Chapter 31 Gentleness 1
His indulgence reminded Gu Yang of something even more distant.

That was a month after they came back from Outward Bound.

In fact, after returning from the outreach training, the two met several times at school, but they both tried to detour because of their previous bad impressions.

The later intersection of the two was because of a sudden heavy rain.

Because he is only a freshman, Gu Yang's schoolwork is not heavy, so he often takes advantage of weekends to do some part-time jobs outside.

There is a cake shop two streets away from the school.Gu Yang usually works part-time here.Normally, after six o'clock in the afternoon, she would leave, but today she couldn't leave because of the rare torrential rain in winter.

When I went out tomorrow morning, I checked the weather forecast, but it didn't say it was going to rain.So Gu Yang didn't bring an umbrella.

Because it was raining and there were almost no customers, the store manager made two cups of coffee, and the two of them sat by the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the people running in embarrassment outside the window.Because of the rain, it is really a veritable 'traffic rush'.

In winter, the night came quickly, it was a bit late, coupled with the gloomy apocalypse, so the street lights were turned on at only 06:30.

After sitting for another half an hour, the time had turned to seven o'clock, and the rain showed no signs of slowing down.

Gu Yang thought, in another half an hour, if the rain doesn't stop, just run back in the drenching.


The doll hanging by the door made a sound when it sensed someone coming in.The owner ran to greet the guests.Only Gu Yang was left sitting there watching the lights of Wanjia.

Because he heard the guest's voice sound familiar, Gu Yang looked up curiously at the person, and at that moment, his eyes lit up.It felt like God still loved her.Hear the call of her heart.


Gu Yang jumped out suddenly and patted his shoulder, making Chen Ziran jump.Seeing that it was Gu Yang, he couldn't help turning dark.It feels like she is really... haunted.

He didn't want to talk to her and wanted to leave directly, but Gu Yang grabbed his cuffs.

"Senior." Gu Yang tried hard to squeeze out two tears, looking at him pitifully: "Can you send me back to school?"

Chen Ziran looked at Gu Yang, who only reached his shoulder, looked at him from bottom to top, with pitiful eyes, like an abandoned puppy, and agreed as if by accident.

Two people who don't like each other are holding an umbrella together in the rainstorm. The scene, no matter how you look at it, is a bit shocking.

Because Chen Ziran is too tall, the umbrella is really far away from the top of Gu Yang's head.When the windbreaker blows, the rain will inevitably wet the clothes.Chen Ziran continued to walk forward as if he didn't see it.

Cold-blooded, heartless, heartless Gu Yang scolded Chen Ziran from top to bottom in his heart.

"Woo~~~woo~~~woo~~~woo~~~~~~~~~~~~" There was a weak moan in the grass by the roadside.

"Hey" Gu Yang wanted to speak out, but was interrupted by Chen Ziran.

"If you still want to hold an umbrella, don't worry about it!!!" Chen Ziran sensed her intention and stopped her with a vicious voice.

"Woo~~~~~~~~~Woo~~~~~~~~" The poor voice continued.

Gu Yang turned his head step by step, looking worriedly at the bushes.The call is already so weak, if it is left alone, maybe it will not be able to survive this cold rainy night.

(End of this chapter)

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