The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 191 The Love Rival Appears 1

Chapter 191 The Love Rival Appears 1
"how is this possible?"

Xiang Nan exclaimed: "There is no marriage proposal, how could it be so simple to agree? You are thinking beautifully, do you think it is so simple to marry a wife?"

I really don't know what he thinks, if it is so easy to get married and have children, then there won't be so many idiots and women who are single in the world.

"Didn't you just say..."

"What? Who told you not to listen to me?"

Xiang Nan was speechless: "My parents said that they want to see you. Let's have a meal together. If you have time someday, let's go back together?"

Her parents saw the news of his relationship on TV, and then called her immediately to scold her.Any parent who only finds out about their daughter's relationship through TV probably wants to hit the wall, right?
But speaking of it, counting from two years ago, the time they spent together was not too short, but her parents didn't know about his existence at all, and they had never seen him.

Even if he occasionally saw his existence in the financial section of the newspaper, he probably would not have thought that such a man was now with his daughter.

" can set the time, I don't care."

Thinking that I am going to meet the legendary mother-in-law, I have mixed feelings in my heart.He also met all kinds of wonderful mothers-in-law through the Internet.Just pray that Xiangnan's mother is a normal human being.

"Well, good! Then I'll ask my parents what time is convenient."

Xiang Nan is not nervous at all.Her parents have been urging her to fall in love for a long time, but she has been evading it on the grounds of work before.Although they were a little unhappy that they were the last to know this time, they were still very happy that she was finally willing to fall in love.

"Don't worry, my parents are very open-minded. There will definitely be no problems. Don't be nervous."

I heard that meeting parents for the first time would be very nervous, so Xiang Nan comforted him to take it easy.

"I'm not nervous. I'll think about it again. How high is the success rate of proposing marriage to them at the first meeting? Will I be kicked out?"

"You think too much!"


Because I told Jin Ruichen before, and after asking my parents, Xiang Nan decided to go back after get off work on Friday.Then, come back on Sunday.She also asked for leave from the crew in advance, to shoot their scenes first, and then come back to make up for her own.

The originally estimated time was very appropriate.If they leave immediately after get off work, they may return home around eight o'clock in the evening.It's also fast, and I can barely eat dinner two hours before going to bed.

But I didn't expect that there would be a little accident on the set.This caused their punishment time to be two hours later than expected.

So, when she was supposed to be here soon, she called her parents to tell them not to wait for her to go home for dinner, the disappointed voice of her parents still made her a little sad.

Originally, she usually had less time to go home, but now she finally agreed on the arrival time, but it turned out that this time was their departure time.

Well, no wonder they were disappointed.

Xiang Nan could guess that her mother started preparing a big meal after lunch.

. .


Xiang Nan curiously asked Jin Ruichen who was driving.His face was flat, and he looked ahead intently, without any sense that it was the first time he was going to see his future mother-in-law.Those who didn't know thought he was just out fishing on weekends.

"What's so nervous about?"

It's just seeing two people, and it's not like you have three heads and six arms, so what's there to be nervous about?Could it be that this is more difficult than his [-] million cooperation case?Look how excited she is.It seems that I really want to see myself sweating nervously and shrinking into a circle.

"Hey, it's really boring."

Seeing that he was really calm, Xiang Nan was a little frustrated. She had heard from her friends that her boyfriend was very uneasy when he went to the woman's house for the first time. Why did he come here? So calm?This is a bit unscientific.

Looking at the flying scenery outside the window, Xiang Nan leaned against him and fell asleep.

Jin Ruichen had never been to her house before, so when he arrived at the county seat, he shook her awake and asked her to show the way.

"Huh? Turn right ahead."

Xiang Nan rubbed his eyes in a daze, and began to act as a temporary GPS manual navigation.

Looking at the incident, it was almost eleven o'clock.It was almost time for people in this small county to go home and get ready for bed, so there were very few people on the street.There are very few cars.

After parking the car downstairs, Jin Ruichen took out the things he bought from the trunk, and followed Xiang Nan with big and small bags.The address memorized while walking.

Xiangnanjia Community has two households on one ladder.The two families have a good relationship and have been friends for decades.When I got to the door, I saw the doors of the two families were wide open. There was no one in the house, and there was a quarrel in the house.She didn't find it strange at all.The relationship between the Lin family next door and her parents is very good. They watch TV and chat together every night.

Their son, like himself, also worked outside for a long time, but he came back less often.

I guess I come back once or twice a year.

She's never encountered it before, and she doesn't know.

. .

A group of people who were chatting enthusiastically inside saw that Xiang Nan finally came back.They all stood up alive and helped her get things.

Xiang Nan called one by one, and after handing over all the things in his hand, he introduced to them: "This is my boyfriend, Jin Ruichen, you have seen it on TV. This is my mother, and this is my father." ,this is.."

Xiang Nan introduced Jin Ruichen one by one.After the elders finished their introductions, they realized that there was another person sitting on the sofa. After a while, he said unnaturally, "This is Lin Jiaze, Aunt Lin's son."

Jin Ruichen followed Xiangnan in a good manner and called out one by one.When she introduced Lin Jiaze, her body visibly stiffened, which did not escape his eyes.He took a meaningful look at the handsome man on the sofa with a smile on his mouth, and greeted him indifferently.

After Lin Jiaze heard Xiang Nan's introduction, he stood up gracefully, walked in front of the two of them, stretched out his hands to rub Xiang Nan's hair, and said, "Stinky girl, I didn't even know you had a boyfriend quietly. Forgot about me?"

Then he greeted Jin Ruichen.

Jin Ruichen narrowed his eyes, this man really did not hide his hostility towards him.

And Xiang Nan, when he saw him, he was out of shape.Dazed, distracted, looking at him made me angry.

(End of this chapter)

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