The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 246 Assassination 1

Chapter 246 Assassination 1
As a result, these people really did not disappoint her.I was really moved by Jin Ruichen's spirit of sacrificing his life for love.Everyone is now blessing the two of them.

However, she did not expect that Ling Yu's stock would rise.

At this time, mother Xiang came back.Seeing Gu Yang here, he was a little surprised.After Xiang Nan's introduction, she said embarrassedly: "She usually troubles you. This child just has a lot of things. You bother."

Feeling flattered, Gu Yang quickly stood up and saluted and said, "Auntie, you are too serious. Xiangnan and I are friends. We used to live in the same dormitory. We have a good relationship. She is very nice."

Gu Yang seriously doubts, does every mother like to belittle their IDE children?
Otherwise, why is her mother and queen mother also like this?
"Miss Gu didn't eat, did she? Would you like to have some together?"

Take out the food in the thermos one by one, and invite Gu Yang to eat together.

"No, no, you can just eat. I just came over for dinner, just to visit Xiangnan and tell her about work."

An elder is so polite to him, Gu Yang is really embarrassed, and some can't sit still.Just want oil on the soles of your feet - get out!She was most unaccustomed to dealing with such polite occasions.All in all I feel uncomfortable.

Thinking like this, after a while, Gu Yang found an excuse and ran away.

"Does that Miss Gu have a boyfriend just now?"

After Gu Yang left, he asked his mother about Xiang Nan.

"What do you want?"

Looking at her defensively, Xiang Nan quickly wrote a line in the notebook.She thought of one of her mother's hobbies, and felt that Gu Yang could run fast.

"This child is so nice. If she doesn't have a boyfriend, I can find a good one for her. Since she is your classmate, she should be around the same age. It's time to think about getting married."

Apart from playing mahjong, Mother Xiang's other hobby is to match other people's marriages. Every day, she worries about what to do if this person can't find a boyfriend, and what to do if that person in that family can't find a wife.So seeing such an excellent Gu Yang now, my heart started to itch again.

"No, you should give up the idea of ​​introducing a boyfriend to her. She already has a boyfriend. Just the big boss of our company. Besides, don't look at her so easy-going. As far as the men you know, I don't think there is a single one worthy of her."

Sure enough, I could see what she was thinking at a glance.

"Really??? Hey... Then, does that Yan Qianxun have a girlfriend? I think that kid is pretty good."

Gu Yang's road was broken, and she thought of Yan Qianxun who was said to be here to protect Xiangnan.Although they haven't been in contact for a long time, from the perspective of her matching up so many marriages, this child is also a good child.Is responsible.

"Hehehe, you can ask him yourself! I'm going to sleep!"

Xiang Nan was not interested in these things, and every time he heard her talk about them, he would get a headache.After showing her this line of writing, she threw the notebook aside, lay down, and was about to fall asleep with her head covered.

"Hey, don't talk if you don't talk. Get up, you just ate dinner, don't go to bed right away. Get up and go for a walk together. Save yourself a lot of fat."

Xiang Nan grabbed the quilt and refused to let go.After resting for a day, and having just eaten, my physical strength has recovered a lot.

She doesn't want to go for a walk.Although she looks like this ghost now, as long as people who usually watch TV a little, they can still recognize her at a glance, okay?How embarrassing it would be for her to be seen in such a mess.

Don't go out even if you die!
When Jin Ruichen arrived at the company in the morning, his expression was gloomy.Many employees in the company have read the news, and those who have not watched the news have also known the heroic deeds of the president yesterday by everyone's hype in the morning.I thought he wouldn't come to work today, but I didn't expect that he came to the company on time as usual.

It's just that his face looks rather ugly.

Everyone tensed their skins tightly, afraid that they would accidentally bump into the muzzle of the gun.

For a while, Ling Yunei's work efficiency doubled compared to usual.

The matter that Zhou He came out out of nowhere must be investigated.Let's see who took advantage of it and dared to break the law knowingly!And who is the force behind Zhou He?This one must also be investigated immediately.The longer you delay, the worse it is for you.

The whole thing revolved around Zhou He, as long as the forces around him were uprooted, everything would be resolved.

Both matters have been handed over to Yan Qianxun, some matters are more convenient for him to handle than himself.

"Hello! Uncle Chen? I'm Jin Ruichen! How are you doing here?"

The person who called him was Zhou He's father-in-law!
Although Chen Yan had already announced that she had divorced Zhou He, he was still very clear about the fact that the two had not gone through the divorce procedures at all.In other words, the two are legally recognized as husband and wife.And what Chen Yan couldn't stand the most was Zhou He's smearing herself outside, and Chen Yan's father didn't want to admit that he had such a son-in-law who corrupted the family tradition.So, if these two people know that Zhou He has come out.They will definitely do something.

This will save me a lot of heart.

"Well, is there anything?"

Chen Xianping, Zhou He's father-in-law, was not as polite as him.Guess he has something to find himself.So no more beating around the bush.

"I think I have a piece of news that might be of interest to you!"

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Chen Xianping was arrogant and arrogant, and he really didn't like Jin Ruichen, a junior, who used a condescending appearance to whet his appetite.

"I think you should remember your only son-in-law, Zhou He, right? If your memory is good enough, you should know that he was originally sentenced to missing, and he won't come out for more than half a year, right?"


Chen Xianping was silent.I don't know what he wants to say.But when it comes to this son-in-law, his face is dull.He has long declared that he no longer has this son-in-law, but as long as his affairs are involved, people will inevitably think of him.

Thinking about him, Chen Xianping was an only daughter all his life, but he never expected to marry such a man.

What a family misfortune!

"You should have read the news and knew about the fire in the city center yesterday, right? If I told you now that I have enough evidence to prove that the fire was not natural but man-made, what do you think would happen? Woolen cloth?"

Chen Xianping had a bad premonition, knowing that it was impossible for him to call himself out of nowhere, saying that the purpose of these things must have something to do with his unworthy son-in-law.

"What happened to Zhou and him?"

"He? I don't know who got it out now! I don't know where he is at ease!"

"You mean, he started the fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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