Chapter 226 Unexpectedly
Chen Ziran frowned and did not interrupt her, waiting for her to continue.

"Whether it's plagiarism or stealing, it was all planned by Yin Luo. Even she fell down the stairs on purpose. I just slapped her at that time. Given the distance she was away from the stairs, it was impossible for her to roll down. I know that the relationship between you and the Yin family has always been very good, so even if it is a reunion, I have never said it. But Yin Luo tried to frame me again and again. I really can't bear it. So. If I do something to Yin Luo later, you won't blame me, will you?"

The Chen family and the Yin family have a good relationship, so even if she wants to do something to Yin Luo, she will still respect his opinion.

"Although the relationship between the two families is good, I am not hers. She should be punished for doing something wrong! It has nothing to do with me. As long as you have evidence, don't implicate yourself!"

Although the news surprised him, it still made sense.

To be able to quickly bury the truth after so many things happened, and to silence everyone who knew the truth, not many people in City C could do it in a short period of time.

"Well, well, then I'll do it boldly!"

With no more worries, Gu Yang felt relaxed.He kept thinking about how to vent his anger on Yin Luo.

The three days she told the reporter before, there are still two and a half days left. How can she surprise Yin Luo?

Gu Yang was really looking forward to it.

. .

No matter what Gu Yang said, in short, before finally going to the hotel, Chen Ziran took her to the mall to buy gifts!

Gu Yang and the others arrived at the hotel early and waited for Shen Hua and the others for a long time before she arrived late.


"Hello auntie!"

The two stood up and greeted her, Arthur and Qiuqiu followed her, and after she sat down, they also sat down.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Chen Ziran!"

Gu Yang escaped from here today, fearing that she would scold him, so he introduced him obediently to the two of them.

"I know, I saw it yesterday!"

Shen Hua was neither salty nor bland, and had no special expression.He didn't get angry because of Gu Yang's escape in the morning.Arthur didn't show any expression.It's as if nothing happened.

But it was this kind of calm that made Gu Yang even more uneasy.

"Then mom... about the two of us..."

"Just make up your own mind!"

Before Gu Yang finished speaking, Shen Hua interrupted her.


She agreed so quickly that Gu Yang couldn't react.I don't know what to say next.

Before coming here, she thought that her mother would say countless things to make things difficult for Chen Ziran, and she had already figured out how to deal with it.But she agreed so straightforwardly now, which made her feel like she was punching the cotton and had nowhere to exert force.

All the previous contemplation was in vain.

This is obviously different from what Chen Ziran thought before. He said loudly: "Thank you auntie for your support, I will definitely treat Gu Yang well! What happened before is all my fault! I won't let Gu Yang suffer like that in the future." It's hard."

Even after so many years, it can't erase the fact that he did make a mistake. In front of Gu Yang's mother, he must admit his mistake, otherwise how can he trust his daughter to him.

"The past, let him pass! You two can live your own lives in the future."

Shen Hua earnestly said his words.Chen Ziran responded to everything he said.

This meal was extremely peaceful, Gu Yang always thought it was the calm before the storm, but unexpectedly, at the end, his mother was still very gentle.

She didn't understand, how could this person who was so vicious yesterday and almost killed Chen Ziran seem to be a different person today, with a completely different standpoint.

Still support them?
Could it be that his sincere confession last night really moved her?

If she hadn't seen Arthur and Qiuqiu following behind, she would have suspected that this person was someone else at all.

"Go back with him, you won't stay here at ease if you are here to accompany me! Tomorrow, you should work when you should, and don't stay with me!"

After dinner, her mother handed her the phone and drove her away.

Although I felt that something was wrong with her tonight, but it was rare for her to be enlightened and let him go, of course I couldn't wish for it.So Gu Yang said goodbye to her quickly, and dragged Chen Ziran away.

"Your mother is very gentle!"

On the way back, Chen Ziran was driving, and Gu Yang was sitting beside him, blowing the night breeze, in a good mood.

This night's get-together made Chen Ziran wonder if the aggressive woman he saw last night was a hallucination.

"Well, I guess I took the wrong medicine. I didn't expect her to be so reasonable. However, this is better and saves a lot of trouble."

It's better to be gentle than rough, and she doesn't want to really face her runaway mother.

That scene was too bloody, and she didn't want to experience it at all.

"Well, yes! How long will your mother stay in City C?"

"I don't know, but I shouldn't stay for too long. Qiuqiu skipped class and should be back in two days!"

She didn't know why she brought the ball. At this time, he should be obediently attending school.After thinking about it, it was also because he didn't report it before, so I wanted to deal with him together.

"Then since she's fine now, before she goes back, I'll ask my parents to come out and have a meal together!"

"Huh? Well, let's talk about it after I finish the press conference! These two days should be busy with that matter."

"En! If there is any problem with your investigation of the truth, you can tell me! Everything is up to me, don't always carry it alone."

"okay, I got it!"

She had already told Arthur about this.He has also arranged for someone to investigate.They also began to investigate where the woman who knew these things before was now.

Although Arthur's influence in City C still had some restrictions, it would not be a problem to find someone.

She believed him.

Moreover, she didn't want Chen Ziran to get involved.

He represents the Chen family, and the relationship between the two families is so good.If he gets involved, if something happens to the Yin family in the future, he probably won't feel well either.

(End of this chapter)

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