The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 240 Fate hangs by a thread 1

Chapter 240 Fate hangs by a thread 5
She felt a burst of fear, not knowing what was wrong with her.

If it continued like this, she would have been choked to death by the thick smoke inside without being burned to death first.

She lay on the ground, her consciousness began to blur, and the flames in front of her eyes began to spread rapidly. Her ears could hear the crackling sound of the fire, but her eyelids became heavier and her breathing became longer and longer.She could feel that everything around her had started to burn.

Maybe it will be her in the next second.

Finally, fell into the boundless darkness.

After Jin Ruichen covered his mouth and nose, he began to slowly find his way upstairs. His body was about 1.8 meters tall, and his body was arched so badly. A tongue of flame burned on him, and he put it out with his hands without hesitation.

After he took off his suit, he only wore a shirt inside, and most of the shirt was burnt to black.The skin was directly exposed outside, and he walked forward without frowning even after being burned by the fire.

He knew that if he didn't hurry up, Xiangnan would be in more danger.

When he was about to reach the third floor, he saw several firefighters in orange clothes walking down with a person in their arms.Although the smoke was so thick that his eyes could hardly be opened, he still recognized Xiang Nan at a glance.

Seeing her pale face, many skins on her body were red, and there were fine blood bubbles, her eyes were sour, and she was about to shed tears.Seeing her lifeless look, my heart tightened, until I snatched Xiang Nan from the hands of the firefighters and confirmed that she was still breathing shortly, then I was slightly relieved.


Fortunately, we caught up!
It's a good thing he didn't lose her!

Really okay!

Those firefighters didn't expect that there would be people who ran in without any protection, let alone that there would be people willing to come in under such circumstances.

But seeing how nervous he was, he still handed over the person in his hand to him.

By the time they got up, she was unconscious.Fortunately, there are still vital signs. Although the breathing is weak, it has finally caught up.After confirming that there was no one else, they quickly retreated outside together.I ran into him unexpectedly.Seeing his distressed appearance, he knew that he had suffered a lot.

He actually broke into the fire scene wearing a suit. I don't know whether to say that he is infatuated or that he is tired of working!
Although the fire is still fierce, as long as people are rescued and no one else is confirmed, it will be much faster to get out.

Jin Ruichen carried the unconscious Xiangnan in his arms, and under the escort of firefighters, he quickly arrived at a safe place.

The crowd outside burst into cheers when they saw that they had successfully rescued the people inside.The surrounding reporters also rushed forward, wanting to take the opportunity to take pictures and interview.Especially Jin Ruichen who rushed in later, this is big news!

"Go away!"

Jin Ruichen's aura was stern, although he was embarrassed, but now with a cold face and lips pursed, he put Xiang Nan on the cart pushed by the doctor, ready to be sent to the hospital immediately.I am very impatient with the crazy photo taking of these reporters.

The ambulance was called by the person who discovered the fire before. After coming out to the south, Jin Ruichen and Gu Yang got into the car together, leaving the reporters on the ground to look at each other.

Gu Yang looked at lying there, Xiang Nan with a lifeless face, sobbing softly.How long has it been?The person who was still alive just now is lying here like this, silently.It's all her fault.

Jin Ruichen held Xiang Nan's hand, put it on his lips, and watched the nurse doing some first aid work for her without saying a word.

If possible, he would rather replace the person lying there with himself.

After finishing Xiang Nan's first aid measures, the nurse was going to take a look at Jin Ruichen, because his injuries looked serious.

"No, look at her again. She is an actress, she can't leave scars, she must be dealt with properly."

Xiang Nan is very dedicated and takes care of himself very much. He doesn't like to have a scar on his body.If there is a scar this time, she will definitely be very sad.

The hospital is very close.It will be here soon.There was already a doctor who was ready inside, and when he arrived, he went directly to the emergency room.

Looking at the three words "in operation", Jin Ruichen heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the stool.All previous strength collapsed.It was only at this moment that I started to be afraid and started to think wildly.I began to think, what if they all went one step at a time?The more I think about it, the more scared I become.Burying her head in her hands, she suddenly felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

Gu Yang is also sitting outside now, waiting for Xiang Nan to come out.She was also anxious, but at least she knew that Xiang Nan's life was no longer in danger, which gave her a little bit of comfort.

After a while, Chen Ziran also arrived.

Seeing Gu Yang staring at the ground in confusion, he remained motionless.Even reluctant to blink his eyes, he was silent with the embarrassed man beside him, and his heart ached for a while.Walk over and hold Gu Yang in his arms.Patted her on the back and said: "Okay, people have come out. Be strong!"


Leaning in the arms of her lover, the tears she had borne for a long time finally fell.Gu Yang grabbed the corner of his clothes, crying heartbreakingly.Crying and saying, "I really didn't know something like this was going to happen. She said she was tired and I shouldn't have left her there alone and it was all my fault!"

In her mind, it was her fault that Xiang Nan was rescued in the emergency room.If she insisted on sending her back to rest, this kind of thing would not have happened.

"Okay! People have come out now. It's useless to blame yourself. We should investigate the cause of the fire and see how it happened. Don't blame yourself blindly. Only when the real cause is found out can it be considered Sorry to go south."

Chen Ziran felt sorry for Gu Yang.But now there are three people here, one is crying, the other is decadent and lifeless.If he is also messed up, then he has come in vain.

"sorry to bother you."

Jin Ruichen said hoarsely that he had inhaled a lot of smoke just now, so his vocal cords were a little damaged, and his voice is now hoarse and unpleasant.

"I have found a trustworthy person to investigate. I believe he will give me a good answer. The real truth will be found out."

Before he came, he had already called.

If someone told him that the fire was not caused by human factors, he would not believe it.It was too strange to come.

(End of this chapter)

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