Chapter 18 Secret
Lin Lin felt a little relieved now, and probably understood his intentions.However, I still feel that he is a bit too strict.

"Although I really need a planning manager now, I would rather be short than excessive. I don't want a manager who doesn't have good taste and doesn't understand the team to bring down the overall level of our DC Group."

Anyway, until a suitable candidate is found, he is basically doing the planning manager's work.He couldn't believe that he couldn't find the right person.

Gu Yang walked out of the conference room in a daze, thinking of too many things that he shouldn't have thought of today.It's really fatal, and now I have a terrible headache.It is estimated that it is caused by psychological effects.

Thinking about it now, how did the people who were wrong at the beginning of the account become right afterward?

Is it really true to the saying "the bastard looks at the mung beans"?

Gu Yang poohed, how can anyone say that he is a bastard?If you want a bastard, the person on the 25th floor is a bastard!
Gu Yang said such a bad word about "bastard" in his heart, and he felt a lot better in his heart.In the blink of an eye, there was another carefree, heartless Gu Yang.

But Gu Yang's carefree attitude didn't last long before he was captured by the Demon King.

"Gu Yang, put the matter in hand for a while, and come to my office." After Lin Lin came down, she didn't go back to her office directly, but now she went to find Gu Yang.Sun Xiaomei looked at her and gave her a lucky mouth.

"Close the door first." Lin Lin walked to the back of the office and sat down, rubbing her temples.

Today, she seemed to have been somewhat inexplicably hostile to herself, so the moment Gu Yang closed the door, he remembered all kinds of news about murders in secret rooms, as well as various ways to escape from secret rooms.He even glanced to see if there was anything in the office that could defend himself.

Obviously, Gu Yang's delusional disorder of being persecuted was too serious. Lin Lin neither killed her nor beat her, nor even scolded her, but asked her to sit down very gently.

Gu Yang was flattered.

As a newcomer in the personnel department who has not yet become a full-time member, Gu Yang has been summoned by the leader too frequently recently, and every time he is terrified and terrified, lest he say or do something wrong, and if he expresses the wrong feelings, he will never be able to recover.So at the moment Lin Lin is so gentle, she can't react for a while.Carefully sat down.

"Gu Yang, you have just joined the company not long ago, and your work ability is obvious to all, but I think... there are some personal matters that you should pay attention to." Lin Lin paused in the middle, thinking of an appropriate wording.

"Ah? What personal matter?"

Gu Yang was dumbfounded, what's her personal business?Why doesn't she know? ? ?
Seeing her pretending to be stupid, Lin Lin became a little annoyed, and said directly: "It's about you and the president."

In the morning, she knew that the president wanted to transfer the personnel file, and she asked Sun Xiaomei to send it because she couldn't leave. Later, she also asked President Sun Xiaomei's intention.Like Sun Xiaomei, she believes that the president and Gu Yang are definitely not simple.

Nani? ? ?She and Chen Ziran? ? ?

"Sister Lin, don't talk about such horrible things, okay? What happened to me and the president? Our innocence is comparable to the sun and the moon! Purer than tofu."

Gu Yang said swearingly.But Lin Lin obviously wouldn't believe it. She felt that Gu Yang's explanation was all because he was shy because he was afraid of being misunderstood.

As everyone knows, an explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth.

In this way, Lin Lin determined that Gu Yang and the president had a secret.

(End of this chapter)

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