Chapter 223 Escape
Not to mention that after returning to Italy, Gu Yang gave up on himself.

At that time, she wanted to rush back to City C and kill Chen Ziran!
At that time, she said that in this life, these two people will never be mixed together again.

In the end, I didn't expect that the two went around and were still together.

That's why she has such an atmosphere.

Back then, she did not fulfill her responsibility as a mother and caused her to be hurt so much. This time, she will try her best to avoid hurting her again.

But she didn't expect her reaction to be so violent.This is simply beyond her imagination.

"Mom! You were desperate for love back then, so... I believe you can understand my current psychology, right?"

After Gu Yang calmed down his emotions, he sobbed and said the last sentence, and then fell into complete silence.

But this sentence directly hit Shen Hua's heart.

Who hasn't been crazy about love back then?
Isn't the current Gu Yang very similar to her back then?

She also disregarded all opinions, divorced and married to Italy when everyone was not optimistic and blessed, but isn't she still very happy now?

Just like a slap in the face, Shen Hua figured out many things.

"Maomao, you ask him to come over tomorrow and have a meal! This doesn't mean I agree. If I find out that he is not suitable for you, I will take you back! His parents don't want to come. If he doesn't pass Before my review, I don't want to have too much contact with his family!"

She still couldn't forget Zeng Yi making things difficult for Gu Yang.

"Well! Thank you, Mom! I knew you were the best and most understanding mom in the world!"

With her approval, Gu Yang excitedly gave her a bear hug!
"Let go! What's the name of the big night!"

With a rough voice, she pulled Gu Yang a certain distance away, but the corners of her mouth curled into an imperceptible arc.

After Gu Yang's inner monologue this night, the relationship between the two seems to be much closer.

. .

Gu Yang originally thought that he had made sense of his mother last night, so after breakfast at the hotel in the morning, he had to leave as a matter of course, and went to find Xiang Nan on the set.I didn't expect to be stopped at the door of the hotel.

"Miss! Madame said you can't go out today!"

The two men in black stood dutifully at the door, Gu Yang was very curious, why they stood so ferociously at the door of the hotel, making those who came in so frightened that their hearts jumped, and the hotel staff didn't chase them away.

"Why? We have reconciled now, she must have forgotten to explain to you!"

After talking so much last night, she also agreed to see Chen Ziran, didn't she?Then what reason does she have to stop her from going out?

"This is what my wife told me this morning. Please don't embarrass us?"

These two were brought from Italy. They have always listened to the old man at home. Now that the old man is away, they only listen to her mother. It is estimated that Arthur may not be able to persuade them.

"Okay! Then I won't go out!"

Gu Yang was not stupid enough to confront them head-on.The only one who suffers in that way is himself.

Rolling his eyes, Gu Yang left easily.

She couldn't believe that there was only one door in such a big hotel.snort!

Gu Yang's mobile phone has been confiscated now, and it is impossible to find someone to meet her.So I pretended to be hanging out and ran around the hotel.Now she couldn't help but rejoice that her freedom in the hotel hadn't been deprived.

"Hi, hello, let me ask, is there any other way to go out besides the gate?"

Passing by a cleaning lady, Gu Yang ran over to ask her.

Auntie Clean looked Gu Yang up and down, but said nothing, wondering why this glamorous girl asked such a question.Guess she must have something shady.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, I came to find my boyfriend. He opened a room with my friends behind my back, but I didn't see them after waiting for a long time, so I wonder if there is some side door here Can let this pair of dogs and men escape!"

Gu Yang sings and composes very well, and secretly wiped away tears while speaking.It really looks like after being betrayed by her boyfriend.

"Hey, there is a side door not far from the left turn at the end of the corridor. There is also a back door in the kitchen, which is used to load and unload goods. But I cleaned here, and I didn't see anyone passing by. They should be from the underground parking lot ran away."

Auntie Clean usually watched too much TV about this kind of family ethics tragedy, so she didn't doubt Gu Yang at all, and she was very enthusiastic to point out the place for her.

"Don't be too sad, as the saying goes, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come! Don't be angry with yourself!"

As a woman, she could understand the feeling of being betrayed, so instead she began to comfort Gu Yang.

"En! I know all this, but I just love him! Thank you so much! Woo~~~~~~"

Gu Yang looked like I would die without him, and Auntie Clean also sighed.While she was sad, Gu Yang walked in the direction of the underground parking lot she indicated!

The side door is not guaranteed to be guarded by someone, and the kitchen is an important part of the hotel, and ordinary people will not be allowed to enter.Now it seems that only the underground parking lot can escape.

Moreover, the terrain under the parking lot is complicated, and there are many cars as cover.The chances of escaping are also relatively greater.

Gu Yang didn't take the elevator down, but went down the stairs.

There are many cars in the underground parking lot.There are also many security guards patrolling inside.Seeing Gu Yang looking around, he thought she was looking for a car.He also enthusiastically asked her if she needed help.

"Well, are there any strange people guarding here today?"

"Huh? What?"

Gu Yang wanted to ask them to see if there was any danger ahead of her, but the security guard didn't understand what it meant.

"I mean, just now I saw the main entrance, and there were a few men in black guarding the entrance, it was scary, and I wanted to ask you if there was one here, and to find out what they did, they were scary. "

Gu Yang's mind turned very quickly, and he quickly thought of a reason to fool the security guard.

(End of this chapter)

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