Chapter 4
"I want to finish my work before leaving!"

Since he seems to have forgotten himself, then she will definitely not be coy and heartbroken.

A subordinate facing his boss is compared to an ex-girlfriend facing his ex-boyfriend.Any fool knows that the former is much easier to solve.

"The company is understaffed?"

He has just taken over the company, and he doesn't know much about the structure of many departments.

"No!" Gu Yang hurriedly explained: "There are enough personnel."

She is from the personnel department, so how can there be insufficient personnel?

"Oh? Since there are enough staff, why do you work overtime so late? I have enough reasons to suspect that there is a problem with your own working ability or method."

The company hasn't received any big orders recently, so it's not likely to make people work overtime so late.

What's more, if he remembered correctly, this place should belong to the personnel department.He really doubted that the personnel department had any overtime.

fuck your sister! ! !

Gu Yang cursed in his heart.What does it mean that there is a problem with her working ability or method? ? ?Is it a mistake to work hard on your own?

Why didn't I find him so annoying before?

"Because the manager of the planning department is in urgent need of someone, I'm afraid there won't be enough time tomorrow, so I'm preparing materials in advance."

Although [-] mud horses roared past in his heart, Gu Yang still had a fake smile on his face.He gritted his teeth and explained to him that the reason for working overtime was definitely not because of ability.

She didn't want to be dismissed by him first instead of taking the initiative to back down and resign.

How embarrassing is that?
"Have you finished?"

The planning department is in great need of manpower recently, and Chen Ziran expressed his understanding.

"Well, it's ready. I'm about to turn off the computer after drinking water."

Smile, smile, smile.

Apart from smiling, Gu Yang didn't know what expression he should use to face him.

"Then you pack up quickly? I'll take you back by the way."

Send her back? ? ?The SOS alarm sounded in Gu Yang's heart.

"President, no need. I'll just go back by myself, so I don't need to trouble you."

Although he looked like he had forgotten himself, Gu Yang still didn't dare to let him send him back.Who knows if he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Every woman hopes that after breaking up, her ex-boyfriend will still miss her.Gu Yang is also a woman, so of course she is not exempt.So she intuitively thought that Chen Ziran was out of good intentions.

"You work overtime for the company. As the leader of the company, it is right to give you a ride."

Chen Ziran watched her dilly-dally pack her things and turn off the computer.I'm not in any hurry.

Gu Yang knew that he couldn't refuse.He is such a persistent person, and he must do what he has determined.

How come I still remember his character so clearly after not seeing him for so many years? ? ?Gu Yang scolded himself for being worthless in his heart.

Unable to dawdle any longer, Gu Yang casually picked up his bag and left with him.

When walking into the elevator, Gu Yang subconsciously pressed the elevator button, but accidentally touched the hand that he also reached out to.

With an electric shock, he retracted his hand.Look at the crack in the door in front of you.Did not speak.

Chen Ziran pressed the elevator as if nothing had happened, stood behind Gu Yang, looked at the back of Gu Yang's head exuding frustration, and wanted to whistle in a happy mood.

In the narrow elevator room, no one spoke.

Have their own minds!

(End of this chapter)

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