Chapter 224 Escape 2
"Oh, this one, who is here to guard us! Just a few of us!"

"Oh, really? Hehehe!"

Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.After asking them where the exit was, I quickened my pace.

"Hey, what did you say about the man in black? Let's hear it!"

There are a few security guards below, and usually there is nothing new to talk about, but now hearing what Gu Yang said, they are all interested, and they insist on asking her to tell what's going on.

"Uh... I don't know about that either. If I knew what was going on, I wouldn't have asked you guys! I'm also very curious! Hahaha~~~"

While talking, he backed away without a trace.While the few of them were chatting and laughing, they turned around and went out from the exit.

Gu Yang was afraid that someone would be guarding outside, or that the man in black would see him from that side, so he came out sneakily, and after confirming everything was okay, he clapped his hands briskly, and left from the other side.

. .

Gu Yang didn't have a mobile phone on him, he came out in a hurry, and he didn't bring a wallet, he was still wearing yesterday's evening dress.Walking on the street like this, looking at the nondescript, many people are pointing at her.

Fortunately, Gu Yang has finally escaped from the prison, he is happy and doesn't care what these people think.

But with her appearance, it was impossible to go directly to the set, and she would definitely have to go back and change a dress.The key has not been poured out, so, after all, she still has to go back to the company now.

Thinking about going back to the company, Gu Yang felt a little headache!

Everyone must know what happened last night.Would it be too embarrassing for her to go back now?
No matter how entangled he was, Gu Yang slowly walked back to DC Group.Fortunately, they are all downtown, not far apart. , It took about half an hour to arrive.

When he walked to the door, Gu Yang took a stack of today's magazines from the security guard.I want to see what's going on in today's news.

Originally, Gu Yang thought that there would be some negative news in it, but it turned out that there was nothing.

It was just some reports with Gu Yang's identity, and what was even gratifying was that it was said that Gu Yang was a low-key person and didn't want to make too much publicity, that's why he was always reluctant to be exposed.

Gu Yang's stomach hurts from being laughed at by the witty reporters.

After receiving threats from her mother, these people really dare to write.Even her client was about to wonder if she was really that great.

Many people in the company knew what happened last night, and also knew how strong her background was, so when they looked at Gu Yang, many people who had previously dismissed her were also respectful.

Before, they thought that Gu Yang was just an ordinary person, and since she became the CEO, she must have done something shameful secretly, so they looked down on her.But now that they knew Gu Yang's true identity, they were all nervous, afraid that if Gu Yang was unhappy, they would use them for surgery.

Before, they felt that the two of them were in the wrong family, and that they would definitely not last long, but now it seems that they are still too naive.Regardless of their appearance, family background, even height and age, these two people are extremely matched.

Now they completely dare not take the president's idea.

All the people who attended the banquet last night said that when Gu Yang's family came out, their aura was so severe that those who didn't know would think they were gangsters at first glance.Under such circumstances, who would dare to confront Gu Yang?
Gu Yang was afraid of being caught by Sun Xiaomei again, and he was dressed in an embarrassing way, so instead of looking for her, he went directly to the top floor to find Chen Ziran.

Mo Qingfeng was also very surprised to see Gu Yang's clothes, but after all, he was considered a person who had seen big storms. After taking Gu Yang into the office, he said, "Sit down for a while, the president is meeting clients in the conference room now, it should take a while. return!"

Gu Yang didn't ask what kind of client it was, and his special assistant didn't go with him, instead he sat on the sofa obediently and read magazines.

Mo Qingfeng brought Gu Yang a cup of coffee after a while, and after going out, he never came in again.

. .

I don't know how long it took before Chen Ziran came back from the meeting.When he saw Gu Yang nestled on the sofa, he was a little surprised that she was here now.

"Why didn't you call before you came?"

Seeing that Gu Yang was wearing so little, Chen Ziran turned up the temperature of the air conditioner a little.And handed her his suit jacket to wear.

"I told you yesterday, I dropped my phone and slept in a hotel last night without any clothes! I forgot to bring my keys when I came out. I'm here to ask you to get the keys and go back and change my clothes!"

"Well, then I'll go back with you!"

Chen Ziran didn't ask her why she didn't go back to get the key, but sat here pitifully.

"Uh... No need, you are at work now!"

Gu Yang waved his hand embarrassingly!If he went back with him, wouldn't he become a bad boy who abducted the president and skipped work?

"It's okay, let's go! By the way, I will ask you about the things you didn't tell me!"

The work is never finished, and there is only one daughter-in-law. Now is an important time for me to win the heart of my future mother-in-law. How can I miss these details because of work?
"Let's go!"

Chen Ziran left so early during working hours, which made everyone feel incredible.Because he has always been work-oriented, and has never left before get off work because of his own personal affairs.So today I left in the morning, which made everyone very uncomfortable.

This also made everyone start to examine the weight of Gu Yang in his heart.

"I won't be back in the afternoon, you can deal with the small things yourself, and put off the important things!"


Neither of them spoke during the journey.Gu Yang has been thinking about how to organize his words and explain his things to him.

When they got home, Gu Yang changed his clothes, and Chen Ziran was going to take her out again!

This night, she was physically and mentally exhausted, and now that she has relaxed, she doesn't want to move at all.No matter what he said, he didn't want to go out.

"What does your mother like? Let's go shopping! Didn't you say you want to have dinner together tonight?"

Seeing Gu Yang's exhausted look, Chen Ziran couldn't bear to pull her out!but. .Thinking about the woman who can basically determine his future, he decided to wrong Gu Yang first.

(End of this chapter)

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