The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 250 Joining forces 1

Chapter 250 Joining forces 1
The man who came back was panting heavily, obviously being chased by someone.After taking a few sips of water in succession, he calmed down and said: "At the moment when the shot was fired, he seemed to be aware of it and avoided it. He only hit his arm. There were too many policemen at the scene, and I was afraid that I would be caught and exposed. Just retreat first."

"Well, it's okay, we still have a lot of opportunities!"

Although it's a pity, I don't know if Jin Ruichen can really notice it.In short, he still has a lot of time to spend slowly with him.He didn't believe that Jin Ruichen could escape every time.

This time, he had already given up.No longer will you be looking forward and backward like before.

"You just came back like this, didn't you reveal our location? Did no one follow you when you came back?"

Heihu looked at his men.It's a pity too, but he is more concerned about whether his base camp has been exposed.After all, they are doing illegal business, and if they are caught by the police, they will die.

"No, I was afraid of being followed, so I made a special trip around the mountain before returning. I checked again and again, there is no problem!"

"En, good! Well done! Don't worry if you didn't kill him this time. Next time we will definitely let him see Lord Yan! Brother, don't worry about it too much. If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood! We have enough Time and that kid are slowly wasting!"

Seeing that Zhou He was very depressed, Hei Hu patted him on the shoulder vigorously.comfort him.

As expected, the media did not report this incident, not even the news that Lingyu Group was rioted by the public.There is also peace on the Internet.

However, the news about Jin Ruichen being shot and injured is still circulating among some people.

Jin Ruichen stayed in the hospital for three days.

The wound has started to heal slowly.After another two days, there will be no problems, and he will be able to appear in front of Xiang Nan.

In the past few days, he has also kept calling Xiangnan three times a day.And act like you're really busy.Every time Yan Qianxun caught him, he was made fun of.

"Hey! I just saw an incredible man in your woman's ward! He is so handsome. If he was not afraid to stay there, his temperament would be inferior to mine. I couldn't bear to come down to find you. !"

In order to avoid Xiang Nan's suspicion, he ran back and forth upstairs and downstairs these days, and he was on the verge of schizophrenia.


Jin Ruichen was working on his laptop, and cast a cold glance at him.No answer.

"Oh, what's that guy's name? He has a close relationship with Xiang Nan, and I asked Xiang's mother to avoid him for a while. It's really fascinating. It seems that his name is Ze Ze. I don't know if I remember correctly."

Seeing that Jin Ruichen ignored him at all, he started to make up some stuff.

"Lin Jiaze!"

"Oh, yes! That's him! So you know him?"

Yan Qianxun was discouraged in an instant, and he talked and sang to himself for a long time, was he playing the piano to the cow?People have known each other for a long time!

Jin Ruichen returned to his cold appearance.However, there was an urge in my heart to rush up and guard Xiangnan.He didn't forget Xiang Nan's little thoughts about Lin Jiaze before!Before Xiang Nan married him, he didn't worry about letting the two of them get along alone!
Yan Qianxun watched him pretending to be calm, and smiled secretly by himself.

Tiny!She is still pretending to be calm for him!
Lin Jiaze did come to the hospital to visit Xiang Nan.At first he saw the news that Xiang Nan was injured on the news.Originally, he was also very worried and wanted to come and see, but Jin Ruichen did his job too well.He couldn't make it to the hospital at all.

Later, after Xiang's mother came, he called him, and he came with her.

After this time, he finally began to change his mind about Jin Ruichen.He finally admitted that he is the one who can entrust Xiang Nan for life.

"How does your body feel?"

"That's it, it's getting better slowly. It's just that my body is starting to itch, and my voice is terrible!"

The wound on her body is slowly growing new flesh, so there will be some slight itching, which makes her want to scratch it uncontrollably.If it hadn't been expressly prohibited, she would have threatened to scar her if she scratched it.She's already tickled as much as she wants.

The voice can't help it.I can speak, but it's hard to hear.But it's much better than before.

"It's ugly, but the voice fits your personality quite well. It really looks like a man!"

Xiang Nan was speechless.I suspect that this person is not here to visit a doctor at all, but to piss me off.

"Seeing that you are fine, I am relieved. I was really afraid that you would be disfigured when I read the news. You said that the entertainment industry is a place to judge your face. If you are disfigured, what should you do! Tsk tsk tsk is still looking for you A reliable boyfriend! By the way, where is Jin Ruichen? He seems to have been seriously injured, right? Where is he?"

He saw in the news that Jin Ruichen's injury was not serious, so why should he rest in the hospital for a few days?

"He's on a business trip!"

After so many years, I have long been used to his poisonous tongue.Xiang Nan has been able to automatically block those words that make fun of him.

However, she still doubted, which eye did she lose to like him back then?Is it just because he is handsome?

"What a good leader!"

Lin Jiaze touched his nose and saw that she was still a little disappointed, so he didn't continue talking.He had heard some gossip, and he wanted to see if she knew about it today.Sure enough, as expected.Xiang Nan didn't know about his injury at all.

Then he better not tell her.

Since Jin Ruichen didn't want to tell her, he must be afraid that she would be worried.If I had told him, it would have been even more rude.

But he heard more than that.There are many things that Jin Ruichen thinks he has done perfectly, but he doesn't know that there are still many people who can see it.Just like those people guarding outside.It's almost the same if I lied to my mother that it was someone sent by DC Corporation!

As far as he knew, in the past three days alone, there were more than ten waves of people trying to sneak into the hospital.

Of course, there must have been paparazzi wanting to take photos of stars injured and hospitalized.

It's just that he didn't know who wanted to harm Xiang Nan.

After all, he just returned to City C.He still doesn't understand many intricate things.It can only help in private.

"If he's not here, I'll leave first! You should heal your wounds well! Don't play with your temper all day long!"

Before Xiang Nan asked him what he wanted to do with Jin Ruichen, he left directly.

Xiang Nan watched him leave angrily.Thinking bitterly: I have already cultivated my body and mind, okay?I haven't played petty temper for many years!

(End of this chapter)

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