The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 245 Crazy Week and 2

Chapter 245 Crazy Week and 2
Xiang Nan was terrified inside, but he still kept calm.Backed away without a trace.Said: "You can't beat Jin Ruichen, so what if you come to me? If you have the ability, you can fight him openly. What kind of man are you when you catch a woman?"

The current situation, the more he irritated him, the more he could delay the time.She doesn't care even if he will suffer some physical pain if he is provoked.

Sure enough, Zhou He was furious again, and slapped him again with his backhand.Xiang Nan didn't check for a moment and fell to the ground.

"You're right, I don't have any skills. Otherwise, I wouldn't be framed by him and lose my wife and company. What can I do to him? Or just start with his woman. I want to see Look, what kind of expression he has when he sees his woman is a slut. Hahaha!!!"

Zhou He's expression was crazy.Looks a little weird!
Xiang Nan was secretly startled.I don't know what Jin Ruichen did secretly to make him say that his wife and company are gone.

The reason why Zhou He is unhindered in the entertainment industry, apart from his relationship with the underworld, is also because of his own power.Zhou's business volume is very large, and it can be regarded as the number one big company in C City.His wife's family is even more serious, as if it has something to do with some central government officials.The family business is not small either.How much effort did it take to break him down?

What kind of things did Jin Ruichen do for her?
Zhou He picked up the camera on the side, and said with a lewd smile, "Don't worry, I will take a good picture of the process, so that everyone can know how the pure and pure girl let herself go wild under them."

"No, you don't come here!"

Hearing Zhou He's order, three men started walking towards her.Xiang Nan screamed and backed away, finally the fear in his heart could no longer be concealed, and he screamed wantonly.I hope people outside can hear it.Someone could come and save her.

"Hahahaha, stop yelling, this is the suburbs, there are no residents nearby, even if you yell and break your throat, no one will come, you will die"


Zhou He's words were covered by a loud noise before he finished speaking.

A Humvee crashed directly towards the gate of the warehouse.

The days outside have been plenty.It was late at night when Xiangnan was robbed, so long has passed?How long has she been in a coma?

Several men got out of the car.After Xiang Nan's eyes adjusted to the light, he recognized Jin Ruichen and Yan Qianxun.The tight strings in my heart finally loosened.Her whole body was limp on the ground.

"Zhou He! You really don't give up. Originally, I was going to let you go, but I didn't expect you to kill yourself and touch the person you shouldn't touch!"

Jin Ruichen pursed his lips, looking at Xiang Nan who was tied up on the ground, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but he finally felt relieved.During the few hours when she was missing, they had been looking for her non-stop, but fortunately he arrived in time.

However, Zhou He completely pissed him off this time.

Originally, he wanted to let him go if he didn't do too much for the sake of his wife's family, but now it seems impossible.

"Hey, Jin Ruichen. You are finally willing to come. Hahaha! But so what if you come? I planted a time bomb near here. As long as I press the switch, within ten seconds, this place will be razed to the ground .Do you think you can take her in this amount of time?"

Zhou and Jie Jie's weird smiles.Take out a small remote control from the bag.A look of madness.As if he didn't care that he would die as well.

Xiang Nan looked horrified, not knowing that he had hidden such a despicable weapon.Shouted at Jin Ruichen in panic, telling him to leave quickly.

"Is that the kind of bomb you're talking about?"

Yan Qianxun was playing with a dark object in his hand.Xiang Nan didn't know what it was at first, but when Zhou He saw it, his expression changed and he said, "Impossible! Impossible!"

"What's impossible? Don't think everyone is as stupid as you! When I was 16 years old, I could dismantle one of these bombs in 20 seconds. But ten of them, that is, 2 minutes . is not something to be commended."

Yan Qianxun didn't care, as if what he dismantled wasn't a bomb, but just peeled an apple.

The armed police who followed finally came over and came in one after another to surround several people.

Jin Ruichen gently helped Xiang Nan untie the rope.Hold her tenderly in her arms.Go straight outside.

Zhou He's face was ashen.Knowing that you have absolutely no chance of winning.But he still yelled: "Jin Ruichen, I won't let you go, so don't pray that I can come out. Otherwise, I will definitely kill you."

"Really? Let's wait until you have the ability to come out!"

Without looking back, Jin Ruichen walked towards the car without slowing down, put Xiang Nan on the car, drove the car, and drove away.

"Hey! You take me and leave!"

Yan Qianxun watched the two leave directly, dumbfounded!He didn't drive at all, okay?They all came in his car.Looking back at Yan Zhouhe.He kicked to vent his anger and said, "You bastard, what's the matter with kidnapping? It made me sleepless all night, and he didn't even return the car."

The bitter Yan Qianxun finally left in the car of another person who came with him.

Xiang Nan came back from the memories.I have a headache.If Zhou He really came out.Then it's really possible that he did it.That person can do anything lawless.

Fortunately, this time she was fine.

But she was more worried about whether Jin Ruichen would be okay.After all, Zhou He hated him too much.

"What are you thinking? Gritting your teeth!"

Xiang Nan was taken aback, but upon closer inspection it was Gu Yang!
He gave her a blank look, but Xiang Nan didn't answer.

"You are really strict outside, and you almost didn't let me in. Hey, you say, do I look like a bad person? Do I look like someone who wants to harm you? These people are really rigid!"

Gu Yang knew that she couldn't speak now, so he said this just to complain, and he didn't expect her to answer.

"I have already arranged the media. They know what to say and what not to say. But I read today's news. People were moved to tears by your man's effort to rush into the fire to save you. People who were not optimistic about you before are now supporting you together. I looked at Ling Yu’s stock today, and it even rose by two points because of it. It’s really a blessing in disguise.”

She is only in charge of dealing with Xiang Nan's news, as long as she makes sure that the photos of Xiang Nan's injuries don't leak out.As for Jin Ruichen, she didn't care.Moreover, she also felt that the media should report more photos of Jin Ruichen bravely running into the flames and saving his lover.In this way, those who originally thought that the two of them were just acting on occasion should shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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