Chapter 30 I'm Sorry

The two were at loggerheads with each other.He blushed.

Chen Ziran finally agreed, although he might regret pushing Gu Yang to his side in the future.However, he also wants to see a Gu Yang who does what he likes to do.Instead of working for work's sake like now, a soulless Gu Yang.

Gu Yang likes designing, he has always known it.

And letting her do what she wants in her own company is a bit romantic when you think about it.

What he was upset about was always just Lu Jun.If someone else came to ask for someone today, he would readily agree.

However, obviously, when the two reached a consensus here, they did not consider the opinions of the parties at all.So when Lin Lin gave the watch to Gu Yang.Gu Yang ran away immediately.

"I disagree!!!"

Gu Yang threw the transfer watch on the table, and looked at the person in front of him furiously, with a firm attitude.

". This is what Lu Jun requested. It is a waste of talent and waste of money to say that I let you stay in the personnel department. There is nothing I can do about it."

He was still very surprised that Gu Yang would rush directly to find him.

".I don't think I'm a waste of talents in the personnel department. Gold shines everywhere. I've been doing a good job in this department. I don't know anything about the planning department."

In fact, she had already approached Lin Lin before, but Lin Lin said that this was an order directly from the president, and she had no way to change it.So she had no choice but to run up to him.

Moreover, Lin Lin also said very euphemistically: There are more "money opportunities" in the planning department than in the personnel department!
But what does this have to do with Gu Yang?She just doesn't want to go to the planning department.

"You won't be able to learn, I believe Lu Jun will lead you well."

Although Lu Jun has only been here for about half a month, and they still have a relationship of 'love rivals'.But his ability to work has to be said to be really good.Saved him a lot of worry.No wonder his dad strongly recommended him before.

"I can't even learn!!!" Gu Yang was a little unreasonable.

"." Chen Ziran looked at Gu Yang dumbfounded, but there was a tinge of joy in his heart, knowing this was considered acting like a baby in disguise.

However, Gu Yang's next sentence poured cold water on him.

"I don't like planning because I don't like designing things." Gu Yang bit his lip, his face turned pale.

Chen Ziran seemed to have been beaten with a sap, and after a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Gu Yang, no matter what, I think this is your chance. We all know whether you like design or not, you just can't pass it. That's all for yourself."

Gu Yang is silent, is it not just that she can't pass her test?
"I'll give you one day to think about it. You tell me tomorrow if you want to be transferred. If you still don't want to, no one will ask you to be transferred to the planning department in the future."

Gu Yang was taken aback by his sudden tenderness and indulgence.Somewhat overwhelmed.

Na Na said loudly and went out, just when he reached the door, he was stopped by him.

"Gu Yang!"

Gu Yang who was opening the door looked up at him.

"For the previous incident, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

The eyes are gentle, as if they are about to drip water.

Gu Yang was startled, and then fled in despair.

Although he didn't say it, Gu Yang knew what he was talking about.

That incident was her eternal nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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