and look for it myself!"

"No, you should know that prisoners cannot communicate with the outside world."

Although Xu Long sympathizes with her, but after all, she is now a criminal suspect and cannot act emotionally.

"I'm talking to my mother. If you don't call me, don't expect me to say anything in the future. I will do what I say. You can try!"

Of course the police inside ignored her threats.Thinking that she was just being angry, she left without mercy.Leave her alone in prison.

For the next two days, Gu Yang really didn't say a word, not only didn't speak, he didn't even want to eat.

Xu Long finally gave in, handed her the phone and said, "Call it, we'll watch you do it!"

Three police officers guarded Gu Yang.If you don't meet her request again.People will die.Even if she really committed a crime, the theft is still not fatal. If something happens in the police station, they can't afford to go around.

Gu Yang hadn't eaten for two days, and the previous cold came in before he recovered completely, and there were some signs of relapse.Weakly took the phone and dialed the number in memory.

Tightly sticking the phone to his ear, Gu Yang's heart was pounding when he heard the ringtone coming from inside.

The first time, no one answered.Gu Yang didn't believe it, so he dialed again.

"Hello. Who is this?"

This time, after two rings, someone picked it up.

Hearing his familiar voice, the strength he had pretended for a long time finally collapsed.Gu Yang said with a trembling choked voice, "Mom, help me!"

. .

After Shen Hua received his daughter's call, he was so anxious that he wished he could fly to City C immediately.

Ever since she divorced her ex-husband and remarried to Italy, the stubborn Gu Yang never contacted him again, nor did he want to answer her calls.Later, her father passed away due to illness, and she went back to City C by herself. Gu Yang wanted to help her pay the tuition fees, but Gu Yang refused all of them, unwilling to accept a cent.

She always thought that the relationship between her and Gu Yang would be deadlocked like this.

So when she saw the strange call from city C, she was very excited.Even missed the answer because of excitement.Just as I was about to dial, the phone rang again.

But she didn't expect that Gu Yang almost desperately asked her to help her on the phone.

How could my own daughter be bullied like this.

So after hanging up the phone, without packing anything, I took Arthur to City C.

While waiting at the airport, she had mixed feelings in her heart.Nervous, restless, helpless, afraid, everything.Fortunately, Arthur was always by her side.enlighten her.


In the evening, someone came to see her.

It's Chen Ziran.

Looking at Gu Yang, who had lost weight and haggarded a lot after not seeing him for a few days, Chen Ziran had mixed feelings in his heart.

"What are you here for?"

Gu Yang's attitude was not good.She really couldn't forget the distrust of the person in front of her.

"Did you do this?"

Pursing his lips, Chen Ziran couldn't believe that Gu Yang would do such things.but. .Thinking of the results of her investigation in the school, he had to doubt Gu Yang again.

"If you say yes, that's it. It doesn't matter! I don't ask you to believe it."

Even if his heart is broken to the extreme now, Gu Yang is still unwilling to show weakness in front of him.Clenching his hands tightly, he pretended not to care.

"Gu Yang, as long as you say you didn't do it, no matter how difficult it is, I will get you out."

So what if she really did it?Based on the status of his Chen family, it is very easy to release a person on bail.

"No, let's go, I have nothing to do with you. You can go to Yin Luo, she is so innocent, the victim of the whole thing, in fact, I plagiarized, I was wronged to avoid suspicion She accidentally pushed her down the stairs by mistake, and you should consider me to be the one to do the theft, it's not like you don't know how poor I am and how short of money I am. "

Gu Yang originally thought that saying this would make her feel very sad, but after she said it, she felt that it was not as difficult as she imagined, instead it was as easy as letting out a bad breath.

She felt that she was really a bitch, and she insisted on doing things that she hadn't done before.

"You... are you just giving up on yourself and degrading yourself like this?"

Chen Ziran couldn't believe that when she was running around to collect evidence for her affairs, she could say such things so easily. Did she know that if she was convicted, her future would be ruined?

"Abandon yourself? Degenerate! Hehe! It's ridiculous. Do you think I'm willing? You gave up on Chen Ziran first, and you don't want to believe me. How can I degenerate? If I really degenerate, Then I would have gone out and sold it a long time ago. Is it your turn to gossip here? I can’t afford your world. If you love it so much, go with Yin Luo. She is so suitable for you. She is simple, kind, and harmless. .”

He stood up and kicked the stool in front of him.When he walked to the door, Gu Yang turned his back to him and said: "Chen Ziran, don't come here again, I don't want to see you! I feel sick when I see you!"

Thinking that Yin Luo framed him because of him, Gu Yang didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

The source of her tragedy.

The point is, he still doesn't want to believe in himself?
Do you still need to prove your innocence by yourself?So what are you going to do with him as a boyfriend?
Gu Yang has a feeling of being betrayed, the feeling that the person you want to rely on is unwilling to trust yourself, it's like being stabbed in the heart by the person you love the most.


She thought, it was over for her and Chen Ziran.

She has a certain degree of emotional cleanliness, and she really can't bear the fact that the person she likes doesn't trust her.It hurt her more than witnessing him being intimate with other women.

(End of this chapter)

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