The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 195 The Love Rival Appears 5

Chapter 195 The Love Rival Appears 5
Jin Ruichen was not angry, and even took his provocation as a meaningless demonstration of a child.If he could really do anything to Xiang Nan, it would not be his turn to sit here.

If Xiang Nan still had any feelings between men and women for him now, he wouldn't have followed him back then.

He still has that confidence.

He is not confident in himself, he is confident in Xiang Nan.She is not the kind of person who has someone in her heart and is willing to be with other men.

"Hmm... You're right, that girl probably hates me to death. She definitely won't go with me!"

Lin Jiaze admitted what he said, and finally nodded in self-affirmation.

If Xiang Nan was really such an easy-going person, he wouldn't have not replied to him for six years.If she hadn't come back to block her this time, maybe she would ignore him for a long time!

"Why are you bastard here? No food for you!"

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

Xiang Nan came out after washing his hands, and when he saw Lin Jiaze who was sitting motionless, he became furious.This guy really thinks this is his home.

"I prepared my meal for my mother."

"Xiang Nan, what are you talking about? Do you ever talk like that? After washing your hands, you come to help me with the bowl. Really, how old are you that you have the nerve to say such things."

As if to prove Lin Jiaze, Xiang's mother came out of the kitchen.reprimand her.

Xiang Nan cast an aggrieved glance at Jin Ruichen, and followed him to get the bowl.Seeing that she had been wronged, Jin Ruichen resigned himself to his fate and got up to help her.

. .

After dinner, Xiang Nan took Jin Ruichen to wander around the town.Lin Jiaze wanted to go with him in a shameless manner.Xiang Nan originally disagreed, but Jin Ruichen agreed, so she just made a face and gave up.

The town is actually not big, because there is a beautiful river flowing slowly beside the town, and there are some old houses on both sides of the river, so the tourism industry here has developed very well in the past two years, especially a In summer, there are many people who come to play.Except during the rainy season in summer, the water in the river is not deep, so many people like to play water fights in it.It's really good to come here with children.

Most importantly, it is very close to C City.

"Wow, why do so many people come here now? Think about how clean it was when I was young!"

Afraid of being recognized by others, Xiang Nan wore big sunglasses, but along the way, many acquainted neighbors recognized her.But they all grew up watching Xiang Nan, and they all left after saying hello, but took a second look at the handsome Jin Ruichen next to Xiang Nan.

"You haven't come back for two years, of course you don't know."

"It's as if you're back!"

Xiang Nan couldn't understand his complacent look, and deliberately wanted to make things difficult for him.

Lin Jiaze smiled and didn't speak, and he really didn't come back much, just laughing at fifty steps.

"I didn't expect your hometown to be so lively!"

Looking at the people playing by the river, Jin Ruichen also felt relaxed.It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable.

"Haha, do you want to go down and play too?"

"just forget it!"

Xiang Nan's question was a joke, but in the end he answered seriously.

"I remember that there are many crafts sellers on the ancient street. Let's go buy some too? I have long thought that there should be something on display at home, but I have never had time to buy it."

The two men were noncommittal, and they followed her wherever she went.They need to carry things, and they are all doing it.

However, even though Xiang Nan wanted to keep a low profile, he was still recognized.

The two girls who looked like students recognized her first, and they didn't care if they were still choosing things, so they asked her directly: "Hey, you are Xiangnan, right?"

Especially when they saw Jin Ruichen next to her, the two of them confirmed her identity even more.

The boss in the store also heard what the two children said, put down what he was doing, and ran over to watch.

Most of the people in this town originally knew Xiangnan, but after the development of tourism, many foreigners came and opened small shops, so she doesn't know many people on this ancient street.

Xiang Nan originally wanted to pretend that he had admitted the wrong person, but seeing their confirmation and excitement, he had no choice but to take off his sunglasses and say, "Hello!"

The two girls looked at each other, unable to believe that they had actually met a celebrity, and excitedly asked Xiang Nan if they could take a photo together.Of course Xiang Nan agreed, and after the group photo was over, the two asked Xiang Nan for his autograph.She had no choice but to agree one by one.

The commotion here finally attracted the attention of outsiders, and they all quickly gathered around and asked Xiang Nan for his autograph and group photo.Xiang Nan agreed with good temper.

But Jin Ruichen watched from the side, his face sinking like water.

Lin Jiaze laughed out loud.

. .

Jin Ruichen angrily pulled Xiang Nan away, and if he continued to sign like this, it would be endless.But Xiang Nan said on the sidelines, "Obviously you are the one who wants to go out for a stroll, what can I do?"

When she got home, there was no one in the house, and Xiang Nan knew without guessing that her father was looking for someone to go fishing, and her mother was looking for someone to play cards.

These two completely ignored her who hadn't come home for a long time, and the boyfriend she brought back for the first time.

She doesn't know what it's like when other people bring their boyfriends home for the first time, but surely they won't be ignored like them?

"Don't think it's because my parents don't want to see you. I've lived like this for so many years. Our family's educational philosophy is free-range. So, I'm used to it."

Afraid of Jin Ruichen's misunderstanding, Xiang Nan hurriedly explained to him.

Jin Ruichen nodded, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

The three of them ate lunch outside, so there is nothing to do when they come back, especially Jin Ruichen, who is used to busy work, suddenly feels uncomfortable all over when he relaxes.

Xiang Nan said that he was abusive.

The sun outside was still very strong in the afternoon, and Xiang Nan still had lingering fears after being recognized by someone just now, and he didn't want to go out again, so the two decided to stay at home and watch a movie.

but. .Not long after the movie started, Xiang Nan realized something was wrong.

Lin Jiaze came over to get some things every once in a while, and came over to do something again after a while, so she couldn't watch the movie properly at all.Xiang Nan suspected that he did it on purpose, and always felt that his actions were very familiar.

It took a long time before she remembered.She has done this before.

When he was watching movies with his girlfriend at home, he used to bother them for various reasons.

However, at that time, I had a plan, and I was afraid that they would mess around.

What's wrong with him?
(End of this chapter)

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