The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 249 Assassination 4

Chapter 249 Assassination 4
For these new little police officers.Yan Qianxun is a legend in the police circle of City C.It can only be seen from a distance and not played with, it can only be admired by them.Now the deity is sitting next to him alive, which really makes him a little excited.

Yan Qianxun took a moment to understand what he said, and asked, "Where is the person? Have you caught him?"

The little policeman shook his head and said, "I was sent to follow Mr. Jin. I don't know their situation! But there were a lot of people at the scene and it was very chaotic. It shouldn't be that easy to catch the suspect."

Yan Qianxun nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Comrade, you have worked hard! Go back and do your own thing first, and do it well!"


It was like being greatly encouraged.The little policeman stood up straight, gave another military salute, and then trotted away.

The operation was just to take a bullet, and soon Jin Ruichen was pushed out.

"Where's the little policeman from just now?"

After the doctor came out, he first went to the policeman. Hospitals in City C must call the police if they receive a shooting case. Why are the police there just now, but now they are gone?So what are they going to do now?
"He said he was in a hurry at the police station, so he left first. Give me the things! I'll give them to him!"

The doctor knew Yan Qianxun.Know his previous identity.So I handed it over to him without a doubt.

When he returned to Jin Ruichen's ward, he had already woken up.Yan Qianxun said in a low voice: "Your vigilance is still as good as before, but why did you still hit the muzzle of the gun this time?"

Looking at the leisurely Yan Qianxun coldly, he said, "The other party is using a suppressed pistol!"

Touch your nose.Yan Qianxun felt that he was making fun of himself and said: "Then you are still lucky, only your arm is injured! It didn't kill you!"

"I have been very sensitive to low-frequency sounds since I was a child. Is it possible that you have forgotten this? The silenced pistol is just inaudible to ordinary people. How is the investigation I asked you to investigate? Have you collected all the evidence? ? Who is the person behind Zhou He? Where is he hiding now?"

Jin Ruichen didn't want to talk nonsense with him too much on this topic.Take the topic away directly.

"Well, I think now I have to find the evidence of the person who assassinated you, so I haven't collected all the evidence. Zhou and the people behind him are his friends, people in the underworld called Heihu. It's not a big gang, but It is also a cancer of society, and it mainly started from drug trafficking. I guess Zhou He should be with Heihu now."

In a short period of time, he still has a lot of information.

"You should know what happened today, right? I asked Lili to keep a few people here, waiting for you to interrogate. Also, you can help me get the phone by the way!"

After waking up, Jin Ruichen was still organized, and he didn't have any confusion because of the injury.

"I don't need to do these unimportant things myself, right? I'll find someone to do it!"

Interrogating people, taking cellphones, and other trivial matters, if you let him get involved, what does he do with so many people under him?
"What about going south?"

Jin Ruichen didn't argue with him too much.I also know that such a small matter really does not require him to do it.I don't want to embarrass him anymore.

"Stay well in the ward. Nothing happened this day, but your future mother-in-law made me a little overwhelmed. I didn't dare to tell her about you. I was afraid that she would be too excited and it would be bad for her health!"

Thinking of expressing and hinting to his mother countless times today that he has many good girls to introduce to him, he felt ashamed.He is so handsome and rich, does it look like he can't find a wife?Fortunately, he was determined and was not bewitched by her rhetoric.Fall into the trap.

"Well, at least I don't have a funny head, and I know what to say and what not to say!"

He was really afraid that Xiang Nan would worry too much if he knew about it.Originally, she had to recuperate due to her illness, so I better not tell her.That's why he asked Lily to block the news.

In the evening, the mobile phone arrived.He called Xiang Nan.Tell her that she has an important job temporarily and she is going to another place.The return time is temporarily uncertain.He could hear a little disappointment in Xiang Nan's heart.But the situation forced him to do nothing.

"Hey, it's the first time I've seen you lie when I grow up so old. I really should have recorded it for you with a recorder just now, and blackmailed you."

Yan Qianxun has been with Jin Ruichen since he was a child, and he has always been a role model for all the children in the compound.When the parents of each family teach their monkey children, they always say: "Look at how Jin Ruichen is doing."

This kind of words, he did not hear less when he was a child.

Seeing that he has finally made such a serious mistake of 'lying' now, he is of course gloating.There is a feeling of turning over serfs singing.


Say two words coldly.I don't want to explain to him what a white lie is!

Xiang Nan hung up the phone in a daze.I couldn't react for a long time.

After a day's rest, she is now able to speak some simple sentences.It's just that the voice is so rough that she usually doesn't want to say it.Also, I can't say too much.Otherwise it will hurt.

"What's the matter? Is it Xiao Jin? What did he say?"

Brought to mom who was about to pack up and go back to make dinner.

"He's on a business trip! Don't cook his food!"

She had to say two short sentences in two parts.

"Oh, seeing your husband being robbed, I thought he had abandoned you and didn't want you anymore!"

Xiang Nan!This is her own mother, what do you think?

After her mother left, the ward returned to calm and Xiang Nan lay down.Pull over the quilt and look at the ceiling above your head.She admitted that knowing that Jin Ruichen was going on a business trip at this time, she was indeed a little unhappy.It is indeed a little lonely.

Every woman always hopes that when she is most helped by Western medicine, the person she loves the most is by her side.But now, for work, he left her in the hospital with a cold phone call.Fortunately, she was so worried about him just now.What a waste of my feelings.

He looks like his work is not affected at all!

"How is it? Did it succeed?"

Seeing the return of the person he sent out, Zhou He anxiously asked him.It's been a while since I came out.The things that should be deployed are almost deployed.Now it's just a matter of closing the net.The last time he escaped to the south exceeded his expectations, but it doesn't matter, after finishing cleaning up Jin Ruichen, she will have no protection, so it will be much easier to get rid of her!
He also knows that many people outside are looking for him recently.So he stayed in Heihu's base camp all the time, not daring to leave.

All of this can be over as long as Jin Ruichen falls down.

(End of this chapter)

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