The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 196 The Love Rival Appears 6

Chapter 196 The Love Rival Appears 6
In short, with his unremitting efforts, Xiang Nan finally lost the mind to watch movies.

"Then let's go out to buy vegetables! What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you!"

Jin Ruichen saw his little thoughts, so he dropped the remote control in his hand, and stood up very gracefully.Pulled south to go outside.There was no time for Lin Jiaze to catch up.

Now if someone told him that Lin Jiaze only regarded Xiang Nan as his younger sister, he had no intention at all.Even if he was killed, he would not believe it.

But he would not let Xiang Nan know about this kind of thing.The more confused she is, the happier she is.

When he was at home, Jin Ruichen used to cook most of the time, so now he goes to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.Xiang Nan was puzzled, he was so good, how could he make her feel like a woman?
When Xiang Nan's parents came home, Jin Ruichen was almost done.Xiang Nan helped wash the vegetables and arrange the dishes in the kitchen.It looks harmonious from the outside.

"Oh, how can I ask you to do this? Xiang Nan, you really are too, don't you know it yourself?"

Seeing that Jin Ruichen was cooking, Xiang's mother was surprised at first, and then began to reprimand Xiang Nan.

Cooking is a woman's job, but Xiang Nan is making soy sauce on the side, and Xiang's mother feels that she has been teaching her for nothing all these years.

"He cooks better than me!"

Xiang Nan knew that his cooking skills were not at the same level as Jin Ruichen's.

"Go out, you go out to watch TV, you go play chess with Xiang Nan's father. Let me come here."

Xiang's mother insisted that the visitor is a guest, and she was embarrassed to let Jin Ruichen cook, so she hurriedly kicked the two out.

"Okay, then I'm going out!"

Xiang Nan doesn't miss the kitchen at all.Pulling Jin Ruichen to oil the soles of his feet, he slipped away.

When I went out, Xiang Dad had already set up chess and waited.There are only two things he loves most now, fishing and playing chess, which are completely the standard life of retirees.

"Go, call your Uncle Lin! By the way, go downstairs and buy a bottle of soy sauce for your mother!"

After setting up the chess, Xiang Dad mercilessly ordered to go south to run errands.

No matter how reluctant Xiang Nan is, he must obediently do it.

The owner of the supermarket downstairs went out today and did not open the door. Xiang Nan had to walk another street to buy soy sauce from another store.After buying it, I met an acquaintance.

Lin Jiaze's ex-girlfriend.Xu Mo.

"Hello, senior!"

Although I really didn't like her in the past, but after so many years, the caressing among these children has long been forgotten by her.

"Are you... heading south?"

Xu Mo looked at the familiar person in front of him, feeling a little dazed.

"Yes, when did senior come back?"

She also felt very surprised to meet acquaintances one after another in the past two days.Especially after seeing her after knowing that she and Lin Jiaze had broken up, he felt very embarrassed.Back then, the two of them could be regarded as vigorous.But I don't want the two of them to grow old together.

"It's been a few years since I came back, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Sister, why don't you come to my house for a while?"

"No..No. I have something to do now, so I won't go."

Just when she said this, a child came out from the fruit stand next door and called her mother.Xu Mo picked up the child and prepared to say goodbye to Xiang Nan.

"Sister, can you give me your phone number? When will we go out for tea together?"

Looking at the five-year-old child in her hand, Xiang Nan was so startled that he couldn't speak.

She and Lin Jiaze grew up together, although she didn't know what Lin Jiaze looked like when he was five years old, but she did not miss the photos of him when he was a child. Compared with the child in Xu Mo's arms, they were not 80.00% similar, but [-]% similar.

She can guarantee that this child is definitely Lin Jiaze's, but she doesn't know if he knows about the existence of this child.

After thinking about it, Xu Mo changed her phone number with her.But when he was walking south, he stopped her.

"Xiangnan... is he at home now?"

Although she didn't say her name, of course Xiang Nan knew who she was talking about.

"Well, at home, I just came back."

"Oh.. Thanks.. I'm leaving, bye!"

Xiang Nan was carrying a bottle of soy sauce, and looked at Xu Mo who left in a panic with some puzzlement.Confused about what I saw today, should I tell Lin Jiaze?
There was so much information about this matter that even she couldn't digest it now.

. .

"You're back? You i child, why did it take so long to buy soy sauce? Hurry up and get it to your mother! Otherwise, be careful that she will get mad and clean you~!"

Father Xiang is now in a happy mood, seeing his daughter come back, he smiled and waved to her.

Xiang Nan walked into the kitchen in a daze, saw his mother busy in it, put down the soy sauce, and asked her hesitantly: "Mom, do you know when Lin Jiaze broke up with senior sister Xu Mo?"

She felt that, as Lin Jiaze's childhood sweetheart, she had a responsibility and an obligation to find out whether Lin Jiaze knew about the existence of that child.Otherwise, she will have a bad conscience.After all, she couldn't let her friend's children wander outside.

And seeing how the senior was avoiding her just now, she can guarantee that Lin Jiaze doesn't know anything.

"Why are you asking this? Do you still have any ideas? Let me tell you, Xiao Jin is a good man. Don't let me eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot."

Of course Xiang Ma knew how little her child thought about Lin Jiaze back then.But she didn't have a boyfriend before, so she couldn't control how she dreamed, anyway, the reality would make her sober, but now that she has a boyfriend, if she still thinks about Lin Jiaze, she can't bear it.

Although she watched Lin Jiaze grow up and was indeed a good man, she could not allow Xiang Nan to do such a thing.

"Oh, where are you thinking? I have serious business here, can't you answer it properly? What are you thinking about so much? Do you know?"

Xiang Nan was left speechless by her mother's words, what is this all about?Is she the kind of person who sees things differently?
"How would I know? Go ask him yourself!"

"Oh, if I could ask him, why would I ask you what?"

Without getting the answer he wanted, Xiang Nan walked out in frustration.Seeing Uncle Lin playing chess with his father over there, he wanted to ask him, but was a little afraid that Jin Ruichen might misunderstand.He stomped his feet impatiently on the spot.

As a result, this stomp attracted the attention of three people.

"What's the matter with you? Come and exchange tea for us if you have nothing to do!"

It was rare for Xiang Nan to come back once, and Xiang's father spared no effort to make her do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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