Chapter 258 Disposal 2
The small town at the foot of the mountain is not big, and there are not many residents in the town, and the location where they park is very hidden.So when they went down the mountain, they didn't see a single person.Of course, no one saw that they were still tied to a person.

The reason why they dared to take Zhou He away so blatantly was because they knew that there were not many people here, and the other was that I wanted to release news to tell Heihu that Zhou He had been found and taken away by them.

After getting on the bus, Jin Ruichen directly tore off the tape on Zhou He's mouth.

"Zhou He! Didn't expect that I would find you so soon? Let me guess, did you think of some unscrupulous means to harm us?"

After finding Zhou He, Jin Ruichen felt relieved.

"Jin Ruichen, since you've caught me again, I don't have anything to say. Anyway, I'm used to life in prison, but don't let me have time to come out, otherwise, I will definitely kill you guys." .”

Zhou He knew that although Jin Ruichen looked low-key on weekdays, in fact his relationship network was complicated, but he still didn't expect that he would be found so soon.He always thought that Heihu's place was the safest place, the Three Caves of the Rabbit. After so many years, even the police could not find his exact lair.

Unexpectedly, he still lost.

"Really? Do you think I will send you in again? Since you have the ability to come out early, it means you must have your own way. Do you think I'm stupid enough to send you in again and again? "

Jin Ruichen had long planned not to send him to prison.

Although I have a certain relationship, I still can't always control Zhou Heyi.

"Hehehe Jin Ruichen, why do you always have trouble with me?"

"It's your fault that you can't see yourself clearly, and you messed with people you shouldn't have messed with!"

After saying this, Jin Ruichen stopped talking.

According to the address he mentioned earlier, Yan Qianxun drove the car to a hospital in the suburbs.

"Do you really want to hand this person over here? Will there be any problems?"

The hospital in front of me is not like other hospitals, with people coming and going.As a hospital, it seems a bit too deserted.

"No, it prevents people from running out here. The supervision is very strict, and the dean is my friend, so he will definitely take good care of him. In order to avoid losing face because of him again, the Chen family also agrees with me to do this."

He had already discussed it with Chen Xianping.If Zhou He is put in prison again, he will definitely have to go through judicial procedures, and the circle is so big, and the Chen family will lose face in the end.Chen Xianping has a good face, and it is impossible for him to tolerate such a thing.So for his proposal, Chen Xianping raised his hands in favor of it.

Zhou He's parents had long since passed away, so even if he was imprisoned under a pretext, no one would pay attention.

This is a madhouse.

There are a lot of mentally disturbed people in it.

It is different from the general mental hospital, because there are many people in it, and they are aggressive when they get sick.So the surveillance here is very strict.It is to prevent those people from escaping and hurting others.

Therefore, the hospital was built on the outskirts of the city.

He had spoken to the dean here before he came, so the person was handed over to him quickly.

Although Zhou He is not a very good person, he also knows what it means to be a winner and a loser.After being brought here by Jin Ruichen, he left obediently without saying anything.This makes everyone feel a little strange!
After talking with the dean's friend, Jin Ruichen left without hesitation.

Now, he basically didn't have to worry about Xiang Nan's safety being threatened.As for Zhou He's friends, Lin Jiaze will deal with them, they are not within his jurisdiction.

"Let's go like this?"

Yan Qianxun was dumbfounded, he thought that something earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods would happen!That Zhou He was also really boring. The last time he was caught, he still struggled and said harsh words.This time it turned out to be like a monk in meditation, without saying a word.

Really boring.

"If you want to stay, I don't mind telling him to let you stay for a while."

Yan Qianxun likes to watch the excitement, Jin Ruichen can't understand this.Don't dwell on it with him at all.

"Forget it then!"

He thanked him.

After Zhou He's matter came to an end, it didn't mean it was over.

He didn't forget that besides Heihu's intervention, Bai Bingbing also had a part in this matter.Although I don't know what she did, but it was finally a threat.It was impossible for him to tolerate such a dangerous person beside Xiang Nan.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the company.To his surprise, someone in the company was waiting for him.

"When did Director Fang come? He didn't say anything before he came!"

The visitor is Fang Mingshan.Jin Ruichen probably guessed what his intention was.

"Hehe, Mr. Jin has a lot of personnel, so why bother you all the time? Isn't there something that needs your help?"

He had indeed been waiting in the company for a long time, but he never dared to disturb him.

"Director Fang is joking, what can I do to help you? I don't know anything about filming."

"I heard that Xiang Nan has been discharged from the hospital, and I also contacted her to ask her when she can return to the crew to film. Although I know that it is too much to ask her just after she was discharged from the hospital, this film really cannot be delayed. There are many actors. It’s all due to scheduling issues, so I don’t have much free time in the future. But when I asked her, she said that it needs your approval. So I said”

Fang Mingshan was still a little embarrassed to say it, because he himself felt that such a request was too much.But there is really no way.If it continues to drag on, this drama will really be yellow.

"Director Fang, although Xiang Nan has been discharged from the hospital, his injuries are still not healed. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to go filming now. Let's talk about it after a while!"

After all, he and Fang Mingshan have been friends for so many years, so it's hard for him to speak too directly.I have to say it mildly.

"It doesn't matter. Xiang Nan won't have any big moves in the next scene, it's all normal. It won't affect her body. Moreover, her previous injuries are not serious."

Fang Mingshan's voice became lower and lower under Jin Ruichen's glaring gaze
"You don't need to say it, let me tell you the truth, originally I didn't plan to let Xiang Nan continue filming this movie."

He didn't expect that Fang Mingshan still felt that Xiang Nan's injury was not serious enough, which made him very uncomfortable.

"However, we signed the contract, how could she quit before the filming of the film is finished???"

(End of this chapter)

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