The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 192 The Love Rival Appears 2

Chapter 192 The Love Rival Appears 2
"Who told you to go abroad without saying a word? You're lucky, my parents didn't know it's been a month. This is the first time they met, and you caught up with them."

Xiang Nan quickly returned to normal, and indifferently slapped away his hands that wanted to continue rubbing his hair.Emotions are no longer affected by him.

Lin Jiaze is three years older than her, and will be thirty this year.The two grew up together.When I was young, it was a large courtyard, and later the two bought a house together, and they were also together.Until he was 24 years old and somehow went abroad.I never got in touch again.

Speaking of which, they have not been in touch for almost six years.

At first, I felt that time passed quickly, but now that I think about it, it seems like it was only last month.

"When did you come back?"

"It's been almost two years since I've been back. You've been missing for two years. It's impossible to expect you to remember me. Didn't you hear that you're bringing your boyfriend back? Are you curious? I came here to see the truth. I didn't expect you to be so slow. Let me wait!"

Lin Jiaze calmly returned to his original seat and sat down, as if this was his home.

"Really? I really haven't paid attention to you. I don't want to pay attention to you. Where's your wife? Why haven't you seen it? After so many years, you should be married to your senior sister? Have you had any children?"

Handing the things in her hand to her mother to put down, Xiang Nan also pulled Jin Ruichen to sit down.

"We've broken up a long time ago. Shouldn't the protagonist tonight be your boyfriend? Old Xiang's new son-in-law. Why are you asking me all the time? Could it be that you have something in mind for me?"

Lin Jiaze didn't want to talk about the past, so he made some jokes, trying to avoid the topic.


Xiang Nan was taken aback.When did this happen?Why hasn't she heard of it at all?
Automatically, after he suddenly left the country, I never contacted him again, and even if I occasionally received his emails, I would pretend that I didn't see them.When she was at home, if her parents mentioned him, she would walk away angrily.

but. .Didn't she expect that the two of them would break up long ago?
The two of them used to be together, how many people have envied them?
She always thought that the two could fall in love, marry and have children, and live happily ever after.

So, she used to hide all her little thoughts in her heart.

"Yeah, Xiang Nan, it's the first time you brought your boyfriend back, and you asked this bastard what to do? Don't think he's [-] now, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend, he's going to kill me. If you have The right girl, remember to help him find it?"

Mother Lin beat her son's head on the side, hating iron and steel.

"Uh...let me take a look, ha ha... ha ha..."

Xiang Nan smirked.I don't know how to continue the conversation.She really didn't want to be a matchmaker for him.She was afraid of harming those beautiful girls.

"Mom, don't worry about my affairs. Someone wants this girl. Are you still worried that I won't be able to marry a wife? On the contrary, Xiang Nan's boyfriend looks familiar to me!"

Lin Jiaze looked at Jin Ruichen in thought. He had never read Xiang Nan's report before, and he didn't know who her boyfriend was.I heard it when I called home.Now that he saw Jin Ruichen, he felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him.

"Lingyu Group, Jin Ruichen! I think we have cooperated before!"

Jin Ruichen's memory has always been very good, as long as he has talked with people, as long as there are no major changes, he can recognize them.When he came in just now, he recognized Lin Jiaze.It's just that he didn't expect that his relationship with Xiang Nan would be so close.

"Ah!!! It's Mr. Jin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be with Xiang Nan. Tsk tsk tsk!"

Lin Jiaze looked regretful.It's like saying it's a pity that such a good man with good roots, why can't he figure it out so much, and met Xiang Nan?

Xiang Nan slapped him on the back of the head angrily, and roared: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. If you dare to say another word, I will kill you!"

"Rubbing the back of his head that hurt from the beating, Lin Jiaze muttered, "Are you sure you're really a woman?so rude. "

But then, he really didn't say anything more.

Jin Ruichen raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiang Nan, could this be her true character?That was much more direct than when he was in front of him.

Xiang Nan is 27 years old, and this is the first time they encountered a situation where their daughter brought her girlfriend back.Xiang Nan's parents looked at Jin Ruichen at a loss.I don't know what to say.Especially Jin Ruichen's aura is too strong.They were even more speechless.

"Old Xiang, Xiang Nan and the others have only come back after being stuck in traffic. They probably haven't eaten yet. Let the two children eat first."

Fortunately, Mother Lin reminded the two of you.

It's okay not to mention it, but as soon as Xiang Nan was mentioned, he felt that his chest was attached to his back.

Although very hungry, Jin Ruichen still remembered her habits.Prepared a glass of milk for her.

After all, it was time to go to bed soon, Xiang Nan still didn't dare to eat too much, and he didn't eat after a little bit.Jin Ruichen heard her say that she was hungry countless times along the way, and he also knew that she would definitely be hungry at night after eating such a small amount.So after dinner, I peeled another fruit for her.

Xiang Nan's parents watched the interaction between the two and exchanged glances.There is no need for them to ask anything anymore.If this man treats his daughter so well, there will definitely be no problem.

Only Lin Jiaze kept watching with cold eyes.

It was still very late, everyone chatted for a while and asked Jin Ruichen some questions.They were all gone and ready to sleep.

. .

"Don't you need an explanation?"

Before falling asleep, Jin Ruichen sat on the bed and calmly looked at Xiangnan who was applying skin care products.

"Huh? What?"

Xiang Nan couldn't react for a moment, and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Your childhood sweetheart neighbor, Lin Jiaze, what's going on?"

He is very mindful of Xiang Nan's attitude now.She never lost her mind when she was filming and she didn't even feel it.He couldn't be mistaken for the depression and depression when he mentioned his matter just now.

"What's going on? That's it. We grew up in the same yard. Later, he went abroad and never saw him again. But I didn't expect you to know each other. What is he doing now?"

Of course Xiang Nan knew what he meant.But I really don't want to mention it.

Especially don't want to mention it in front of him.Because I don't know what to say.It's wrong no matter what.

Is it possible for her to say that she had a crush on him for six years?
It is estimated that he will die a miserable death when he hears such words!

(End of this chapter)

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