Chapter 3 Lost
I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it. It turns out that the job competition is so big now.

A planning manager, in just two days, had as many as 500 people submit their resumes.

But after sorting out the resumes, I found that a large number of people did not meet the recruitment requirements at all, and there were even people who had just graduated from school and had no social experience even though they had a high degree of education.

People nowadays, are you too inattentive to submit your resume?Gu Yang dared to bet that one-third of the people had no idea what the job was about.

After filtering and screening one by one, and notifying the people who I think are suitable one by one, it's time to get off work.

"Gu Yang, you haven't finished yet?"

Sun Xiaomei packed her bag slowly, looking at Gu Yang at the next table who was still buried in his fight.

"Well, you go first. I still have some work to do."

She is now preparing what she will need for tomorrow's interview.Avoid temporary incidents tomorrow, causing panic.

Moreover, she doesn't want to leave now.

If you fill your life with work, you won't have time to think about it.

That's good!
"Then, goodbye!"

Sun Xiaomei said goodbye to her regretfully.

Originally, there was a new Korean barbecue restaurant near her home, and it had a very good reputation.She originally wanted to ask Gu Yang to go with her, but since she had to work overtime now, she had no choice but to go home and find his dear boyfriend to accompany her.

The delicious food was in front of her eyes, and she didn't want to wait for a day.

All the colleagues left slowly, because winter is coming soon, so it gets dark very early.

It was less than seven o'clock, and the lights were already on outside.

The lights on the 23rd floor were still on, and only Gu Yang was working overtime on the entire floor.

Chen Ziran had already left, but when he got home, he found that he forgot to take an important contract.As a last resort, I had to go back to the company to get the documents.

Because he was about to leave after taking the documents, Chen Ziran did not park the car in the underground garage.Instead, he drove directly downstairs, handed over the key to the security guard, and asked him to park the car.

When he got off the car, he subconsciously looked up at the entire DC building, and unexpectedly found that the lights on one floor were still on.

Returning to the office and taking the documents, I was about to leave directly, but then I remembered the floor where the lights were still on.Like a ghost, he pressed the elevator on the 22nd floor.

Gu Yang was halfway through, went to tea and got a glass of water and came back, only to find someone standing beside the desk.

When she got closer, she realized who it was.


Gu Yang couldn't believe it.Today I dodged thousands of times, but I still didn't dodge him.

"Why aren't you off work yet?"

As if seeing her for the first time, Chen Ziran asked her in the tone of a boss treating a subordinate.

Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't stop the Nanguo in his heart.

Even though it has been six years since we broke up, I still feel flustered when I look at him.But he looked like he could forget himself a long time ago. Whoever he was, he would feel uncomfortable, right?
It's like, you've been obsessed with something for many years, you can't eat or sleep well because of it, and then you find out that it's just that.My heart is extremely lost.

Gu Yang thought: If it can be predicted, then she will definitely not choose to work overtime today, even if she will be very busy tomorrow, she will not want to!

(End of this chapter)

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