The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 76 The Hero Saves the Beauty 1

Chapter 76 The Hero Saves the Beauty 1
Xiang Nan fell asleep in Jin Ruichen's arms.

In her dream, she dreamed of the first time she saw Jin Ruichen.

When I met Jin Ruichen for the first time, she was already well-known in the domestic modeling circle.But it's just getting ready to enter the entertainment circle.

Because there was a senior who took her with her before, saying that she wanted to help her establish a good relationship.So, Xiangnan followed her to the prosperous world at night.

"Sister Lin, isn't it good to dress like this?"

Xiang Nan looked nervously at the exposed clothes on his body.It really doesn't feel right.

If it weren't for the hem of the skirt, it still reached the knee.That's not really a dress at all.At most, it's just a bigger piece of cloth.Although Xiang Nan was born as a model, she has never worn such revealing clothes outside the catwalk.

"What's wrong? You have such a good figure, if you don't wear it like this, how will those investors know if it's worth it???"

Chen Zilin was touching up makeup on the mirror.Said nonchalantly.Nothing felt wrong at all.

"Okay, okay, don't be shy anymore. Go out, those big bosses should wait anxiously."

Xiang Nan felt that something was wrong, so she dragged her out.

Tonight are all middle-aged men.As soon as she entered, those people stared at her chest. She felt very uncomfortable, so she kept covering her chest with her hands.And sat in a relatively far place.

As soon as Chen Zilin came in, she quickly mingled with these people.Roll the dice over there and drink.Xiang Nan could not get used to such an atmosphere.Frowning, he tried his best to resist the desire to rush out.

"Miss, why don't you play with them?" A man suddenly got behind Xiang Nan and approached her.The breath he exhaled sprayed on Xiangnan's back, causing a burst of nausea.

"No, I don't know how to play that, I just sing. Just sing"

Xiang Nan wanted to avoid him, but because he was sitting in the corner, it was difficult to get out now that he was blocking him.She had never encountered such a situation before, and she wanted to cry anxiously.

"Then I'll accompany you."

As he said that, he was going to get the microphone in Xiang Nan's hand, but by coincidence, he just held her hand with his hand.

Xiang Nan was startled, and wanted to break free but couldn't.Stand up suddenly and take a step back.Push him away hard.

The commotion on this side caused a group of people playing dice on the other side.A group of men and women all stared at Xiang Nan at a loss.

"Xiao Lin, your friend is not mean enough. You don't play dice, and you don't agree to sing with me. It's too dishonest."

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, please calm down. My sister has just entered the industry, and she doesn't know the rules yet. Let me talk to her, you play first."

Chen Zilin knew at a glance that it was Xiang Nan who didn't show face and offended him, so she hurried over to ease the atmosphere.He just fooled that middle-aged Mr. Zhou aside.

Xiang Nan wrung his fingers and stood aside with his head bowed.Ignore their confusion at all.

"Xiang Nan, what are you doing? Do you know who that was just now? If you offend him, you will never want to enter the entertainment industry for the rest of your life."

Chen Zilin pulled her out angrily.Of these people today, which one of them did she not carefully offer?I am afraid that I will offend someone and ruin my career.Fortunately, she offended someone within half an hour of sitting down.

She brought him here, so Mr. Chen can't blame everything on her?
(End of this chapter)

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