Chapter 225 Consolation
"Oh, don't worry about it, she's just like that, whatever you buy. She's a person who does things all by her mood!"

As long as she is in a happy mood, no matter how much she hates people in front of her, she will smile and chat with others.If she is in a bad mood, even if her favorite old man is in front of her, she will only be beaten up.

She didn't expect her mother to spare him for the sake of some gifts.

Chen Ziran stopped, walked back to sit on the sofa, and said, "Okay, then we won't go out!"

Before Gu Yang could be happy, he heard him go on to say: "Let's talk about what you are still hiding from me, shall we? To save it, if someone wants to take you away in front of me, I'll be like a fool with no brains. I can't touch it!"

"I regret it. Let's go out and buy gifts for my mother. Let me think about what she likes best..."

Gu Yang began to talk about him from left to right.


Chen Ziran was speechless, just looked at her without saying a word.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it."

Unable to stand his judging eyes, Gu Yang raised his hand in surrender very spinelessly.

Gu Yang began to give him a detailed account of his experiences over the past few years.However, he still automatically blocked some unpleasant things that would make him feel distressed.

Chen Ziran listened carefully, afraid of missing any details.He also didn't expect that after seeing her for a few years, she still had a fulfilling life and learned a lot.It's no wonder that when I saw her later, I felt that her whole temperament was very different from before.

Time began to pass slowly, but neither of them showed any signs of wanting to move.

It wasn't until Gu Yang's last words fell that Chen Ziran said in a hoarse voice: "It's really hard for you, it's all my fault, if I didn't protect you back then, you wouldn't have to leave your hometown."

Although she can sum it up in a few words now, he can still think of how at a loss a sad girl suddenly changed to a strange environment, surrounded by strange people and strange language.And in all of this, the biggest fault was actually himself.

No wonder Shen Hua couldn't forgive himself now.If he had changed places by himself, he would not forgive such a person.

"No, don't blame yourself too much. In fact, I have thought about it after I came back! Everything we encounter is an indispensable experience in our life. If nothing happened back then, I didn't leave either. Then we may not go for long. The gap between us will always exist. Although you told me not to care before, how could you not care? If it develops slowly like that, in the end I will definitely leave you because I can't catch up with you and because I feel inferior."

Gu Yang never said these words to anyone.

But she really thought about it carefully.

She had been behind him before, chasing his footsteps, hoping to catch up with him and be more worthy of him.If nothing happens, this gulf between the two will always exist.Sooner or later there will be problems due to her low self-esteem.

But it's different now.Now that she has her own career, she can stand beside him confidently and announce to the world: This outstanding man is me!Husband of designer Wendy!
Not Gu Yang, not Manager Gu, and not Miss Gu.

But based on her achievements.One of the world's leading jewelry designers, Wendy.

Just his career alone is enough to match him.

So, maybe I was very resentful and hated him at the beginning.But now, she has let go.Otherwise, he would not be accepted.

Moreover, because of this matter, she is not without gain.

In addition to reaping her career, she also reaped the maternal love and affection she longed for since she was a child!
Although there is no blood relationship, Arthur really regards her as his own sister.The old man is also very kind to himself.And balls.This is the only person in this world other than her mother who is related to her by blood.

Of course, she is still not great enough to forgive Yin Luo.

After all, I really have no feelings for her, and I don't want to have any follow-up with her!
Chen Ziran looked at Gu Yang deeply.

He didn't expect that she had endured so much alone, and thought so many things by herself.It was obvious that she was the one who suffered, but in the end she comforted herself instead.

Hold Gu Yang in his arms.He finally confirmed.

It's her!

No matter how confused he was before, he has never been so clear-headed like this moment.

She really doesn't want him now!
How could he be so lucky to meet Gu Yang and win her favor?
"Don't be too moved! After I saw you and Yin Luo openly dating, I wanted to rush back and hack you to death!"

Seeing his eyes glistening, Gu Yang scratched his scalp and confessed honestly!

"Then why didn't you come back? I really hoped that you would appear in front of me immediately after seeing the news!"

At that time, Gu Yang couldn't be found anywhere, and he was completely hopeless. While agreeing to Yin Luo's proposal, he also thought that maybe Gu Yang would see this news somewhere, and if he couldn't hold back, he might come back.

Unfortunately, he still thought too much.

After waiting for a long time, Gu Yang didn't show up, so he gave up.Prepare to go with the flow.

"Well... I want to come back, but I didn't come back, my passport was confiscated!"

Seeing her depressed look, Chen Ziran also knew why she was detained.It is estimated that Her Lady Queen made it in her family.

"It's a good thing you came back in the end."

Tightening the hand holding her, Chen Ziran had a feeling of regaining what was lost.

Fortunately, I haven't missed her yet!
"However, there is one thing I still haven't told you!"

Since Yin Luo was mentioned just now, of course Gu Yang also remembered some unpleasant things.

In any case, she felt that she should discuss Yin Luo's matter with him first.

"Huh? What's the matter? Tell me!"

"I don't know if you have investigated anything later. Anyway, the things I encountered before, all the evidence points to Yin Luo!"

(End of this chapter)

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