The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 268 Entering the House 1

Chapter 268 Entering the House 1
Gu Yang feels that there is really no need to be too serious about some things.

For example, Chen Ziran would always tell him what Chen Ziran was hiding from her, so why did he have to find the answer by himself?
Too serious, but will make myself vomit blood.

Due to some special circumstances, Gu Yang did not drive there by himself, but found a taxi to take her there.

When they arrived at the Chen family's old house, the old man who was guarding the gate was surprised when he saw her coming, he put the car inside quickly, and called the inside to notify her.

Gu Yang looked at the people in front of him, and felt that he had a convulsion today, so he thought of coming alone.

She really didn't know why Yin Luo was in a wheelchair.But seeing her appearing in this house with a happy face, she was already very unhappy.

Some time ago, when she was in France, she read the news that the Yin family had officially declared bankruptcy.She didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

When she was abroad, she rarely watched domestic news, so she really missed a lot of wonderful news.

For example, the news that Yin Luo, who was in the wheelchair in front of him, was seriously injured in a car accident to save his ex-lover.

She sort of knew why Chen Ziran was vaguely avoiding herself, and didn't dare to speak out if she had something to hide from her.If she had known earlier that Yin Luo was almost paralyzed because he saved him, and now he is living in his house, a woman would probably go crazy.

Yin Luo looked at Gu Yang and smiled slightly: "Gu Yang, are you back?"

Gu Yang looked at her, pursed his lips and remained silent.But I kept complaining in my heart: This is not your home, why do you act like you are the hostess?

Looking at Gu Yang, Yin Luo felt calmer than ever before.

She was already prepared to give up Chen Ziran and stay away from this sad city.Unexpectedly, he was saved by accident.What was even more unexpected was that she was almost paralyzed because of this.

The Yin family has fallen, and her father has also sold the property and moved to the next city, trying to make a comeback.The Chen family thought she was kind, and it was not appropriate to move around, so they took her back to take care of her.

Chen Ziran was also very guilty, and moved back under Zeng Yi's persecution.

During this extremely happy time for her, she almost forgot the existence of Gu Yang.

"Yeah, I'm back, so you who have occupied the magpie's nest, shouldn't you leave?"

Gu Yang didn't care if she was in a wheelchair or not, and said very bluntly.

"Gu Yang, what are you talking about? Yin Luo saved Ziran before, how can you drive her away? Her feet are not healed yet, where can a girl go?"

Zeng Yi received the call, and after coming out of the room, he just heard what Gu Yang said.

Gu Yang slowly understood what Yin Luo had told her.

"Yin Luo, I am very grateful to you for saving Chen Ziran, but I hope you can understand that even if you die because of saving him, you still can't force his feelings. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Even if you live in I still don’t like it! You’re injured and live here, I’m OK! Nothing to say, I don’t want to see you, I just don’t come. But don’t act like you sacrificed a leg to be the hostess, let me watch nausea!"

Gu Yang is straightforward and always says what he has to say.

It's only been three months, and the whole world has been turned upside down.

Yin Luo, who was hated at first, actually moved in directly. Zeng Yi, who had started to have a good impression of her, was looking at her with disapproval.

She felt that was enough.I'm going to be driven crazy by this woman, Yin Luo.

Yin Luo is worthy of being a popular actor before.Hearing Gu Yang say this, he looked very hurt, and said: "I never thought that I would be with Chen Ziran. I'm sorry for you, and I won't steal anything from you again. But I really don't care about anything now. I can't go, please let me heal my wounds here, don't drive me away, okay?"

When Zeng Yi heard her say that, his heart ached.He looked at Gu Yang even more reproachfully.

She was the one who watched Yin Luo grow up.Very kind!After knowing what happened before, she was also very sad.I couldn't believe it, but there was nothing I could do. Reason told her that she couldn't get close to Yin Luo anymore.Unexpectedly, she saved her son this time regardless of her own life.

The previously vacillating heart completely turned to her again, and regardless of the objections of the family, he insisted on taking her back.

Gu Yang thought it was really ridiculous.I was once again impressed by her ability to turn black and white.

Why did she hear this sentence as if she was chasing someone away?Why did she feel that she was described as an unloving, ungrateful, shrewd woman?
"It's up to you, live however you like! Live as long as you want! It's none of my business? This is not my home."

Gu Yang's mood has been very unstable recently.Like a firecracker, it explodes at one point.How could she tolerate such a provocation from her?Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

Fortunately, she didn't plan to stay for long at the beginning, so she asked the taxi to wait.

After getting in the car, Gu Yang angrily threw all the gifts he brought out of the window, regardless of Zeng Yi's persuasion.Just left.

It would be a ghost if she would stay and be a doormat.

Before Yin Luo left, she would never come back here! ! !


Gu Yang was angry.I don't want to go home, and I don't want to go to the company.All of a sudden, he ran to Qian Duoduo's house and dragged her out.By the way, Xiang Nan was called out together.

Originally, she said that she wanted to tease Qian Duoduo when she came back, but now she is not in the mood at all.

She is in a state of desperation now, so she has no mood to tease her.

"Well, didn't you guys know about this news before? There was a lot of commotion. Some people who hated her before started to support her because of her selflessness. They even called on your man to be with her!"

Qian Duoduo looked surprised.

At that time, she wanted to call Gu Yang to talk about it.But she thought that the news was so explosive, she should have known about it a long time ago.So I didn't say anything.

How did she know that she didn't know at all.

"No one told me, how would I know?"

Sullenly, he wanted to reach for the wine to drink, but was stopped by Xiang Nan.Gu Yang drank a big mouthful of fruit juice angrily.

The most important reason why she was angry was not because of Yin Luo, but because, as the person involved, as her boyfriend, she didn't tell her what had happened.Let her run away like a fool today and get angry.

"Then I don't know. Let me tell you, the most important thing in this matter is your boyfriend's attitude. If he is unwavering, it doesn't matter if he lets that woman live in him. Anyway, he was almost paralyzed, but not really paralyzed." .It will be fine after all. Just let her go."

(End of this chapter)

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