The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 267 William's Wife 2

Chapter 267 William's Wife 2
"Is she your wife???"

Gu Yang and Xiang Nan called out at the same time!It frightened William, who was drinking, and everyone present.

"What's it called! She's not my wife, so could it be your wife?"

After clearing his deafened ears, William was very dissatisfied.It was already depressing enough, but it turned out that Gu Yang was still pouring salt on his wounds.

"You bastard, kill a thousand swords, I will hack you to death!"

Gu Yang was so excited that he wanted to pinch his neck.Fortunately, it was stopped by Xiangnan.

They both know the person on the phone.We watched movies and drank wine together two days ago.

That person is Qian Duoduo.

Even Gu Yang and Xiang Nan couldn't imagine that the shameless ex-husband Qian Duoduo said was actually William.It was even more unexpected that the two got married again, and Qian Duoduo kept it from them even though he knew they were going to film.

What a good girlfriend.He didn't even tell the truth.

William looked at Gu Yang blankly.I don't know where his wife stimulated excited.

"Have you always loved me? So I was stimulated by my wife, can't accept it?"

He felt that his head was dizzy from drinking.Even this reason can be thought of.

"I love you, ghost. Let me tell you, this woman is my friend!!! You are honest, clear, and explain your things to me in every detail!!! Don't make it clear, My old lady will kill you today!"

Gu Yang was fully fired.It was a bombardment at him.

William was dumbfounded.

He never imagined that the world would be so small, and a wife he just met would be Gu Yang's friend.

However, he also understood why Qian Duoduo was so weird.Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. A wonderful friend is also a wonderful one.A person who can mix with Gu Yang, who is so uncertain, will not have such a lofty personality.

He had forgotten that he was also a person who often hang out with Gu Yang.

Under Gu Yang's strong coercion.William briefly talked about himself and Qian Duoduo.The more I talked, the more depressed I became.

He had never met such a stubborn woman as Qian Duoduo.Meeting her can really save ten years of life.

"That is to say, Qian Duoduo's son is also your son??? Your son is already that big now??? I thought your son was still in my stomach!"

Gu Yang looked at him with a look of contempt.

William, who was already depressed, became even more gloomy.

Xiang Nan pulled Gu Yang's clothes, telling her to talk less.


William replied lazily, not wanting to respond to her too much.

"Tsk tsk tsk, are you sure that child is yours? I don't think it looks like a mixed race. Black eyes and black hair. Except for the white spots on the skin, I really can't find anything like you."

As a professional repairer, Gu Yang enjoyed the pleasure of making up two more cuts on his wound.

"Of course I'm sure it's my son. Am I stupid enough to mistake my son?"

The son's age is about the same as the time he counted, and it is obviously his son.

"That's not necessarily true, you're so stupid."

William turned his face away and stopped talking to Gu Yang.Both she and Qian Duoduo were sent by God to kill him.Both of them felt reconciled if they didn't piss him off.

William's vision and high, invited actors are all extremely professional actors.Nothing to say about acting skills.Shooting went well for the most part.Occasionally, however, he would reshoot over and over again because he couldn't achieve the effect he wanted.He even lost his temper!

But in Gu Yang's eyes, he is a paper tiger.Not afraid of him at all.Even when he gets angry.Dare to pluck hair from tigers.

Every time he was kicked angrily by Gu Yang.

But it was also because of Gu Yang's presence that he added a little smile to the dull crew.

For each of William's films, in order to ensure absolute secrecy, during the production period, he was basically not allowed to disclose any filming information to the outside world on the Internet.So Gu Yang has not been online for a long time.Just give Chen Ziran a call every day.

Because of the jet lag and he was very busy, the two of them couldn't talk for a long time every time they called.

She had only been on the set for a month, and she had already started to miss him.

Because of this incident, Gu Yang was teased by William many times.

The shooting time was longer than Gu Yang imagined. This year's heavy snow came very early. Due to the weather, the shooting was interrupted for a while.Fortunately, because everyone is very dedicated, the filming was finished within three months.

Gu Yang originally wanted to encourage William to go back together, but because he had to do a lot of later things, Gu Yang and Xiang Nan went back together in the end.

When we got back to the airport, it was already midnight.

Chen Ziran's phone has been busy.So Gu Yang was sent back by Jin Ruichen in the end.

The house is very deserted.Chen Ziran was not at home either.Not even leo was there.Gu Yang thought he was on a temporary business trip today, so he took Leo home.I didn't think too much about it.

After Gu Yang got over the jet lag, it was already the third day since he came back.In the past few days, she has been in a daze, and she didn't call him.It was only when she finally woke up that she realized that he hadn't gone on a business trip at all.

Two days before returning to China, you even called and said you would come to pick her up?
With a piece of bread in his mouth.While making a phone call, Gu Yang put the clothes into the washing machine to wash.

"Where are you?"

"Company! Are you back?"

"Well, I've been back for two days. You've been in City C?"

Hearing that he was in the company, Gu Yang stopped what he was doing.

"Well, I've been living in the old house for the past two days. So I haven't come back. Are you coming to the company later?"

I heard her say she's back.Chen Ziran also choked.Silently rubbing his temples with his hands, he felt tired for a while.

"No. It should be very busy these two days, and I will come in the afternoon if I want to come! I will come to you then."

Chen Ziran was silent for a while, Gu Yang didn't know if he was busy, so he hung up the phone quickly.

She originally planned to go to the company today, but just now she suddenly remembered that when she came back, she also bought a lot of things for his parents from France.So prepare to deliver things to them by yourself later.

I was planning to go back with him before.But I don't want to do that right now.Because she subconsciously felt that Chen Ziran was hiding something from her, so she wanted to find out by herself.

She wanted to see what was going on, let him know that he was coming back, so it was fine if he didn't pick her up, and he didn't even have time to go home to see her.He even looked dazed, as if he didn't know that she had returned.

(End of this chapter)

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