The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 241 Fate hangs by a thread 1

Chapter 241 Fate hangs by a thread 6
If someone told him that the fire was not caused by human factors, he would not believe it.It was too strange to come.

Even if Xiang Nan was tired and wanted to rest, she wouldn't say that the house was on fire and she didn't feel at all. Normally, this floor is not high. If the fire was caused by normal reasons, it is impossible for her to escape by herself. .

So the only thing that can be concluded is that someone is behind the scenes.

As for who it was, he didn't know.Maybe the man who is being decadent will have some clues.

"Do you want to go out and treat the wound on your own body first?"

He looked at the scars on Jin Ruichen's body in a strange way.He sat there as if he didn't feel anything at all.

"No need, I'm here to guard Xiangnan!"

He wanted to watch Xiang Nan come out of the operation here.Only after confirming that she is really all right, will I really feel relieved.Otherwise, he would still be terrified all the time.

"I think it's better for you to go out and deal with it first. Otherwise, when Xiang Nan comes out to see you later, you will scare her and make her worry."

Jin Ruichen looked at Chen Ziran, and the latter nodded to him for confirmation, and then he got up, and obediently followed Chen Ziran to treat the wound.

After taking him away, Chen Ziran came back to accompany Gu Yang.Comforting Gu Yang who was still sobbing.

After what seemed like a century, the lights in the operating room were still on, and Xiang Nan still hadn't come out.Even Jin Ruichen who went to treat the wound later came back.She still hasn't come out, you can imagine how serious she is.

Almost an hour later, the lights in the operating room finally went out, and the three of them stood up from the stool with a conditioned reflex.

The nurse pushed Xiang Nan out, and Jin Ruichen hurried up to meet him, looking at Xiang Nan's face, feeling distressed.Gu Yang also walked to the ward together.

"Doctor, how's it going?"

Both of them have lost all reason now, but fortunately, Chen Ziran's thoughts are still clear.

"The patient is basically out of danger now. As long as the burns on her body are well taken care of, it won't be a big problem. But because she breathed in too much toxic smoke, the problems with her vocal tract and lungs are a bit serious. It's best not to talk recently. Lungs The internal problem needs to be well recuperated. You need to stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days. In addition, there is another problem..."

She frowned and pondered for a long time before saying, "During the blood test, we found 'ether' in the patient's blood. This may be the reason why she didn't escape from the fire in time."

Chen Ziran was shocked.

He knew that the fire was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.But unexpectedly, 'ether' was detected in Xiang Nan's blood.This means that it is very likely that someone deliberately set the fire after Xiang Nan was stunned.

He'd better tell Jin Ruichen about this matter quickly.But looking at his current appearance, he doubts whether he can still think normally.

After thanking the doctor, he walked in and conveyed the doctor's words to the two.But both of them were silent, he touched his nose and drove Gu Yang out.Only then did I tell Jin Ruichen another thing.

"I think this should be arson against Xiang Nan. Now that Xiang Nan has been rescued, there is no guarantee that they will not plan the next persecution. Is there any problem with your current state?"

What he is worried about now is, if this group of people really want to put Xiang Nan to death, knowing that Xiang Nan is fine, will they continue to plan such an assassination.Now that the enemy is in the dark, it is really not beneficial to them, let alone if Jin Ruichen is still as depressed as he is now.

"I know who it is! I'll take care of him!"

Zhou He!

He must let him die this time without a place to bury him!

Chen Ziran raised his eyebrows!Now that you know who it is, how did you get to this point?

But he didn't say it.Otherwise, it is tantamount to rubbing salt in the wound.

"You know it's best. For the sake of Xiang Nan's safety, you should cheer up and deal with these things quickly! Don't let her be hurt like this again. Besides, Xiang Nan is so serious now, do you need my help? What to do? Otherwise, you won't be too busy."

He has to take care of Xiang Nan, deal with the secret mastermind, and manage such a large company. Even if he is a superman, he is too busy to do it all at once.

"No, I'll find a nanny to take care of her. Please!"

After stopping his words, Jin Ruichen became more energetic.

Indeed, the most important thing he has to do now is to let those who hurt Xiangnan come back and pay the price, so as to avoid similar things in the future, instead of hurting the spring and the autumn here.

"Where, Xiang Nan is Gu Yang's friend, that is, my friend, not to mention she is also my school girl, so it is right to help. But I think you should find her family to accompany her. Although nanny can do a lot things, but there are always no family members who are more careful."

Xiang Nan is not an ordinary illness, she has a lot of burns on her body now.It takes more patience and energy than ordinary people to help her.Therefore, the average nannies are afraid that they are not so dedicated.

Jin Ruichen nodded, and prepared to arrange for someone to pick up Xiangnan's mother later.

After the two finished talking, Chen Ziran was about to go out to find Gu Yang, but he couldn't find anyone.After a while, she came back with a box.

"Xiang Nan hasn't eaten at noon, I'm afraid she's hungry. I went to buy some porridge for her. I asked the doctor. If she's hungry, she can eat a little less. Just one-third of the box is good. .Eat small meals frequently. Drink plenty of water!"

She didn't help much, and she could only do these little things.

The two stayed in the hospital for a while, but Xiang Nan still didn't wake up. If the doctor hadn't said this was normal, Gu Yang would have wondered if her problem was really serious.

Only Chen Ziran and Jin Ruichen understood that it was the 'ether' in her body that was at work.It kept her in a coma.

Because of Xiang Nan's accident, the media has already reported it, and Xiang Nan's mobile phone was blown up by people who wanted to know the first-hand news, so now she sees that there is no problem with Xiang Nan, so she decides to go back to deal with the media first. things over there.Anyway, with Jin Ruichen here, there must be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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