The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 248 Assassination 3

Chapter 248 Assassination 3

Just when everyone was silent, Jin Ruichen felt an unusual danger.An extremely faint sound was heard.

Growing up in a government compound, he was exposed to various military industries and weapons since he was a child, and he realized that it was a silenced pistol.Subconsciously dodge sideways.But still a little late.The bullet entered his left arm.

The blood quickly smudged away.

The people standing in front of him were startled, not knowing what was going on.Seeing the blood left on his hand dripping on the floor, they all took a few steps back in shock.Fear of being thought I did it myself.

The police next to him couldn't believe that he was guarding here, and someone shot him nearby, even with a pistol.They all felt that their self-esteem had been hurt.A few people were left to watch the scene.Others began searching the vicinity for the suspect.

The place was a mess.

Lily covered her mouth.With trembling hands, I hit 120.Then he hurriedly took out something to help stop the bleeding.But the wound was too big, and the warhead was inside, so it couldn't be stopped at all.

The blood flowed bigger and bigger.

Jin Ruichen lost a lot of blood, and felt that his eyes were dark.

He couldn't believe that they dared to do anything in broad daylight and under the supervision of the police.It seems that these people were instigated by those who did it.

Sure enough, he still underestimated Zhou He.

His arms are now numb with pain.But his thoughts were still running fast. Looking at Lily who was trying to stop the bleeding, he said: "The news of my injury will be blocked immediately, and no media reports are allowed. Always pay attention to the trends on the Internet, and find someone as soon as there is similar news." Deal with it. Don’t allow any rumors to leak out! In addition, ask them to keep a few people who can talk and bring them to the hospital later. I have something to ask them. The other doors will be sent away immediately. Go straight to the judicial process!"

He felt that he was too kind to give this group of people an opportunity.He was too careless.Xiang Nan, who only cared about protecting the hospital, thought that there was nothing wrong with him, but he didn't expect that most of Zhou He's current hatred was directed at him.Attacking him is actually an inevitable process.

The ambulance will arrive soon.

Jin Ruichen followed the car; left.Lily stayed to handle the company's affairs.Complete the things he explained in an orderly manner.

Along the way, Jin Ruichen tried his best to stay awake.

This is his habit, he doesn't like falling asleep in front of strangers.Even if you are injured and lethargic.At least he couldn't fall asleep until he confirmed that these people were really doctors and nurses.

In this state, he didn't fall into a deep sleep until he got to the operating room and received anesthesia.

Yan Qianxun received a call from Lily when he came to the hospital.The person who was leisurely eating apples in Xiangnan ward scolded her, and left in a hurry.

Looking at his leaving back, Xiang Nan was puzzled, and didn't know what made him turn pale with fright.There is a faint feeling of uneasiness in my heart.

Think of Zhou He they were looking for.I don't know if he did something again.

Now that I am in the hospital and have nothing to do, then maybe it is Jin Ruichen.

Shaking his head, Xiang Nan forbids himself to think wildly and scares himself, how could something happen to him?He is working in the company well now!With so many security guards in Lingyu Group, how could something happen.

She thought so, but she still couldn't hide her worry.He was also afraid that his mother would see something abnormal, so he had to keep acting like nothing happened.Avoid her worry.

"Hey! Where's Xiaoyan?"

When Xiang's mother came back from the outside, she saw that Yan Qianxun who was sitting inside had disappeared.Knowing that Xiang Nan didn't speak now, and didn't want to keep writing, he still wanted to ask her.

"Something! Let's go!"

I have something on my mind, and Xiang Nan doesn't want to write more.Casually perfunctory a bit her.I started to lie down again and start thinking about things.

Intermittently combined Zhou He and their grievances.I found that although many things about Zhou He at the beginning were aimed at her.But then it slowly turned into a struggle between Jin Ruichen and him.Later, I heard from Jin Ruichen that he used tricks to make the Zhou family bankrupt, causing Zhou He's wife's family to sever ties with him, and refused to provide him with help.That's why he's getting more and more paranoid.

So, coming out this time, it might be just a cover to deal with her.

His real intention was to use his own safety to distract Jin Ruichen.Let him deal with Jin Ruichen!

Of course, it would be even better if she could also die in the fire.

Thinking about it this way, after she figured it out, she became even more worried about Jin Ruichen's safety.

In order to prove that what he thought was wrong, he had nothing to do.Xiang Nan took out his mobile phone and sent him a text message, asking him what he was doing!
Lily looked at the text message sent by the CEO's mobile phone, feeling a little at a loss.I don't know if I should tell Xiang Nan.After thinking about it, she decided to keep it a secret from her.But I was afraid that she would notice something when I sent a text message, so I called her directly.

"Xiang Nan? I'm Lily, and the president is in a meeting right now. I didn't bring my phone!"

With a nasal 'huh', Xiang Nan hung up the phone.The hanging heart finally let go.Put the phone aside and exhale gently.

Yan Qianxun walked downstairs to the operating room.An accompanying policeman stood guard outside.

When the little policeman saw him coming, he stood up reflexively and wanted to salute him!
"Okay! Don't do this to me! Tell me, what's going on?"

Yan Qianxun couldn't bear the fact that these people saluted him as soon as they saw him.Wave your hand and let him tell you directly how it happened.

The little policeman told the story of everything he saw at the scene in detail.I was afraid that I might have missed a detail.

Yan Qianxun used to be the director of the Public Security Bureau of City C.ex.Already quit my job.But these people still heard many of his heroic deeds, so they wanted to salute him when they saw him.That's why I report to my superiors in general, and explain these things clearly.

For these new little police officers.Yan Qianxun is a legend in the police circle of City C.It can only be seen from a distance and not played with, it can only be admired by them.Now the deity is sitting next to him alive, which really makes him a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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