Chapter 202
In fact, he is so eager to make their relationship public now because he wants his mother to have no room for regret.As long as everyone knows, his mother shouldn't come up with other bad moves, right?

Chen Ziran is worthy of being an activist.

Xiang Nan had just promised him in the afternoon that he could announce their relationship.The next day the news was overwhelming.Of course, because Chen Ziran greeted him first, all the descriptions in the media were positive.

Although people's eyes will inevitably look at Yin Luo.But who is Chen Ziran?In two or three strokes, those voices attacking Gu Yang on the Internet were resolved.

The people of the DC Group were also dumbfounded.It was widely rumored that Gu Yang was going to be fired, but in a blink of an eye, Gu Yang would become their half boss?This change was too fast, which made them unacceptable for a while.

During this period, there were many people who contacted Gu Yang. After all, she was an agent, and there were many media with her phone number. Many people wanted to interview her and get first-hand information. At first, she had a good temper. Rejected, and later refused to answer directly.If it wasn't because Chen Ziran was coming to pick her up in the afternoon, she would have turned off her phone long ago.

She just said that it would be really annoying if the relationship was announced.Now the newspaper is here!
"You guys are really fast. If there is no warning, you will announce it suddenly. It is estimated that the reporters at the door are all three floors in and out."

Xiang Nan put on makeup and made fun of her.

"Please, big sister, can't you stop making fun of me? I'm going crazy now, do you think I'm a brain-dead person who agreed to announce this news? You say I'm not popular, why are those reporters chasing me? ?”

Gu Yang gnawed on the bread, thinking bitterly.

When she went out in the morning, she saw many reporters outside.I didn't dare to buy breakfast, so I had to bring a piece of bread at home to satisfy my hunger.

"You are not popular, but your boyfriend's popularity is enough! Come on, the boss of DC Group, and the small employees under it. Isn't this a real version of the domineering president falling in love with me? Those reporters like this the most It's news. It's explosive! Be careful, they will definitely reveal all your life from birth to the present!"

Xiang Nan slowly analyzed his experience to her.

"If he's popular, go find him! Why are you looking for me? I should!"

Gu Yang was chased away early in the morning.Temper is on fire, just one point!

"Who dares? Do you dare to return it to you?"

"Hmm... It seems that I really don't dare!"

He scratched his hair irritably.Gu Yang went crazy: "Ah!!! It's so annoying! I have to hack him to death when I go back! Is there such a thing? I don't dare to go out now. This is killing people!"

Although she was blocked because of the news before, but because of other people's news at that time, now that the news heroine is replaced by herself, she is about to collapse.It's only been a whole morning, if it goes on like this, she will definitely suffer from schizophrenia.

"It's okay, just get used to it!"

Xiang Nan stood up, patted Gu Yang on the shoulder, as if I was someone from here.Then walked out, ready to start filming.

After struggling for a long time, Gu Yang still felt upset, so he took out his phone and called.

"Hi, I'm Gu Yang! I want you to do something for me now..."

After arranging things, Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and went out to watch Xiang Nan filming.

The most effective way to deal with this kind of shameless stalking is to suppress them from power.And she has never lacked connections and power.Although I don't like to bully others, this special situation still needs to be handled specially.

. .

One thing was solved, and there was another thing waiting for her to break through, but she had no relevant experience, so she had no choice but to ask Xiang Nan for advice shamelessly.

"Hehe, hehe. I don't have anything to say, I can only tell you, good luck to you!"

Xiang Nan looked at the script during the break, and when he heard Gu Yang's question, he moved away from her in fear.

"How can you say that? I'm asking you sincerely. You don't know that I didn't make it last time. Chen Ziran's mother already had some problems with me. She originally called me Gu Yang, but she changed it to Miss Gu. You said that if I don't behave well this time, how miserable my life will be in the future."

Gu Yang understood it with reason and moved it with emotion.I just hope she can teach me a little bit.

"Let me tell you, mother-in-law is the scariest creature in the world. No matter how dignified, gentle, and amiable they are in front of others. But... as long as they are in front of their own daughter-in-law, they will immediately become picky , nit-picking, no matter how well you do, she can still pick out the thorns from it."

Speaking of these, Xiang Nan felt sympathetic.

"Is it so scary?"

"Hehe, you'll know if you try it yourself. You don't know that when I met Jin Ruichen's mother before, I was almost killed! I still have lingering fears when I think about it now. Anyway, there must be good mothers-in-law, but after hearing what you said, Chen Ziran The mother is definitely not in that ranks! Boy, take care!"

Patting Gu Yang on the shoulder comfortingly, Xiang Nan continued to study her script.

Gu Yang got goosebumps from what she said.But there is no one to learn from. Apart from her, the only friends in C city are Qian Duoduo.For an older divorced woman like Qian Duoduo, the mother-in-law is probably a very scary existence.She simply broke the jar.

Anyway, she also felt that Chen Ziran's mother was not easy to fool.

Those who like her, no matter what wrong things she does, like her.

Those who don't like her will not like her no matter what good things she does.

So, she just went with the flow.Listen to Chen Ziran.Anyway, she will live with Chen Ziran in the future.After she has figured out his mother's temper recently, she will prescribe the right medicine to overcome difficulties.

After figuring it out, Gu Yang felt that his whole body was relaxed, and his whole body was much more energetic.So when Chen Ziran came to pick her up in the afternoon, he could see that she was very happy.

"Why are you so happy?"

Skillfully drove the car to the old house.Seeing that she was in high spirits along the way, Chen Ziran finally couldn't help asking her curiously.In his opinion, Gu Yang's mood today should not be considered happy.After all, those annoying reporters should have come to bother her.

In the morning, because I was in a hurry, I didn't go out with her.But when he went out, he had already seen a lot of reporters who were stationed there.Although he notified Gu Yang immediately, she should still be chased, right?
However, when it came to reporters, he just remembered that when he went to pick him up just now, there was no reporter outside the set!

(End of this chapter)

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