Chapter 19
"Okay, I get it. The company doesn't prohibit romance in the office, so you don't need to explain. I just remind you to be careful."

Lin Lin said what she wanted to say, and impatiently wanted to send Gu Yang out.

Gu Yang black line, big sister, do you really know?I don't even know, what do you know? ? ?
"Sister Lin, listen to me, I really have nothing to do with the president. The conscience of heaven and earth!" Gu Yang almost swore to God, if Lin Lin needed her to send it, she would not hesitate to do so.

"The president is not satisfied with the interviewees this time, so you can check online to see if there are any suitable candidates. Make an appointment and interview again." Lin Lin obviously has nothing to do with her to continue to struggle with the previous question. Be patient and go straight to other things.

Gu Yang was speechless, not satisfied with any of them, this is indeed his style.Criticism to the extreme! ! !
Seeing that he couldn't change her mind anymore, Gu Yang walked out of the office dejectedly.Sun Xiaomei, who was at the side, couldn't help feeling sympathetic when she saw the sky-falling expression on her face, and promised to take her out to eat delicious food at noon.

As a non-senior foodie, Gu Yang's philosophy of life is: When it comes to food, no problem is a problem.

Therefore, when the spicy and delicious dry pot ribs were served, Gu Yang had already looked at the outer space for the previously entangled matter.

Sure enough, only delicious things can comfort people's hearts in the world.

Life was so uneventful, and Gu Yang also notified several people to come for interviews.They are all good people, but they really can't get into the eyes of such a big boss on the 35th floor.The position of planning manager has also been vacant.

Gu Yang even wondered for a while whether he actually had plans for a certain beauty in the planning department, so he wanted to always occupy the position of planning manager, so as to use his power for personal gain from time to time.

Of course, this is just purely idle speculation after dinner.She dared not speak out.

Going home at night, Gu Yang received a call from the other side of the ocean.


The corner of Gu Yang's mouth twitched: "Mom, can you call me by my name???"

Maomao is Gu Yang's nickname, the shadow in her heart, forever.It is estimated that any girl has been called a caterpillar by her friends since childhood, no matter how strong her heart is, she will also want to die.

Unfortunately, Gu Yang was the one who was extremely strong in heart, but died on the nickname.

"Maomao." Gu Ma obviously chose to directly ignore her request: "Are you okay in City C now?"

Gu's mother divorced Gu Yang's father in the early years and married abroad.Gu Yang has always been unwilling to forgive such a mother, and even after Gu's father passed away, he was unwilling to take refuge in Gu's mother.

Until one day, Gu Ma, who was far away in Italy, received a call from Gu Yang asking her to help her.

That was the first time Gu Yang took the initiative to call her in ten years.

Later, the relationship between mother and daughter gradually eased.Gu Yang was no longer covered in thorns.

"Let me tell you, since you have decided to settle in City C, you have to think carefully about your lifelong affairs and find a boyfriend. Hey, you are not young anymore. It is almost time to find someone to marry. "

The last time my daughter asked her for help out of nowhere and was depressed for a long time in Italy, Gu's mother guessed that she was slightly injured. She originally thought that time would make her forget it slowly, but unexpectedly, this forgetfulness Just forget about six years.

Now Gu Yang is 26 years old, and he doesn't even have a serious boyfriend.She is really heartbroken as a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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