The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 259 Take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter 1

Chapter 259 Take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter 1
"However, we signed the contract, how could she quit before the filming of the film is finished???"

Fang Mingshan was surprised that Jin Ruichen would have such an idea!Said hastily.

"Contract? Fang Mingshan! You have the nerve to tell me what contract. Don't think that I won't know about the idea of ​​you and Bai Bingbing. It's fine if you act obediently. What you should never have done is to indulge that woman. It wasn't someone from the film crew who went in and caused the fire! Or are you really stupid enough to think that the fire is really just a coincidence?"

Fang Mingshan was horrified, not knowing what his words meant.Wasn't the fire, as they said, caused by a short circuit in the wiring?

"Did you really believe the statement that the circuit was short-circuited?"

This statement is just what he wants people to say.Otherwise, if it is said to be artificial, if someone is found to be unfavorable to Xiang Nan, it will also affect her reputation.

"You mean that the fire is related to Bai Bingbing?"

Fang Mingshan swallowed, unable to believe what he heard.He always thought that even though Bai Bingbing was a little clever, he would not do such a life-threatening thing, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"In short, I didn't intend to let Xiang Nan go back to the set, but I will still respect her opinion. If she is willing to go later, I will not stop her, but before her injury heals, yes impossible."

Jin Ruichen is a very principled person, originally he did not allow Xiang Nan to go.But later I felt that I should respect Xiang Nan's opinion and not be able to make decisions for her alone, so I decided to let her make her own choice.Otherwise, she will say that she has no freedom in the future.

He only figured this out recently, but he probably told Xiang Nan before that she was not allowed to go to the set after her injury recovered, so she asked Fang Mingshan to come find him.

After Fang Mingshan got his words, he left directly.As long as Jin Ruichen didn't provoke Xiang Nan in the middle, she wouldn't quit halfway through the filming.

Xiang Nan has always been very dedicated to his work, and he knows this very well.

It's just that he is worried about when Xiang Nan will be able to come back. After all, if it takes too long, it will be very troublesome. One is that the time of other artists is not suitable, and the other is that the salaries of these staff are also a big expense. .

In the evening, Jin Ruichen didn't go back directly, but went to Bai Bingbing's place.

"What are you here for?"

Yan Qianxun put out the cigarette in his hand, looked at the two people in the distance, a little bored.The two of them have been chatting for a while, and they don't know what to talk about.

Bai Bingbing's voice was a little cold, and he looked indifferent.

"What benefits did Zhou He give you?"

Jin Ruichen still feels a little pity, how can I say, she was with him for a while before, although the two get what they need, and he doesn't love her, but seeing her going astray now, I still feel a little puzzled.

If Bai Bingbing had been concentrating on her career properly, she would not be just like she is now.

Bai Bingbing's heart sank. She always knew that Jin Ruichen was very powerful, but she never thought that she just brought those two people into the crew, and he would find out so quickly.Sure enough, he paralyzed himself and said that he couldn't find out, he was just deceiving himself.

"I didn't give any benefits! Those two people are my new interview assistants, and I brought them into the crew for the first time. How do I know they would do such a thing?"

"Really? Since you don't know what they will do, then why do you mean which thing I mean? You are a guilty conscience, Bai Bingbing."

Jin Ruichen exposed her lie without mercy.This kind of lie full of loopholes was vulnerable to him.

Bai Bingbing was silent, and said after a long while: "Jin Ruichen, haven't you already convicted me? No matter what my purpose was or what consequences I caused, you never planned to let me go from the beginning. You Now why do you come here and ask me what benefits I have gained?"

Her face was ashen, knowing that her career might come to an end just like this.

Jin Ruichen is very defensive, he already has the idea of ​​harming Xiangnan, and has already caused some substantial Shanghai, he will not let himself go.

She knew this very well from the time Zhou He approached her.

Once the Dongchuang incident happened, no matter how much she quibbled, Jin Ruichen would never let her go.

If it weren't for Zhou He threatening her life, she might not have agreed.

Glancing at Bai Bingbing, Jin Ruichen pursed his lips and said, "You are right, I have indeed convicted you a long time ago, anyone who tries to hurt Xiang Nan, I will not allow them to stay by her side , This time I came here just to give you a warning, I don't want to embarrass you too much. You can announce your withdrawal from the entertainment circle yourself. Otherwise, I will have to force you to leave. "

He didn't want to cause some scandal to make her leave, because the relationship between her and Xiang Nan has always been considered by everyone to be at odds.He is unwilling to do anything that can give Xiang Nan a bad reputation.

So the best thing is that Bai Bingbing announced his withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

If you quit this circle forever, there will be no impact.

"If you quit now, you still have a good reputation, and maybe you can find a good man to marry. Otherwise, if some bad news comes out, maybe you won't even be able to marry. Think about it yourself Come on, I'll give you a week!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Ruichen left without hesitation.

After Yan Qianxun sent him downstairs, he left directly.I don't even want to go upstairs.

When he came back, Xiang's mother was preparing dinner. His mother was very good today and didn't try to help in the kitchen anymore.Obediently watch TV with Xiang Nan.

Looking at the harmonious appearance in the house, he also felt a sense of peace and happiness in his heart.

"It's just right for you to come back, and you're almost ready to eat."

Take out the fried dishes to my mother and set them up.Ready to start eating.

"Aren't you busy today? I came back so early."

He was injured and rested for a while, Xiang Nan thought he would come back very late today.I didn't expect to come back at the same time as usual.

"Fortunately, many things have been dealt with before. There is nothing particularly important to deal with urgently."

He didn't tell her what he did today, because he was afraid that the two elders would worry.

His mother was better, and she might be exposed to such things in normal times, but Xiang Nan's mother was different, her life was always simple, and she never thought that someone would really want to kill others.

(End of this chapter)

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