The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 201 I'm Protecting You

Chapter 201 I'm Protecting You

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. It's my fault. I didn't stop this from happening at the source. I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and bring the person who spread the rumors to justice. To vent your hatred it is good?"

No matter what he does afterwards, the most important thing now is to appease her.

"Hmph, less hindsight! Why did you go early? Now my heart is broken. It's broken. No matter how you make it up, it's useless."

Gu Yang held his head up like a queen, and Chen Ziran's heart was itching to see with his pursed mouth.Sure enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, even if Gu Yang is so stubborn and unreasonable now, he still finds it extremely cute.

"Actually, I have a solution once and for all. It's a pity that you will definitely not agree."

Chen Ziran shook his head regretfully, deliberately showing off.

"What method? Tell me? If it is really practical, I will reward you a lot!"

"Well, it's very simple. If everyone knows that you are the future proprietress of DC, do you think anyone would dare to make irresponsible remarks behind your back?"

Chen Ziran spread his hands, thinking that this was just a very simple and simple matter.

Gu Yang nodded and said, "That's true, what you said makes sense."

Just when Chen Ziran was about to continue talking excitedly, Gu Yang interrupted him again and said: "But... I'm sure the next thing will be very annoying, sure, there are many people who will keep following me, asking Dong Wenxi, if I'm not careful, they will dig out my ancestors for eighteen generations. It's not worth it. It's more annoying than those eight wives in the company!"

Chen Ziran was discouraged and said: "Then I have nothing to do. Rumors only stop with wise men. Soon they will find that you have nothing to do, and they will calm down. I will let Qingfeng clear up this bad atmosphere."

Gu Yang was always unwilling to disclose their relationship, and Chen Ziran couldn't feel at ease all the time.

He is extremely insecure right now.Before Gu Yang was willing to make the relationship public, he felt like a tightrope walker, Gu Yang was holding the tightrope at the other end, and he was walking precariously.

He can be regarded as falling into Gu Yang's hands.

But he enjoyed it.

"In the next period of time, you won't be traveling again, right?"

"I don't know, probably not!"

It’s not good to delay his work, so Gu Yang sat on the sofa next to him, reading the latest fashion magazines.She didn't even think that there would be these magazines in his office. She saw a few comics just now and said that they must have been left by Qiuqiu before. .She thought there were only finance and economics, but she didn't expect it to be so rich, and instantly felt that it was too out of tune.

"Do you have time tomorrow? Go back to have dinner with me, and meet my parents by the way. I was delayed last time because of Lu Jun's affairs. Is it okay this time?"

Lu Jun's injuries are almost healed, and he has already been discharged from the hospital.Now he is recuperating at home, and a special person is taking care of him.There is no need for Gu Yang to look after him every day.

"Well, yes. Yes! Come pick me up from the set tomorrow afternoon!"

There should be nothing to do tomorrow.I should be able to go.But she was also speechless.Said 'by the way' to meet his parents.By the way is this how words like this are used?Would it be a little disrespectful?
"Well, then I'll tell them."

Just like what he said before.Gu Yang is his girlfriend, the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and it is his son's duty to introduce her to his parents.But he has no responsibility to blindly follow their arrangements in terms of feelings.

"Then should I prepare any presents? Although I have met your mother before, it is the first time to visit your mother, so I have to buy something, right?"

The last time I went shopping at the mall, I went to the hospital before I could choose what I liked.

What's more, she really didn't know that his mother didn't lack anything, and what she wanted to buy could touch her heart.

"You don't need to buy anything. If you really want to buy something, just go to the fruit shop downstairs and just buy something!"

For Chen Ziran, his mother has everything, and her attitude towards Gu Yang is not good.Buying is also a waste!
casual. .Gu Yang was overwhelmed by these two words, which were so tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

"What do you know? It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the research topic that needs to be broken the most. If I just go to see her casually like this, your mother will definitely be unhappy. She thinks I don't respect her. So I must choose something well Give it to her! This is related to whether I can live a good life in front of her if I don't think about marrying you in the future. "

Watching her start to search on her mobile phone with interest, looking for the truth of her predecessors.Chen Ziran felt a pain in his heart.She was so wary of trying to please the fuck.But he didn't know that his mother had already denied her from head to toe in her heart.For a split second, he couldn't help but want to tell her the whole thing.Finally endured it.

"Mao Mao!"

After a busy afternoon, I finally finished the work in hand.Chen Ziran stretched himself, and called Gu Yang who was still looking online.

"what happened?"

Gu Yang was watching intently, and asked him without raising his head.

"Why are you willing to go back to see my parents, but still unwilling to announce our relationship? What are you thinking about?"

In fact, the photos of the two of them together have been photographed many times, but every time he suppressed them when the news was about to be published.How to say, DC is also a media giant.Ordinary magazines do not want to offend him.

"How good is it now? How easy? As long as the two of us are happy, don't care what others do? Why do you have to let them know?"

"Maomao, what are you afraid of? What are you worrying about?"

Gu Yang's character is not so predictable, she usually does what she thinks is right.Like now, there must be a reason for her persistent rejection of something that should have been good.

Gu Yang finally put down the phone in his hand, stood up, and said righteously: "I am protecting you!"

Protect you from my mother's persecution!

She can guarantee that her mother will definitely return to City C within a week after the news breaks out.Cut him to pieces.

Chen Ziran burst out laughing.Blinded by her reason.

"No matter what, sooner or later you have to face it, right? You can't keep running away!"

Gu Yang thought about it carefully, and said: "You are right. Die early and rebirth early. It is not an option for me to hide it. Then do whatever you want! You are the head of the family, and I will listen to you!"

Chen Ziran was dumbfounded, he never thought it would be so easy to convince her.He has already made preparations for a long-term war of resistance.Now she agreed so easily, making him feel like a fool for the response skills he thought before.

(End of this chapter)

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